Dispersion Characteristics of Spherical Fragments Driven by Cylindrical Charge
摘要: 为了研究球形预制钨破片在圆柱形装药驱动下的飞散规律,开展了预制破片战斗部飞散试验。针对传统梳状靶无法测量破片群速度分布的问题,设计并制作了一种全新的交叉梳状靶,成功测得了多个破片穿靶产生的脉冲信号和着靶位置。采用LS-DYNA模拟研究了圆柱形装药爆炸驱动球形破片的飞散特性。结果表明:数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好,交叉梳状测速靶能够较为准确地测量多个破片的飞散速度;增加装药长径比可以削弱装药两端稀疏波对破片速度的影响,但效果随长径比增加而逐渐减弱。Abstract: To investigate the dispersion characteristics of spherical tungsten fragments driven by a cylindrical charge, dispersion tests were conducted on a warhead with spherical prefabricated fragments. Considering the limitation of traditional comb targets, which can only measure the maximum velocity instead of the velocity distribution of the fragment group, a novel crossed-comb target was designed and fabricated. This velocity measurement device successfully recorded the pulse signals generated by multiple fragments penetrating the target and the impact positions. Numerical simulations were conducted using LS-DYNA to calculate the dispersion characteristics of spherical fragments driven by cylindrical charges. The results indicate that the numerical simulation results agree well with the test data. The designed crossed-comb shaped target can accurately measure the scattering velocities of multiple fragments. Increasing the length-to-diameter ratio can mitigate the effect of rarefaction waves at both ends of the charge on the fragment velocities; however, this mitigating effect diminishes as the length-to-diameter ratio continues to increase.
表 1 速度测量中靶板设置
Table 1. Target plate setting for velocity measurement
Test No. Target No. l/m 1 1 2.40 2 2 2.50 3 3 2.53 4 4 2.53 表 2 各交叉梳状靶上破片穿孔数统计
Table 2. Statistics of the number of fragment perforations on each cross-combed target
Target No. Number of perforations 1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column Total 1 12 11 12 12 47 2 12 11 11 13 47 3 12 11 12 12 47 4 12 14 12 12 50 表 3 测速靶3上着靶破片的飞散角
Table 3. Dispersion angles of the fragments on the velocity measurement target 3
Serial No. $ \theta $/(°) 1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 1 10.30 8.70 10.72 9.07 2 6.32 4.34 5.85 3.66 3 3.34 1.22 2.85 1.18 4 1.36 1.08 1.90 0.85 5 1.69 2.85 1.04 1.10 6 2.90 3.80 2.67 2.71 7 4.97 4.40 4.99 4.44 8 5.42 5.04 5.47 4.95 9 8.59 9.45 8.72 5.06 10 8.61 10.10 8.90 8.46 11 9.99 10.87 9.95 9.48 12 11.70 10.66 11.13 表 4 试验测得的破片飞散速度
Table 4. Measured fragment dispersion velocities from the test
Serial No. v/(m·s−1) Serial No. v/(m·s−1) 1st column 2nd column 1st column 2nd column 1 874.96 988.41 7 1457.39 1489.04 2 970.88 964.78 8 1508.74 1543.37 3 1105.71 1142.22 9 1562.08 1564.86 4 1090.10 1055.14 10 1564.89 1483.69 5 1256.42 1396.95 11 1385.48 1380.44 6 1380.11 1425.48 12 1276.79 表 5 93钨球形破片的材料参数
Table 5. Material parameters of 93 tungsten spherical fragments
ρ/(g·cm−3) σs/GPa E/GPa G/GPa μ 17.6 1.506 300 137 0.22 表 6 8701炸药性能参数
Table 6. 8701 explosive performance parameters
ρ/(g·cm−3) vD/(km·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 1.7 8.3 30 581.4 9.8016 4.1 1.4 表 7 不同长径比下的破片速度
Table 7. Fragments velocities under varying length-to-diameter ratios
L/D vmax/(m·s−1) vmin/(m·s−1) vave/(m·s−1) 1 1432.98 956.72 1244.25 2 1629.43 963.78 1447.54 3 1737.14 993.59 1557.48 4 1755.82 961.62 1600.81 -
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