2013 Vol. 27, No. 5

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Development of Large Volume-High Static Pressure Techniques Based on the Hinge-Type Cubic Presses
WANG Hai-Kuo, HE Duan-Wei, XU Chao, GUAN Jun-Wei, WANG Wen-Dan, KOU Zi-Li, PENG Fang
2013, 27(5): 633-661. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.001
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The large volume press (LVP) becomes more and more popular with the scientific and technological workers in the high pressure area, because it could generate relatively higher pressure, provide better hydrostatic pressure and could be utilized in conjunction with in situ X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and ultrasonic measurement. There have been generally two LVP techniques to generate high-pressure: the double-anvil apparatus and the multi-anvil apparatus (MAA). Hinge-type cubic presses, as the main apparatus in china, have been widely used in the fields of both scientific research and diamond industry. However, for a long time past, the maximum pressure using the conventional one-stage anvil system for hinge-type cubic press is about 6 GPa, and the techniques about two-stage apparatus (octahedral press) that could generate pressure exceed 20 GPa is blank in our country. To a certain extent, the backwardness of the LVP technology in china restricts the development of high pressure science and related subjects. In recent years, we designed two kinds of one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus based on hinge-type cubic-anvil press, the one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus using cemented carbide as anvils could generate pressures up to about 9 GPa and 20 GPa respectively. This article mainly reviews the mechanics structure, design of cell assembly, pressure and temperature calibration, design and preparation of the sintered diamond anvils and pressure calibration to 35 GPa using sintered diamond as two-stage anvils about the one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus designed in our laboratory.
Dynamic Responses of Alumina Microvoid Ceramics with High Porosity under Combined Pressure and Shear Impact Loading
XU Song-Lin, LIU Yong-Gui, WANG Dao-Rong, TAN Zi-Han, Zheng Hang
2013, 27(5): 662-670. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.002
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Based on one-stage light gas gun, series of experiments including oblique planar impact with inclination angles of 0~15 and impact velocity ranging from 68 to 201 m/s were carried out to investigate the responses of alumina microvoid ceramics with high porosity subjected to impact loading. Experimental results show that since the diameter of microvoid in sample is smaller than 5 m, the process of sample compression is gradually and evenly developed, and there is no porous collapse observed. The dynamic shear behaviors are similar to those of brittle materials. Based on the Hoek-Brown criteria and Cap-model, the dynamic model for the failure surface and the double yield surfaces of porous brittle materials was built. Based on the experimental data of compression and shear combined impact loading, the preliminary analyses were carried out and the results show the applicability of the model.
Numerical Simulation of Al Sphere Fragmentation under High-Velocity Normal Impacting Aluminum Mesh Bumper
GUAN Gong-Shun, NIU Rui-Tao, PANG Bao-Jun
2013, 27(5): 671-676. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.003
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Numerical simulation of aluminum sphere projectile high-velocity impacting aluminum mesh bumper was conducted with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) arithmetic of LS-DYNA. The relationship between the debris clouds characteristic of projectile and the impact position on aluminum mesh bumper was studied. The effect on fragmentation of projectile from different combination mode of aluminum mesh bumper was analyzed. The results indicated that the debris clouds configuration from aluminum sphere projectile impacting aluminum mesh bumper was different with the different impact position on aluminum mesh bumper. The debris clouds as palpus was found in the front of projectile debris clouds. Some local kinetic energy concentrated appeared in the debris clouds. When a wire across point position was impacted, projectile debris clouds expand to form film configuration, and debris clouds distribution was more uniform. When aluminum mesh bumper was combined with interleaving mode, projectile debris clouds had more diffuse area and less residual kinetic energy. Aluminum mesh bumper combined with interleaving mode was helpful in enhancing the protection performance of shields.
