Progress of Experimental Research on Binary Hydride Superconductors under High Pressure
摘要: 自从1911年著名物理学家Onnes发现超导电性以来,人们不断努力提高超导转变温度,室温超导体是人类追逐的百年梦想。在近百年的研究历程中,铜基超导体、铁基超导体及麦克米兰极限MgB2超导体的发现不断刷新了人们对超导领域的认知,也增强了人们进一步提高超导转变温度和挖掘高温超导机制的信心。最近,理论预测并被实验验证的新型富氢化合物显示了高温乃至室温超导电性的巨大潜力,成为室温超导体的最佳候选体系之一。值得注意的是,高压下硫氢化物和镧氢化物均具有超过200 K的超导转变温度,引领了富氢化合物的研究热潮,涌现了一些重要的理论和实验成果。本文聚焦于目前富氢化合物超导体的实验研究进展,从不同氢结构单元及氢成键特征的角度总结和归纳新型富氢化合物的晶体结构性质及超导性能。主要介绍了5种在实验上成功获得的富氢化合物超导体:间隙型、离子型、共价型、笼型及分子型。通过对比分析不同类型的富氢化合物超导体,总结出一些影响超导转变温度的普适规律,并提出目前实验上亟待解决的问题和未来主攻的实验方向。Abstract: Since the discovery of superconductivity by the famous physicist Onnes in 1911, people have constantly tried to improve the superconducting transition temperature, and the room-temperature superconductors have also been a century-old dream of human beings. In the course of nearly a hundred years of research, it has constantly updated people’s understanding of superconductivity, enhanced people’s confidence in further improving the superconducting transition temperature and exploring the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity that scientists have discovered copper based superconductors, iron based superconductors and McMillan limit superconductors (like MgB2). Recently, new hydrogen-rich compounds predicted theoretically and verified experimentally have shown great potential for high temperature superconductivity even room temperature superconductivity, becoming one of the best candidates for room temperature superconductors. It is worth noting that some sulfur hydrides and lanthanum hydrides have superconductivity of more than 200 K under high pressure, leading a research boom of hydrogen-rich compounds and some important theoretical and experimental results have emerged. This paper focuses on the current research progress of hydrogen-rich superconductors, summarizes the crystal structure properties and superconducting properties of new hydrogen-rich compounds from the perspective of different hydrogen structural units and hydrogen bonding characteristics. Five kinds of superconductors in hydrogen-rich compounds are introduced in this paper: interstitial type, ionic type, covalent type, cage type and molecular type, and some general rules affecting the superconducting transition temperature are summarized through comparative analysis of different types of hydrogen-rich compound superconductors. In the end, the current experimental problems to be solved and the future experimental direction are put forward.
图 6 (a) 恒压退火过程中电阻与温度的关系,(b) 高压下硫化氢和硫化氘电阻与温度的关系,(c) H3S的超导转变温度随压力的变化[8]
Figure 6. (a) Dependence of resistance to temperature in constant pressure annealing process; (b) critical temperature of sulfur hydride and sulfur deuteride at high pressure; (c) dependence of superconducting temperature with pressure for H3S[8]
图 8 (a) 40 GPa下Zr-H样品的电阻-温度变化曲线(插图为激光加热后的样品腔),(b) 40 GPa下超导转变温度随外加磁场的变化,(c)~(d) 分别用WHH与GL方程外推拟合上临界磁场[69]
Figure 8. (a) R-T curve for Zr-H sample at 40 GPa (The sample chamber is presented in inset); (b) superconductingtemperature under applied magnetic fields at 40 GPa; (c)–(d) upper critical magnetic fieldswhich extrapolated by GL and WHH equations, respectively[69]
图 9 (a)立方相LaH10的氢笼结构[78],(b) Somayazulu等[73]合成的LaH10的电阻随温度的变化,(c) Drozdov等[12]合成的LaH10的电阻随压力的变化,(d) Huang等[76]外加磁场作用下LaH10的转变温度
Figure 9. (a) Clathrate structure of LaH10[78]; (b) the superconducting critical temperature of LaH10 reported by Somayazulu et al.[73];(c) the dependence of Tc with pressure for LaH10 synthesized by Drozdov et al.[12]; (d) the critical temperature forLaH10 under applied magnetic fields reported by Huang et al.[76]
表 1 不同课题组关于H3S体系的超导电性研究[8–9, 54, 57–59]
Table 1. Superconductivity of H3S reported by several groups[8–9, 54, 57–59]
Groups Sample synthesis Tc/K Corresponding
pressure/GPaStructure of
