
叶青 王维建 贾真真 刘佳林

叶青, 王维建, 贾真真, 刘佳林. H型巷道内采用不同布置方式的双爆源瓦斯爆炸传播特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230760
引用本文: 叶青, 王维建, 贾真真, 刘佳林. H型巷道内采用不同布置方式的双爆源瓦斯爆炸传播特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230760
YE Qing, WANG Weijian, JIA Zhenzhen, LIU Jialin. Propagation Characteristics of Dual Explosive Sources Gas Explosion in Different Arrangements in H-Type Tunnel[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230760
Citation: YE Qing, WANG Weijian, JIA Zhenzhen, LIU Jialin. Propagation Characteristics of Dual Explosive Sources Gas Explosion in Different Arrangements in H-Type Tunnel[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230760


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230760
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52174177,52174178)

    叶 青(1976-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事煤矿瓦斯灾害防治、工业爆炸与防治、安全评价与管理研究. E-mail:cumtyeqing@126.com


    王维建(1983-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事煤矿瓦斯灾害防治与工业安全评价研究. E-mail:46774591@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O382.1; X936

Propagation Characteristics of Dual Explosive Sources Gas Explosion in Different Arrangements in H-Type Tunnel

  • 摘要: 为探究复杂巷道内多爆源瓦斯爆炸传播特性及热冲击动力学机制,运用计算流体力学软件Fluent,以H型巷道为模型,在巷道内设置同侧、相对、对角3种双爆源布置方式。研究发现:巷道内的2处爆源同时起爆后,前驱冲击波沿巷道未燃区传播,当两股冲击波相遇时,压力叠加,冲量抵消,在压力叠加区火焰传播受阻,导致火焰传播速度放缓甚至反向;相较于单爆源爆炸,双爆源工况中导致巷道内特定区域如联络巷、岔口中心及其边壁的压力更高;同侧和对角布置工况下的压力极值区出现在巷道封闭端,相对布置工况下的压力极值区出现在分岔口中心处。


  • 图  巷道模型及尺寸

    Figure  1.  Tunnel model and dimensions

    图  网格划分

    Figure  2.  Grid division

    图  巷道内双爆源的布置方式

    Figure  3.  Different arrangements of double explosive sources in the tunnel

    图  压力峰值数据采集点

    Figure  4.  Pressure peak collection points

    图  模拟与实验得到的监测点压力峰值曲线对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of peak pressure curves of monitoring points between simulation and experiments

    图  双爆源同侧布置工况下冲击波传播速度云图

    Figure  6.  Shock wave propagation velocity nephogram for dual explosion sources with the same-side arrangement

    图  同侧布置工况下监测点的设置

    Figure  7.  Setting of monitoring points under the same-side arrangement

    图  同侧布置工况下监测点的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  8.  Pressure-time curves of monitoring points under the same-side arrangement

    图  双爆源相对布置工况下冲击波传播速度云图

    Figure  9.  Shock wave propagation velocity nephogram for dual explosion sources with the opposite arrangement

    图  10  相对布置工况下监测点的设置

    Figure  10.  Setting of monitoring points under the opposite arrangement

    图  11  相对布置工况下监测点的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  11.  Pressure-time curves of monitoring points under the opposite arrangement

    图  12  双爆源对角布置工况下冲击波传播速度云图

    Figure  12.  Shock wave propagation velocity nephogram for dual explosion sources with the diagonal arrangement

    图  13  对角布置工况下监测点的设置

    Figure  13.  Setting of monitoring points under the diagonal arrangement

    图  14  对角布置工况下监测点的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  14.  Pressure-time curves of monitoring points under the diagonal arrangement

    图  15  双爆源不同布置工况下压力极值分布区域云图

    Figure  15.  Peak pressure cloud diagram for dual explosion sources with different arrangements

    图  16  不同双爆源布置工况下的火焰云图

    Figure  16.  Flame nephogram for dual explosion sources with different arrangements

    表  1  边界条件设置

    Table  1.   Boundary condition setting

    p0/kPa Rz/m T0/K $\varphi_{{\mathrm{CH}}_4}$/% $\varphi_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}$/% EI/J tI/ms ttot/ms
    101.325 0 298 9.5 21.0 0.1 1 400
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    表  2  不同工况下巷道区域的峰值压力

    Table  2.   Peak pressure of tunnel under different cases

    PositionPeak pressure for dual explosion sources/MPaPeak pressure for single
    explosive source/MPa
    Starting end0.820.820.82
    Centre of contact lane0.800.720.25
    Opposite end1.661.271.661.54
    Bifurcation sidewall1.310.77
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