Prediction of Superconducting RbBSi  Compounds under Pressure

LIU Jinyu CUI Xiangyue LIU Ailing CHENG Xiaoran WANG Xingyu WANG Yujia ZHANG Miao

刘金禹, 崔湘粤, 刘爱玲, 程潇冉, 王星宇, 王雨佳, 张淼. 压力下超导RbBSi化合物的预测[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230765
引用本文: 刘金禹, 崔湘粤, 刘爱玲, 程潇冉, 王星宇, 王雨佳, 张淼. 压力下超导RbBSi化合物的预测[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 020107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230765
LIU Jinyu, CUI Xiangyue, LIU Ailing, CHENG Xiaoran, WANG Xingyu, WANG Yujia, ZHANG Miao. Prediction of Superconducting RbBSi  Compounds under Pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230765
Citation: LIU Jinyu, CUI Xiangyue, LIU Ailing, CHENG Xiaoran, WANG Xingyu, WANG Yujia, ZHANG Miao. Prediction of Superconducting RbBSi  Compounds under Pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 020107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230765

Prediction of Superconducting RbBSi  Compounds under Pressure

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230765
Funds: Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Development Joint Fund Project (YDZJ202201ZYTS581); Scientific and Technological Research Project of Jilin Province Education Department (Grant No. JJKH20240077KJ)
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    Author Bios:

    Liu Jinyu (2000-), female, postgraduate, mainly focuses on the materials science at extreme condition. E-mail:

    Cui Xiangyue (1995-), female, doctoral student, mainly focuses on the materials science at extreme condition. E-mail:

    Corresponding author: Zhang Miao (1981-), female, professor, mainly focuses on the computational design of novel functional materials and materials science at extreme condition. E-mail:
  • 摘要: 对RbBSi化合物在0~100 GPa压力范围内进行了广泛的群体智能结构搜索。提出了RbBSi的3种不同相,并通过第一性原理计算了其稳定性、电子结构和潜在的超导电性。在所研究的压力范围内,所有预测相在热力学和动力学上都是稳定的。3个相的能带都穿过费米能级,表明结构具备金属性。此外,P4/nmm-RbBSi在常压下的超导转变温度为14.4 K。这项工作加深了人们对碱金属硼硅化合物在超导体领域的理解,有望拓宽碱金属硼硅化合物在超导体领域的应用。


  • Figure  1.  The predicted crystal structures of the RbBSi: (a) P63/mmc, (b) C2/m, and (c) P4/nmm

    Figure  2.  Calculated formation enthalpies of RbBSi compounds with the P63mmc, C2/m, and P4/nmm structures

    Figure  3.  Phonon dispersion curves of the three structre of RbBSi under different pressures: (a) P63/mmc at 0 GPa, (b) C2/m at 0 GPa, (c) P4/nmm at 0 GPa, (d) P63/mmc at 10 GPa, (e) C2/m at 20 GPa, (f) P4/nmm at 40 GPa

    Figure  4.  Calculated band and densities of electronic states of RbBSi: (a) and (d) P63/mmc at 10 GPa, (b) and (e) C2/m at 20 GPa, (c) and (f) P4/nmm at 40 GPa

    Figure  5.  Calculated phonon dispersions, projected phonon density of states and Eliashberg spectral function α2F(ω) of the P4/nmm-RbBSi at standard atmospheric pressure

    Table  1.   Detailed structure information of the predicted RbBSi compounds at standard atmospheric pressure

    Space group Lattice parameters Atomic positions
    P63/mmc a = b = 3.549 Å,c = 11.365 Å
    α = β = 90°,γ = 120°
    Rb 2a (0, 0, 0)
    B 2d (0.667, 0.333, 0.250)
    Si 2c (0.667, 0.333, 0.750)
    C2/m a = 9.004 Å,b = 3.518 Å,c = 11.226 Å
    α = γ = 90°,β = 109.3642°
    Rb 4i (0.532, 0, 0.770)
    B 4i (0.903, 0, 0.489)
    Si 4i (0.770, 0.500, 0.424)
    P4/nmm a = b = 3.752 Å,c = 11.170 Å
    α = β = γ = 90°
    Rb 8j (0, 0.500, 0.736)
    B 8j (0, 0.500, 0.084)
    Si 4d (0.500, 0.500, 0)
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