superconducting phasesDrozdov et al.[8] Loading H2S gas at low temperature 203 155 Undetermined Huang et al.[9] Loading H2S gas at low temperature 183 149 Calculation: Im$ \overline{3} $m-H3S Einaga et al.[55] Loading H2S gas at low temperature 200 150 XRD: Im$ \overline{3} $m-H3S Goncharov et al.[57] Laser heated pure S and hydrogen Unmeasured Unmeasured XRD: Cccm-H3S@50 GPa,
R3m-H3S@70 GPa,
Im$ \overline{3} $m-H3S@140 GPaCapitani et al.[58] Loading H2S gas at low temperature 200 150 Undetermined Troyan et al.[59] Loading H2S gas at low temperature 140 153 Undetermined 表 2 实验合成的典型笼型氢化物超导体[12–17, 72–73]
Table 2. Typical clathrate hydride superconductors synthesized in experiment[12–17, 72–73]
Sample Space group Pressure/GPa Tc/K Mensurement method LaH10 Fm$ \overline{3} $m 170 250 XRD ThH10 Fm$ \overline{3} $m 170 161 XRD YH6 Im$ \overline{3} $m 183 220 XRD YH9 P63/mmc 201 243 XRD CeH9 P63/mmc 130 100 XRD CeH10 Fm$ \overline{3} $m 95 115 XRD CaH6 Im$ \overline{3} $m 172 215 XRD 表 3 钇超氢化物合成条件及超导转变温度
Table 3. Superconducting critical temperature of yttrium superhydrides
Samples Ref. Space
GPaTc/K Reactants Synthetic methods YH6 Troyan
et al.[14]Im$ \overline{3} $m 166 224 Y+NH3BH3 Laser heated to 2400 K at high pressure Kong
et al.[15]Im$ \overline {3}$m 237 208.5 YH3+H2 Kept the sample for three weeks under high pressure 183 220 Y+H2 Laser heated to 1500 K at high pressure 159 220 YH3+H2 Increased the sample to 201 GPa for one month
and laser heated the sample to 2000 KYH9 Snider
et al.[72]P63/mmc 182±8 262 Y+H2 Pressured the Y metal wrapped by Pd film and hydrogen to
over 130 GPa and laser heated the sample to 1800 KKong
et al.[15]P63/mmc 237 227 YH3+H2 Maintained the sample for three weeks 237 237 YH3+H2 Maintained the sample for three weeks and
laser heated sample to 700 K201 243 YH3+H2 Maintained the sample for one month
and laser heated sample to 2000 KYH4 Shao
et al.[81]I4/mmm 155 88 YH2+NH3BH3 Increased the pressure to about 150 GPa
and laser heated sample to 1500 K表 4 理论预测的近室温或超室温二元、三元富氢化合物超导体
Table 4. Theoretical prediction of binary and ternary polyhydrides with high-temperature superconductivity
Type Samples Space
GPaTc/K Features Binary hydride
superconductorsAcH10[97] R$ \overline{3} $m 200 204–251 Both are predicted to be phonon-mediated superconductors
with an almost empty layer of d atomsAcH16[97] P$ \overline{6} $m2 150 199–241 TbH9[98] C2/c 230 220 With a typical hydrogen cage structure, the coupling of
electrons and hydrogen phonons in the Tb-4f layer
plays a key role in superconductivityTbH10[98] R$ \overline{3} $m 270 270 TbH10[98] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 230 270 ZrH10[96] P63/mmc 250 220 Lamellar alkene H10 junction H3S0.925P0.075[99] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 250 280 Doping calculation based on H3S H3S0.96Si0.04[99] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 250 274 SrH6[100] R$ \overline{3} $m 150 220–235 Hydrogen atoms are clathratelike and form twisted chains SrH10[101] Cmca 300 259 Hydrogen atoms are distributed in staggered
two-dimensional honeycomb layersMgH6[102] Im$ \overline{3} $m 300 420 YH10[10–11, 103] Im$ \overline{3} $m 250 305–326 Unique H32 cagelike structure YH10[10–11, 103] Im$ \overline{3} $m 400 303 YH10[10–11, 103] Im$ \overline{3} $m 300 310 Ternary hydride
superconductorsLi2MgH16[104] Fd$ \overline{3} $m 250 473 Wang et al.[105] pointed that the diffusion of protons between
interstitial spaces may play a key roleCaHfH12[104] Pm$ \overline{3} $m 300 360 The metal skeleton material should be composed of a metal
element with an effective optimal valency of 3, and the metal
should occupy a volume of about 0.4 in the hydrideCaZrH12[106] Pm$ \overline{3} $m 200 290 Mg0.5Ca0.5H6[107] Im$ \overline{3} $m 200 288 Y3CaH24[108] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 150 250 Y3LuH24[109] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 120 283 YLu3H24[109] Fm$ \overline{3} $m 110 288 YLuH12[109] Fd$ \overline{3} $m 140 275 -
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