
石利粉 王宁宁 刘子儀 崔琦 张晓晓 刘庆元 隋郁 王铂森 孙建平 程金光

石利粉, 王宁宁, 刘子儀, 崔琦, 张晓晓, 刘庆元, 隋郁, 王铂森, 孙建平, 程金光. CuTe2单晶的高温高压合成和物性表征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230841
引用本文: 石利粉, 王宁宁, 刘子儀, 崔琦, 张晓晓, 刘庆元, 隋郁, 王铂森, 孙建平, 程金光. CuTe2单晶的高温高压合成和物性表征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230841
SHI Lifen, WANG Ningning, LIU Ziyi, CUI Qi, ZHANG Xiaoxiao, LIU Qingyuan, SUI Yu, WANG Bosen, SUN Jianping, CHENG Jinguang. High-Temperature and High-Pressure Synthesis and Characterization of CuTe2 Single Crystal[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230841
Citation: SHI Lifen, WANG Ningning, LIU Ziyi, CUI Qi, ZHANG Xiaoxiao, LIU Qingyuan, SUI Yu, WANG Bosen, SUN Jianping, CHENG Jinguang. High-Temperature and High-Pressure Synthesis and Characterization of CuTe2 Single Crystal[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230841


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230841
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12025408,12174424,11921004,11904391);国家重点研发计划(2021YFA1400200,2022YFA1403900);中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2023007)





  • 中图分类号: O521.2

High-Temperature and High-Pressure Synthesis and Characterization of CuTe2 Single Crystal

  • 摘要: 具有黄铁矿结构的3d过渡金属硫族化合物MX2(M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn;X=S, Se, Te)因呈现丰富的新奇物性而备受关注,其中CuX2是该体系中唯一的超导体,超导转变温度(Tc)分别为1.5 K(CuS2)、2.4 K(CuSe2)和1.3 K(CuTe2)。由于CuX2系列材料只能在高温高压条件下合成,因此,早期关于CuTe2的少数报道均基于多晶样品,到目前为止仍缺乏单晶样品物性的详细报道。采用川井型6/8式二级推进多砧压机,在900 ℃和5 GPa的高温高压条件下合成了高质量的CuTe2单晶样品,并对其进行详细的晶体结构、电输运、磁化率及比热容等物性表征。研究结果表明:CuTe2单晶样品为弱耦合Ⅱ类超导体,Tc约为1.3 K。通过总结对比同体系CuS2、CuSe2以及CuTe2的超导参数,进一步揭示了CuTe2费米面附近的态密度与超导演化的联系。


  • 图  (a) CuTe2的单晶照片,(b) CuTe2的晶体结构示意图,(c) CuTe2的粉末XRD精修谱图(插图为单晶XRD谱)

    Figure  1.  (a) Photo of CuTe2 single crystals; (b) crystal structure of CuTe2; (c) refinement of the powder XRD pattern (Inset is single crystal XRD pattern)

    图  CuTe2的电输运表征:(a) 0.4~300.0 K温区的ρ(T)曲线(蓝色实线为CuTe2ρ(T) = ρ0+AT2低温电阻率拟合曲线),(b) 低温超导区域的放大图

    Figure  2.  Characterization of CuTe2 electrical transport: (a) ρ(T) curve in the temperature range of 0.4–300.0 K(The solid line shows the low-temperature resistivity data and the ρ(T)=ρ0+AT2 fitting curve of CuTe2);(b) enlarged view of the superconductivity at low temperatures

    图  CuTe2的磁性表征:(a) 5 Oe外磁场、1.0~1.5 K温区内零场冷和场冷模式下CuTe2的磁化率-温度关系曲线,(b) 在Tc以下不同温度时的磁化曲线,(c) 下临界磁场μ0Hc1与上临界磁场μ0Hc2和温度的关系曲线以及G-L拟合曲线

    Figure  3.  Characterization of CuTe2 magnetic properties: (a) temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of CuTe2 measured in the ZFC and FC modes under an applied magnetic field of μ0H=5 Oe in the temperature range 1.0−1.5 K;(b) isothermal magnetization M(H) curves at different temperatures below Tc; (c) temperature dependences ofthe lower critical field μ0Hc1 and the upper critical field μ0Hc2 of CuTe2 fitted by the G-L formula

    图  CuTe2的比热容表征:(a)不同磁场下的低温C(T)曲线,(b) 零场下的C/T-T2曲线(黑色实线为低温正常态的拟合曲线,插图为归一化的电子比热容-温度关系曲线)

    Figure  4.  Characterization of specific heat of CuTe2: (a) C(T) curves at low-temperature in different magnetic fields;(b) low-temperature specific heat of CuTe2 plotted as C/T vs. T2 at zero field (The inset showsthe temperature dependence of normalized electronic specific heat Ce/T

    表  1  CuX2 (X=S, Se, Te)体系的超导态和正常态参数[2, 47, 1214]

    Table  1.   Superconducting- and normal-state parameters of CuX2 (X=S, Se, Te) system[2, 47, 1214]

    Sample Tc/K μ0Hc1(0)/Oe μ0Hc2(0)/Oe ξGL λGL κGL
    CuS2 1.56 123.2 502.9 809.0 901.0 1.11
    CuSe2 2.43 610.0 375.5
    CuTe2 1.30 83.3 194.9 1300.0 1100.8 0.85
    Sample γ/(mJ·mol−1·K−2) β/(mJ·mol−1·K−4) ΘD/K ΔCe/γTc λep
    CuS2 5.4 0.099 388 1.07 0.47
    CuSe2 7.5 0.335 250 1.31 0.38
    CuTe2 5.8 0.627 210 1.35 0.50
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