
望贤成 张俊 靳常青

望贤成, 张俊, 靳常青. 二元富氢高温超导的实验研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230843
引用本文: 望贤成, 张俊, 靳常青. 二元富氢高温超导的实验研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230843
WANG Xiancheng, ZHANG Jun, JIN Changqing. The Experimental Progress on Binary Polyhydrides with High Temperature Superconductivity[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230843
Citation: WANG Xiancheng, ZHANG Jun, JIN Changqing. The Experimental Progress on Binary Polyhydrides with High Temperature Superconductivity[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230843


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230843
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11921004);科技部重点研发计划项目(2023YFA1406000,2021YFA1401800);中国科学院先导项目(XDB33010200)

    望贤成(1977-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事高压材料研究. E-mail:wangxiancheng@iphy.ac.cn


    靳常青(1965-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事高压材料及物性研究. E-mail:jin@iphy.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2

The Experimental Progress on Binary Polyhydrides with High Temperature Superconductivity

  • 摘要: 近室温富氢超导材料相关实验报道引发了科研人员对富氢超导的广泛关注,理论预测与实验探索新的富氢超导体及其物性研究已经成为目前超导领域的研究热点。本文结合课题组在富氢超导材料方面的实验研究工作,详细介绍了二元富氢超导体的实验研究进展。


  • 图  元素周期表中实验报道的二元富氢化合物高温超导体的最高超导温度及相应压力[1820]

    Figure  1.  Period table for binary polyhydride superconductors reported by experiments[1820]

    图  (a) 钙基富氢样品的高压原位电阻测量数据(插图为样品1电阻数据的微分曲线)[16],(b) 样品2在磁场下的电阻测量数据[16],(c) CaH6晶体结构示意图(H占据体心立方格子的四面体位置,形成H24笼子)

    Figure  2.  (a) Temperature dependence of resistance measured under high pressure for two calcium polyhydride samples (The inset show the derivative of resistance over temperature. ) [16]; (b) resistance versus temperature measured under different magnetic field for sample 2[16]; (c) scheme of crystal structure of CaH6 (The H atoms occupy the T-site and form H24 cage.)

    图  (a) CaH6超导体上临界场随温度的变化及其GL公式拟合(插图为上临界场数据的线性拟合)[16],(b) 常见超导体及富氢高温超导体CaH6、LaH10的上临界场数据[23]

    Figure  3.  (a) Temperature dependence of upper critical field for CaH6 sample and its GL fit (The inset shows the linear fit for the μ0H(T) data.) [16]; (b) μ0H(T) data for the common superconductors and polyhydride superconductors of CaH6 and LaH10[23]

    图  (a) 218 GPa下镥基富氢样品的原位电阻测量数据(插图为样品电阻数据的微分曲线)[27],(b) 镥基富氢样品上临界场随温度的变化及其GL公式拟合(右上插图为磁场下的电阻曲线,左下插图为上临界场数据的线性拟合)[27]

    Figure  4.  (a) Temperature dependence of resistance measured under high pressure for lutetium polyhydride sample (The inset shows the derivative of resistance over temperature.)[27]; (b) temperature dependence of upper criticalfield for lutetium polyhydride sample and its GL fit (The right-upper inset is the resistance curves measuredunder different magnetic field, and the left-lower inset shows the linear fit for the μ0H(T) data.) [27]

    图  (a) 185 GPa下镥基富氢样品原位同步辐射X射线衍射谱及其结构精修[27],(b) Lu4H23的晶体结构及其氢笼示意图

    Figure  5.  (a) The in-situ high pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction pattern measured of lutetium polyhydride sample and its refinement under 185 GPa[27]; (b) scheme of crystal structure of Pm$\overline 3$n phase of Lu4H23 and its H20 and H24 cages

    图  (a) 184 GPa下锑基富氢样品的原位电阻测量数据(左上插图为样品电阻数据的微分曲线,左下插图为低温下零电阻放大图,右插图为P63/mmc相SbH4的晶体结构示意图)[19],(b) 锑基富氢样品上临界场随温度的变化及其GL公式拟合(右上插图为磁场下的电阻曲线,左下插图为上临界场数据的线性拟合)[19]

    Figure  6.  (a) Temperature dependence of resistance measured at 184 GPa for antimony polyhydride sample (The left-upper inset shows the derivative of resistance over temperature, the left-lower inset shows the zero resistance at low temperature, and the right inset is the scheme of crystal structure of P63/mmc phase of SbH4.) [19]; (b) temperature dependence of upper critical field for antimony polyhydride sample and its GL fit (The right-upper inset is the resistance curve measured under different magnetic field, and the left-lower inset shows the linear fit for the μ0H(T) data.) [19]

    图  (a) 243 GPa下铪基富氢样品的原位电阻测量数据(插图为样品电阻数据的微分曲线)[34],(b)铪基富氢样品上临界场随温度的变化及其GL公式拟合(右上插图为磁场下的电阻曲线,左下插图为上临界场数据的线性拟合)[34]

    Figure  7.  (a) The temperature dependence of resistance of hafnium polyhydride sample measured at 243 GPa (The inset shows the derivative of resistance over temperature.) [34]; (b) temperature dependence of upper critical field of hafniumpolyhydride sample and its GL fit (The right-upper inset is the resistance curves measured under differentmagnetic field, and the left-lower inset shows the linear fit for the μ0H(T) data.) [34]

    图  (a) 206 GPa下铪基富氢样品的原位同步辐射X射线衍射及其结构精修[34],(b) HfH14晶体的结构示意图

    Figure  8.  (a) The in-situ high pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction pattern measured under 206 GPa for hafnium polyhydride sample and its refinement[34]; (b) scheme of crystal structure of C2/m phase of HfH14

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