Research on Model Parameters of Bullet Penetrating Gelatin
LIU Kun, WU Zhi-Lin, XU Wan-He, MO Gen-Lin
2013, 27(5): 677-684. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.004
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Based on the 2-D motion model of bullet penetrating gelatin, a function of the drag coefficient, the lift coefficient, the roll moment coefficient and the yaw damping torque coefficient derivative which is related to the bullet shape is established. Based on the 7.62 mm bullet, five kinds of bullets were designed for the penetrating experiment by changing the caliber of ogive, the ratio of tail contraction and the length-diameter ratio of cylinder. The model was calculated based on the Runge-Kutta method and the calculation is compared with the experiment. The result shows that these four coefficients can describe the effect of the bullet shape on the motion. It will provide theoretical bases for the ammunition design.
Study on Laws of Explosive Driven Behaviors of Aimed Warhead
GENG Di, MA Tian-Bao, NING Jian-Guo
2013, 27(5): 685-690. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.005
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The present numerical study is to investigate the explosive driven behaviors to the flight velocity and flight area of all the fragments of evolvable aimed warhead, and the propagating style of the detonation wave of the three-dimensional model. The results of numerical simulation demonstrate that the dual initiation that one eighth to the end of the axis has the best effect of the five initiation positions. Under the effect of the spherical explosive wave, the directional dispersion of the fragment of the three-dimensional model can be controlled well. The rationality of the numerical simulation was verified by the explosion experiments.
Dynamic Processes of Detonation Waves Propagating through a 60 Smooth Pipe Bend
LI Jian, ZHAO Hui, NING Jian-Guo
2013, 27(5): 691-698. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.006
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Implicit-explicit additive Runge-Kutta (ARK) methods and 5-th order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes are employed to simulate on cellular detonation wave propagating through a smooth pipe bend with a 60 bending angle. A detailed elementary chemical reaction model comprised of 9 species and 48 elementary reactions is implemented with a stoichiometric H2-O2 mixture diluted with argon. The numerical results show that in the bend, diffraction near the inner wall causes the pressure decrease resulting in both the growth of detonation cell size and detonation failure, but near the outer wall detonation reflection diminishes the cell size. A transition length of about 0.45 m long exists before the detonation regains its regularity after leaving the bend. There are two different modes of reflection due to different turning angles. The transverse detonation waves evolve into a detonation owing to continuous compression by other transverse waves running after at the end of the bend.
Effect of Face Sheet Thickness on Dynamic Response of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panels under Blast Loading
ZHANG Pei-Wen, LI Xin, WANG Zhi-Hua, YAN Qing-Rong
2013, 27(5): 699-703. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.007
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Dynamic response of aluminum foam sandwich panel under blast loading was simulated by LS-DYNA3D. Influence of core and face sheets thicknesses of aluminum foam sandwich panels on the deformation and energy absorption was investigated. The core layer compression, the center deflection of the back panel, the energy absorption of core layer and the back panel were obtained. The simulated results can be used to optimize the design of sandwich panels in engineering application.
Dynamic Buckling of Underground Flat-Closure Cylindrical Shells under Explosion Loads
JI Chong, ZHANG Chuan, LONG Yuan, XIE Xing-Bo, LIU Qiang
2013, 27(5): 704-710. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.008
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Investigation of dynamic response of the underground oil storage facility subjected to explosion loads is an important problem. The oil tank can be predigested as a flat-closure cylindrical shell structure. Considering the stress characters of underground cylindrical shells, the amendatory Winkler model was used to simulate the interaction between cylindrical shell and soil, and a method to determine the related parameters was presented. With the explosion simulation device, a model experiment of underground steel cylindrical shell under explosion loads was completed. An appropriately simplified model of the peripheral explosion loads distribution of the cylindrical shell was assigned according to experimental results. Finite element analysis for the dynamic buckling of flat-closure cylindrical shell was carried out and the critical buckling loads were determined by Budiansky-Roth criterion. Relationship between critical buckling loads and soil elastic constant K was determined according to the multi-state computation results.
