
杜明燃 李韦伟 王尹军 杨海斌 李继红

杜明燃, 李韦伟, 王尹军, 杨海斌, 李继红. 钛粉含量和零氧平衡协同下CO2相变激发药剂的性能表征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(3): 031301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240866
引用本文: 杜明燃, 李韦伟, 王尹军, 杨海斌, 李继红. 钛粉含量和零氧平衡协同下CO2相变激发药剂的性能表征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(3): 031301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240866
DU Mingran, LI Weiwei, WANG Yinjun, YANG Haibin, LI Jihong. Performance Characterization of CO2 Phase Change Excitation Agent under the Synergistic Effect of Titanium Powder Content and Zero Oxygen Balance[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(3): 031301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240866
Citation: DU Mingran, LI Weiwei, WANG Yinjun, YANG Haibin, LI Jihong. Performance Characterization of CO2 Phase Change Excitation Agent under the Synergistic Effect of Titanium Powder Content and Zero Oxygen Balance[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(3): 031301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240866


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240866
基金项目: 安徽高校自然科学研究项目(KJ2021A0431);安徽省自然科学基金(1908085QA33);安徽理工大学引进人才基金(11881)

    杜明燃(1987-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事炸药性能和爆破技术研究. E-mail:466199112@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TJ510.4; O389; O521.2

Performance Characterization of CO2 Phase Change Excitation Agent under the Synergistic Effect of Titanium Powder Content and Zero Oxygen Balance

  • 摘要: 为了提高CO2相变激发药剂的性能,向激发药剂中分别加入质量分数为2%、4%、6%、8%和10%的钛粉,并调整草酸铵和水杨酸含量,使药剂接近零氧平衡,通过现场引燃试验、热重法、耐温性能测试和理论计算,研究其引燃可靠性、压力性能、热分解特性、安全性能和耐温性能。结果表明:加入质量分数为2%、4%、6%、8%的钛粉后,管内激发药剂均能被成功引燃;峰值压力与药剂放热量直接相关,在本试验的添加范围内,质量分数为8%钛粉激发药剂的管内压力性能最好;添加8%钛粉不调整零氧平衡、通过草酸铵调整零氧平衡、通过水杨酸调整零氧平衡的峰值压力分别提高了11.81%、14.27%、17.85%;3个样品的表观活化能变化分别为−5.96、33.47 和6.80 kJ/mol;调整零氧平衡可以优化激发药剂的热稳定性,加入8%钛粉后激发药剂的安全性良好,温度指数Ts均在90 ℃以上。


  • 图  引燃药包样品

    Figure  1.  Ignition drug pack samples

    图  液态CO2充装示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of liquid CO2 filling

    图  部分药包引燃后的状态

    Figure  3.  Post-ignition status of partial drug packets

    图  露天引燃试验结果

    Figure  4.  Results of the outdoor ignition tests

    图  管内引燃试验结果

    Figure  5.  Ignition test results inside the tube

    图  致裂管中各组样品测点处的压力波形

    Figure  6.  Pressure waveform at the measuring point of each group of samples in the cracking tube

    图  不同样品的峰值压力

    Figure  7.  Peak pressure of different samples

    图  不同样品的反应热理论值与峰值压力的关系

    Figure  8.  Relationships between theoretical values of reaction heat and peak pressure of different samples

    图  液态CO2充装量与峰值压力的关系

    Figure  9.  Relationships between liquid CO2 filling quantity and peak pressure

    图  10  激发药剂的TG曲线

    Figure  10.  TG curves of excitation agent

    图  11  激发药剂的DTG曲线

    Figure  11.  DTG curves of excitation agent

    图  12  采用Ozawa法得到的lg β-103/T曲线拟合结果

    Figure  12.  Fitting results of lg β-103/T by Ozawa’s method

    图  13  常温储存下不同激发药剂样品的XRD谱

    Figure  13.  XRD profiles of different excitation agent samples after storage at room temperature

    图  14  部分样品干燥前、后的状态

    Figure  14.  State of partial samples before and after drying

    表  1  基础激发药剂样品的配比

    Table  1.   Basic excitation agent sample formula

    Sample Mass/g ωTi/% OB/(g·g−1
    KClO4 C2H8N2O4 C7H6O3 Ti
    1 82.439 35.366 12.195 0 0 0.00035
    2 82.439 35.366 12.195 2.6 1.96 0.01272
    3 82.439 35.366 12.195 5.2 3.85 0.02530
    4 82.439 35.366 12.195 7.8 5.66 0.03740
    5 82.439 35.366 12.195 10.4 7.40 0.04905
    6 82.439 35.366 12.195 13.0 9.09 0.06028
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    表  2  草酸铵调整零氧平衡样品的配比

    Table  2.   Sample formula of adjusting zero oxygen balance by the content of ammonium oxalate

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    表  3  水杨酸调整零氧平衡样品的配比

    Table  3.   Sample formula of adjusting zero oxygen balance by the content of salicylic acid

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    表  4  试验样品的峰值压力数据

    Table  4.   Peak pressure data of the test samples

    Group Sample Empty tube quality/kg Tube quality after
    filling liquid/kg
    Liquid CO2 charge
    Surge pressure/MPa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  激发药剂反应热理论值

    Table  5.   Theoretical reaction heat values of excitation agent

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    表  6  各样品的瞬间压剪速度

    Table  6.   Instantaneous compression-shear speed of each sample

    Sample Pressure rise time/ms Instantaneous compression-shear
    Average instantaneous
    Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2
    1 2.82 5.86 156.03 75.09 115.56
    2 3.03 1.72 145.21 255.81 200.51
    3 2.61 2.58 168.58 170.54 169.56
    4 1.26 3.21 349.21 137.07 243.14
    5 4.04 2.92 108.91 150.68 129.80
    7 3.06 4.22 143.79 104.27 124.03
    8 2.53 2.54 173.91 173.23 173.57
    9 4.69 2.11 93.82 208.53 151.17
    10 1.54 3.68 285.71 119.57 202.64
    12 2.54 5.02 173.23 87.65 130.44
    13 3.69 4.29 119.24 102.56 110.90
    14 3.66 1.82 120.22 241.76 180.99
    15 2.74 1.61 160.58 273.29 216.94
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  7  Ozawa法计算各样品的动力学参数

    Table  7.   Kinetic parameters of each sample obtained by Ozawa’ method

    $ \alpha $/% E/(kJ·mol−1 r2
    Sample 1 Sample 5 Sample 10 Sample 15 Sample 1 Sample 5 Sample 10 Sample 15
    5 69.89 70.26 81.52 71.08 0.9933 0.9721 0.9993 0.9871
    10 71.84 81.79 113.43 89.70 0.9993 0.9933 0.9993 0.9746
    15 183.65 171.82 216.36 190.80 0.9715 0.9972 0.9861 0.9919
    20 171.30 167.41 210.54 181.99 0.9890 0.9852 0.9942 0.9860
    25 194.08 188.72 206.92 184.03 0.9815 0.9859 0.9926 0.9852
    30 120.16 95.16 182.96 134.09 0.9998 0.9746 0.9509 0.9763
    Average value 135.15 129.19 168.62 141.95
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    表  8  各样品干燥前、后的质量

    Table  8.   Mass of each sample before and after drying

    SampleMass/gHot weightlessness/%
    Before dryingAfter drying
    下载: 导出CSV
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