
董泽霖 屈可朋 胡雪垚 肖玮 王奕鑫

董泽霖, 屈可朋, 胡雪垚, 肖玮, 王奕鑫. 不同尺寸HMX基压装装药的烤燃特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 025102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230757
引用本文: 董泽霖, 屈可朋, 胡雪垚, 肖玮, 王奕鑫. 不同尺寸HMX基压装装药的烤燃特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(2): 025102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230757
DONG Zelin, QU Kepeng, HU Xueyao, XIAO Wei, WANG Yixin. Cook-Off Characteristics of HMX-Based Pressed Charges with Different Sizes[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 025102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230757
Citation: DONG Zelin, QU Kepeng, HU Xueyao, XIAO Wei, WANG Yixin. Cook-Off Characteristics of HMX-Based Pressed Charges with Different Sizes[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(2): 025102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230757


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230757
基金项目: 国防重大基础研究专项

    董泽霖(1999-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事不敏感弹药研究. E-mail:1040774622@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O389; TJ55

Cook-Off Characteristics of HMX-Based Pressed Charges with Different Sizes

  • 摘要: 为了研究装药尺寸对压装装药烤燃特性的影响,针对HMX基压装装药,建立了压装装药烤燃过程的计算模型,利用Fluent软件对不同装药尺寸的烤燃样弹进行了数值模拟,计算了不同升温速率下装药尺寸对压装装药点火位置、响应温度和响应时间的影响规律。结果表明:在同一升温速率下,HMX基压装炸药装药长径比为1.0时,装药中心响应温度均为最高;装药长径比大于1.0时,装药中心点火温度均随长径比的增加而降低;当长径比增大到一定程度时,装药中心的响应温度趋于恒值。装药的点火位置由升温速率和装药尺寸共同决定,且装药端面与曲面的传热量之比与长径比的平方成反比。当升温缓慢或长径比较小时,装药的点火位置位于装药中心;当升温速率较高且长径比较大时,装药的点火位置逐渐远离装药中心。


  • 图  试验布局及测温点示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of test layout and temperature measurement points

    图  烤燃样弹的计算网格模型

    Figure  2.  Computational grid model of cook-off bomb

    图  测点A的试验及数值模拟温度曲线

    Figure  3.  Test and numerical simulation of temperature curves at measuring point A

    图  不同升温速率下典型尺寸装药的试验结果

    Figure  4.  Test results of typical-size charges at different heating rates

    图  不同升温速率下典型尺寸装药的计算结果

    Figure  5.  Calculated results of typical-size charges at different heating rates

    图  0.7 ℃/min升温速率下不同装药尺寸样弹烤燃温度分布云图

    Figure  6.  Temperature contours of test bombs with different charge sizes at the heating rate of 0.7 ℃/min

    图  1.0 ℃/min升温速率下不同装药尺寸样弹烤燃温度分布云图

    Figure  7.  Temperature contours of test bombs with different charge sizes at the heating rate of 1.0 ℃/min

    图  装药中心响应温度与升温速率的关系曲线

    Figure  8.  Curves of the relationship between response temperature at charge center and heating rate

    图  升温速率与不同尺寸装药点火时间差值的关系曲线

    Figure  9.  Curve of the relationship between heating rate and ignition time difference for different charge sizes

    图  10  不同测点响应温度与装药尺寸关系曲线

    Figure  10.  Relationships between response temperature at different measuring points and charge sizes

    表  1  HMX基压装装药及壳体材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of HMX-based pressed charge and shell

    Material ρ/(kg·m−3) λ/(J·m−1·K−1) C/(J·kg−1·K−1)
    30CrMnSi 7 850 10.1 550
    HMX-based pressed charge 1 860 0.437 1 050
    HMX 1 960 0.535 8 1 004.26
    Binder (Kel-F) 2 020 1 000.4 0.052 7
    Air 1.25 381 0.023
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    表  2  铝粉的修正物性参数

    Table  2.   Modified physical parameters of aluminum powder

    a λ/(J·m−1·K−1) C/(J·kg−1·K−1) ρ/(kg·m−3) l/m
    2.3×10−16 1.39 871 2719 5×10−6
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    表  3  HMX压装装药热分解反应动力学参数

    Table  3.   Kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition reaction of HMX explosive

    Material i E/(MJ·mol−1) Z/s−1 Q/(MJ·kg−1)
    HMX-based pressed charge 1.60 2.0×1018 0.20
    HMX 1 0.22 1.4×1021 0.42
    2 0.18 1.9×1016 1.30
    3 0.14 1.6×1012 5.00
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    表  4  不同测点位置的响应温度及点火时间

    Table  4.   Response temperature and ignition time of different gauges

    Method t/s δ/% Measuring point A Measuring point B Measuring point C
    T/℃ δ/% T/℃ δ/% T/℃ δ/%
    Test 13 090 221.7 224.5 184.5
    Frank-Kamenetskii model 13 640 4.2 214.4 3.3 230.1 2.5 188.7 2.3
    McGuire-Tarver model 12 895 1.5 217.0 2.1 226.8 1.4 182.3 1.2
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    表  5  HMX基压装装药测点D的响应温度计算结果

    Table  5.   Calculated response temperature of measuring point D of HMX-based pressed charges

    r/(℃·min–1) Calculated response temperature of measuring point D/℃
    L/D=0.5 L/D=1.0 L/D=2.0 L/D=3.0 L/D=4.0 L/D=5.0 L/D=6.0
    0.1 245.4 248.2 246.2 248.6 243.4 245.6 246.3
    0.5 245.0 245.6 240.2 237.4 234.9 230.0 230.2
    0.7 236.4 240.5 236.8 231.6 231.0 229.9 229.9
    1.0 232.6 239.7 236.3 231.2 226.5 225.2 225.1
    2.0 227.2 229.6 212.2 207.4 206.0 205.8 205.7
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    表  6  HMX基压装装药测点E的响应温度计算结果

    Table  6.   Calculated response temperature of measuring point E of HMX-based pressed charges

    r/(℃·min–1) Calculated response temperature of measuring point E/℃
    L/D=0.5 L/D=1.0 L/D=2.0 L/D=3.0 L/D=4.0 L/D=5.0 L/D=6.0
    0.1 220.6 211.7 206.5 205.4 204.0 207.6 212.7
    0.5 221.4 213.3 208.2 212.1 216.0 224.4 226.1
    0.7 220.3 220.1 210.9 217.0 223.3 226.0 226.6
    1.0 217.0 219.6 220.4 228.1 231.5 228.9 228.2
    2.0 215.2 219.0 226.8 225.6 212.4 210.8 207.0
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    表  7  不同装药尺寸样弹的烤燃响应时间计算结果

    Table  7.   Calculated cook-off response time of test bombs with different charge sizes

    r/(℃·min–1) Calculated cook-off response time/s
    L/D=0.5 L/D=1.0 L/D=2.0 L/D=3.0 L/D=4.0 L/D=5.0 L/D=6.0
    0.1 48 140 44 150 41 335 41 020 40 930 40 905 40 895
    0.5 14 140 13 425 12 950 12 905 12 895 12 895 12 895
    0.7 11 695 11 210 10 895 10 865 10 860 10 860 10 860
    1.0 9 485 9 370 9 325 9 315 9 315 9 315 9 315
    2.0 7 545 7 520 7 505 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500
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