Propagation Characteristics of Dual Explosive Sources Gas Explosion in Different Arrangements in H-Type Tunnel
摘要: 为探究复杂巷道内多爆源瓦斯爆炸传播特性及热冲击动力学机制,运用计算流体力学软件Fluent,以H型巷道为模型,在巷道内设置同侧、相对、对角3种双爆源布置方式。研究发现:巷道内的2处爆源同时起爆后,前驱冲击波沿巷道未燃区传播,当两股冲击波相遇时,压力叠加,冲量抵消,在压力叠加区火焰传播受阻,导致火焰传播速度放缓甚至反向;相较于单爆源爆炸,双爆源工况中导致巷道内特定区域如联络巷、岔口中心及其边壁的压力更高;同侧和对角布置工况下的压力极值区出现在巷道封闭端,相对布置工况下的压力极值区出现在分岔口中心处。Abstract: In order to investigate the propagation characteristics and thermal shock dynamics of multiple explosive sources gas explosion in complex roadways, numerical simulations were conducted using the Fluent software under three types of dual explosive sources arrangements in the H-type tunnel, including the same side, opposite positions, and diagonal positions. It was found that, after the two explosive sources in the tunnel were ignited simultaneously, its prodromic shock wave propagated along the unburned area of the tunnel. When the two shock waves encountered, the pressure superimposed while the impulse canceled out, and the propagation of flame was blocked by the pressure superposition area, resulting in a slowdown or reversal of the speed. Compared to the single source explosion, the dual explosive sources led to a higher pressure in specific areas such as contact lane, center of bifurcation, and sidewalls. Extreme pressure zones occur at the closed end of the roadway under same-side and diagonal arrangement conditions and at the center of the bifurcation under the opposite arrangement condition.
Key words:
- gas explosion /
- H-type tunnel /
- arrangement /
- shock wave /
- propagation characteristics
表 1 边界条件设置
Table 1. Boundary condition setting
p0/kPa Rz/m T0/K $\varphi_{{\mathrm{CH}}_4}$/% $\varphi_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}$/% EI/J tI/ms ttot/ms 101.325 0 298 9.5 21.0 0.1 1 400 表 2 不同工况下巷道区域的峰值压力
Table 2. Peak pressure of tunnel under different cases
Position Peak pressure for dual explosion sources/MPa Peak pressure for single
explosive source/MPaSame-side Opposite Diagonal Starting end 0.82 0.82 0.82 Centre of contact lane 0.80 0.72 0.25 Opposite end 1.66 1.27 1.66 1.54 Bifurcation 1.45 0.42 Bifurcation sidewall 1.31 0.77 -
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