Numerical Simulation of Loading Cylindrical Shell by Explosive Rods (Ⅲ): Fidelity for Simulating X-Ray Mechanical Effects
MAO Yong-Jian, LI Yu-Long, CHEN Ying, HUANG Han-Jun, WANG Jun-Ping
2013, 27(5): 711-718. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.009
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According to the prior uncoupling analysis and utilizing the Rotation-Superposition Method, a large number of numerical experiments for loading cylindrical shells by explosive rods were performed. The average strain difference at three typical locations was defined as the index for evaluating the test simulation fidelity. It was found that the index mainly relies on the ratio of the rods number to the shell radius, i.e. n/r. The relations between the average strain difference and n/r under four conditions, i.e. the normal (ideal) condition, considering incomplete initiations, explosive rod distribution error and non-simultaneous initiations, were obtained. The investigation provides guidelines for the test design and results evaluation.
Theoretical Prediction Model of Critical Energy for Direct Detonation Initiation in H2-O2/Air Mixtures
ZHANG Bo, BAI Chun-Hua
2013, 27(5): 719-724. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.010
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Based on the critical tube diameter and detonation cell size data in H2-O2/Air mixtures, the piston work done model was used to predict their critical energies of direct initiation. The good agreement is found by comparing the theoretical predicted critical energies with those measured in the experiment. Thus, the theoretical model is proved to be able to predict the critical energy of H2-O2/Air mixtures within satisfactory. From the theoretical prediction model, it is obviously shown that the critical energy for H2-Air is significantly bigger than H2-O2 mixture when at the same initial conditions. The ZND induction zone length was further investigated to study the large critical energy discrepancy behavior between those mixtures, the results clearly indicated that the induction zone length for H2-Air is much longer than that of H2-O2 mixture at the same initial condition, and it is cube relationship between critical energy and induction zone length, which results in the bigger critical energy of the H2-Air mixture. This result is in agreement with the critical energy predicted from theoretical model.
Comparison of Coupled Level Set Methods for Interface Treatment
WANG Xing, MA Tian-Bao, HAO Li
2013, 27(5): 725-730. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.011
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The coupled Level Set (LS) method algorithm of medium interface treatment was studied. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods in medium interface treatment process were given by comparing different solution of rotating flow and shearing flow, and the reason is analyzed. Particle Level Set (PLS) method and Coupled Level Set and Volume of Fluid (CLSVOF) method are greatly improved in the conservation property of fluid compared on the pure LS through the contrast test. For PLS method, the LS interface can be corrected through reseeding and tracking the particle accurately. For CLSVOF method, the LS function can be reinitialized by reconstructing the interface and transporting the volume. In practical application, the CLSVOF method is more efficient and reasonable, since frequently reseeding will reduce the accuracy and tracking each particle requires more CPU memory for PLS method.
Study of the Interaction between Shock and Pool in Cold Shock Extinguishing System
JIANG Yao-Gang, MA Hong-Hao, SHEN Zhao-Wu, FAN Zhi-Qiang, WANG Quan
2013, 27(5): 731-737. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.012
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In order to evaluate the influence of shock wave formed by the explosion of cold shock extinguishing bomb on the extinguishing effect, shock wave formed by explosion dispersion of different extinguishing mediums was observed by schlieren experiment apparatus. The propagation law of shock on the interface between air and fluid was studied by numerical simulation, and finally the process of pool fire suppression by cold shock extinguishing system was photographed by high speed photography. Comparative analysis to the percent of high color stage at the same position of each image was made. It was found that the shock wave was formed after extinguishing medium dispersion, but its strength is weak. The mach reflection in the air and disturbance on the liquid surface were found when the shock wave propagated through interface of air and liquid, the strength of shock gradually attenuated with the increase of distance. The percent of high color stage in the earlier stage was weaker than in the later. So the influence of shock wave on the extinguishing effect was weaker than medium dispersion in cold shock extinguishing system.
