Volume 33 Issue 3
Jun 2019
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YU Yin, LI Yuanyuan, HE Hongliang, WANG Wenqiang. Mesoscale Lattice Model for Dynamic Fracture of Brittle Materials[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(3): 030106. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190707
Citation: YU Yin, LI Yuanyuan, HE Hongliang, WANG Wenqiang. Mesoscale Lattice Model for Dynamic Fracture of Brittle Materials[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(3): 030106. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190707

Mesoscale Lattice Model for Dynamic Fracture of Brittle Materials

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190707
  • Received Date: 10 Jan 2019
  • Rev Recd Date: 25 Mar 2019
  • Issue Publish Date: 25 Aug 2019
  • Rapid crack propagation and catastrophic fragmentation frequently occur in brittle materials, such as rocks, ceramics, glass and solid explosives, under intense dynamic loading imposed by the explosion and impact. Understanding the correlation between the evolution of mesoscopic crack network and the macroscopic dynamic response plays a key role to improve the reliability and the safety of brittle materials, while it still poses a great challenge to such modeling and simulation. In order to overcome the algorithm difficulties caused by complex processes, such as the random initiation of crack network, the extrusion and friction of crack surfaces, and the staggered propagation of a large number of cracks in brittle materials subjected to explosion and impact loading, the lattice model, one of meshfree methods, has received sustained attention and considerable development. In this paper, we introduce the theory and implement of the lattice model and its representative results on brittle fracture research. Its shortcomings and the direction of improvement have also been discussed.


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