Center Shift Phenomenon of the Characteristic Curves for Exchange-Bias Bilayers under External Stress
GUO Zi-Zheng, HU Xu-Bo, LUO Zhi-Huan
2013, 27(5): 738-744. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.013
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Focusing on the center shift phenomenon of the coercivity curves and the exchange bias field curves, the dependences of the exchange bias on 0, the angle of external field orientation, in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers are studied in the cases that , the angle between the stress field and the easy axis, is taken as /4 or /2. It is shown that the analytical expression of the coercivity cannot be derived by using the Stoner-Wohlfarth model and the principle of energy minimum for the whole range of the angle 0. We approximate the coercivity with the switching field for the 0 interval at which the principle of energy minimum is not satisfied, and in this way, we got the coercivity expression in the form of piecewise function. Numerical calculations indicate that whether the center shift phenomenon of the coercivity curves and the exchange bias field curves occurs depends on the value of . While =/4, stress results in not only the change of the strength of the effective anisotropic field but the center shift of coercivity curves and the exchange bias field curves; while =/2, only the strength of the effective anisotropic field is influenced and no such center shift occurs. The condition in which the center shift of the coercivity curves and the exchange-bias field curves occurs is that *, the angle of the effective anisotropy field to the easy axis, is not equal to zero. In addition, the results also show that the jump phenomenon can only be observed while *0, implying that the jump phenomenon is caused by the singularity of the switching field near *.
Study on the Deflagration Process of Simulated Diesel Oil Tank
ZHU Ying-Zhong, LU Chang-Bo, An Gao-Jun, XIE Li-Feng
2013, 27(5): 745-750. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.014
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In order to study the deflagration characteristics of diesel oil ignited by external energy, tests were carried out without any restraints to observe the ignition and explosion process of the oil tank using thermal imager and high-speed camera. Relationship between minimum ignition energy of the diesel oil and ignition location was analyzed. Surface temperature and other parameters of fireballs at different ignition locations were measured and compared. Results show that the fuel explosion of oil tank occurs as two distinct stages: fireball and pool fire. The minimum ignition energy in vapor zone and fuel zone are 45.59 and 307.20 kJ respectively, and the minimum ignition energy is irrelative with ignition location in vapor zone. The maximum surface temperature and area of fireballs depend on the distance between ignition location and the phase interface. Fireballs ignited closest to the phase interface are most potentially dangerous.
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on MEFP Based on VESF Initiation
YANG Wei-Ling, JIANG Chun-Lan, WANG Zai-Cheng, XU Jun-Feng
2013, 27(5): 751-756. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.015
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A kind of charge structure for multiple explosive forming projectile is put forward to improve the directional destruction effect on targets. The plane wave produced by shock initiation and initiation styles effecting on damage ability are simulated by LS-DYNA and tested. Results show that MEFP charge with VESF initiation has many advantages, such as higher velocity EFP, higher directionality and being easy to initiate charges of large ratio of height to diameter.
Numerical Analysis of Magnetic-Structural Coupling for Electromagnetic Rail Launcher Based on Contact Algorithm
YIN Dong-Mei, LI Bao-Ming
2013, 27(5): 757-762. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.016
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Aiming at the loading problem of electromagnetic force in structural analysis for the electromagnetic launcher and the untrue phenomenon obtained by common node method, a contact algorithm mixing multi-point constraints with augmented Lagrangian is proposed for numerical analysis of 2D magnetic-structural coupling for the electromagnetic rail launcher. Results indicate that the changing trends of the electromagnetic force on the rails and the maximum magnetic flux density are similar to that of the loading current. Material matching affects the dynamic response of the launcher greatly. This method results in loading on the rail more reasonably and avoiding the untrue tensile stress at some conjoint areas. A useful method for structural analysis of the electromagnetic launcher is provided.
Experimental Study on Detonation of Small Vehicle-Wheel Two-Stage Light Gas-Gun Loading System
YU Chuan, PANG Yong, CAO Ren-Yi, YU De-Shui, SUN Yong-Qiang, ZHANG Rong, YANG Gui-Hong, TONG Yan-Jin, SHI Shang-Chun, ZHU Zi-Biao, ZHANG Xu
2013, 27(5): 763-767. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.017
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Due to the requirements of detonation research, a two-stage light gas-gun system and corresponding measurement system has been designed. Using this two-stage light gas-gun system, RHT-901, JOB-9003 and TA01 explosives were impacted by a spherical and cylinder projectile through a steel plate in a series of experiments. The experimental results showed that the experimental system is easy to handle and can be widely useful in the detonation experiment.
Effects of High Pressure Treatment on Micro-Mechanical Properties of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
WANG Hai-Yan, LIU Lin, CHEN Yan, ZHAO Jun, LIU Jian-Hua, ZHANG Rui-Jun
2013, 27(5): 768-772. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.018
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The hardness, elastic modulus and plastic deformation of the 7075 aluminum alloy before and after 4 GPa pressure treatment are measured by nano-indenter, and combined with the observation for the microstructure. The effects of high pressure treatment on micro-mechanical properties of 7075 aluminum alloy are investigated. The results show that 4 GPa pressure treatment can increase the hardness and elastic modulus of the 7075 aluminum alloy, and decrease its plastic deformation. As a result, the non-deformability of the alloy is improved effectively.
Thermal Aged Effects on Detonation Performance of JOB-9003 Explosive
WANG Jian, FU Huan, WEN Shang-Gang, TAN Duo-Wang, GAO Da-Yuan
2013, 27(5): 773-777. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.019
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Based on the aged solid high explosive, a series of experiments were performed to study the influence of thermal aged on the detonation performance for JOB-9003 explosive. The physical and detonation performances were contrasted for the new and aged explosive samples. The results indicated that the quality and density of the sample have a slight decrease, and the inner and outer diameter of the sample have a slight increase after 180 d aging. It was also found that the time gap defining as the gap between detonation-wave propagating at the outer surface is very small. The only change is that the detonation wave velocity has a slight decrease for the aged samples. Therefore, it could be affirmed that the detonation performance is not changed obviously by accelerated aging 180 d.
Numerical Study of Metal Perturbation Growth
PAN Hao, WU Zi-Hui, HU Xiao-Mian, YANG Kun
2013, 27(5): 778-784. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.020
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The process of metal perturbation growth includes complex material dynamic response like great distortion, high strain rate and high pressure loading, etc. The modified Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) combining with dynamic constitutive behavior of metal wass used to simulate the perturbation growth with different initial amplitude of the perturbation. The influence of shear modulus and yield strength to the perturbation growth was studied. The calculated results indicate the method can also solve the metal perturbation growth problem well.
Study on the Extraction of Essential Oil Rich in Nootkatone from Pomelo Peel by High Pressure Processing
WU Yan-Mei, CHEN Qin-Qin, GAN Zhi-Lin, WANG Ji-En, NI Yuan-Ying
2013, 27(5): 785-792. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2013.05.021
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In order to explore the effects of high pressure processing on the extraction of essential oil rich in nootkatone, the citrus Changshan-huyou peels are used as the experiment material. Based on the single factor experiments, 4 main parameters, such as pressure (200-600 MPa), holding pressure time (5-25 min), liquid-solid ratio (10-30 mL/g) and grinding degree (20-60 mesh) are studied. Then 3 out of the 4 parameters are optimized by response surface methodology. The results can be demonstrated as follows: when the pressure, liquid-solid ratio, grinding degree are 300 MPa, 20 mL/g and 30 mesh respectively, the nootkatone content in the essential oil reaches the peak of 20.50 mg/g. The results indicate that high pressure processing can extract the noootkatone from essential oil of pomelo peel effectively. In conclusion, it is a time and energy-efficient method to extract essential oil from pomelo peel.