
申仕良 李金柱 马峰 姚志彦

申仕良, 李金柱, 马峰, 姚志彦. 圆柱形装药爆炸驱动球形破片的飞散特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(2): 025101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240865
引用本文: 申仕良, 李金柱, 马峰, 姚志彦. 圆柱形装药爆炸驱动球形破片的飞散特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(2): 025101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240865
SHEN Shiliang, LI Jinzhu, MA Feng, YAO Zhiyan. Dispersion Characteristics of Spherical Fragments Driven by Cylindrical Charge[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(2): 025101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240865
Citation: SHEN Shiliang, LI Jinzhu, MA Feng, YAO Zhiyan. Dispersion Characteristics of Spherical Fragments Driven by Cylindrical Charge[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(2): 025101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240865


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240865

    申仕良(1999-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学研究. E-mail:shen_shiliang@126.com


    李金柱(1972-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学研究. E-mail:lijinzhu@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O389; O521.3

Dispersion Characteristics of Spherical Fragments Driven by Cylindrical Charge

  • 摘要: 为了研究球形预制钨破片在圆柱形装药驱动下的飞散规律,开展了预制破片战斗部飞散试验。针对传统梳状靶无法测量破片群速度分布的问题,设计并制作了一种全新的交叉梳状靶,成功测得了多个破片穿靶产生的脉冲信号和着靶位置。采用LS-DYNA模拟研究了圆柱形装药爆炸驱动球形破片的飞散特性。结果表明:数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好,交叉梳状测速靶能够较为准确地测量多个破片的飞散速度;增加装药长径比可以削弱装药两端稀疏波对破片速度的影响,但效果随长径比增加而逐渐减弱。


  • 图  试验用弹丸照片

    Figure  1.  Photo of projectile in the test

    图  球形破片交错紧密排布方式

    Figure  2.  Staggered tight arrangement of spherical fragments

    图  交叉梳状靶结构示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of cross-combed target structure

    图  试验所用交叉梳状靶照片

    Figure  4.  Cross-combed targets used in the test

    图  预制破片测速装置

    Figure  5.  Velocity measurement system of preformed fragment

    图  爆炸试验布局

    Figure  6.  Layout of explosion test

    图  理论着靶破片列数示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of the theoretical number of fragment penetration rows

    图  由Shapiro公式得到的飞散角沿装药轴线方向的分布

    Figure  8.  Distribution of dispersion angles along the charge axis direction obtained by Shapiro’s equation

    图  不同测速靶上的破片穿孔情况

    Figure  9.  Fragment perforations on different velocity measurement targets

    图  10  破片穿透梳状靶的局部状态

    Figure  10.  Localized condition of fragment penetrations through the comb-shaped target

    图  11  测速靶3的前靶和后靶穿孔分布

    Figure  11.  Fragment perforation distribution on the front and rear targets of the velocity measurement target 3

    图  12  破片穿靶后产生的典型脉冲信号

    Figure  12.  Typical pulse signal generated after fragment penetration of the target

    图  13  有限元模型

    Figure  13.  Finite element model

    图  14  破片速度沿装药轴线的分布

    Figure  14.  Distribution of fragments velocity along the axis of charge

    图  15  破片飞散角沿装药轴线的分布

    Figure  15.  Distribution of dispersion angle along the axis of charge

    图  16  不同长径比装药结构的破片速度沿轴线的分布

    Figure  16.  Distribution of fragments velocity along the axis of charges with different length-to-diameter ratios

    表  1  速度测量中靶板设置

    Table  1.   Target plate setting for velocity measurement

    Test No.Target No.l/m
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    表  2  各交叉梳状靶上破片穿孔数统计

    Table  2.   Statistics of the number of fragment perforations on each cross-combed target

    Target No.Number of perforations
    1st column2nd column3rd column4th columnTotal
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    表  3  测速靶3上着靶破片的飞散角

    Table  3.   Dispersion angles of the fragments on the velocity measurement target 3

    Serial No.$ \theta $/(°)
    1st column2nd column3rd column4th column
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    表  4  试验测得的破片飞散速度

    Table  4.   Measured fragment dispersion velocities from the test

    Serial No. v/(m·s−1) Serial No. v/(m·s−1)
    1st column 2nd column 1st column 2nd column
    1 874.96 988.41 7 1457.39 1489.04
    2 970.88 964.78 8 1508.74 1543.37
    3 1105.71 1142.22 9 1562.08 1564.86
    4 1090.10 1055.14 10 1564.89 1483.69
    5 1256.42 1396.95 11 1385.48 1380.44
    6 1380.11 1425.48 12 1276.79
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    表  5  93钨球形破片的材料参数

    Table  5.   Material parameters of 93 tungsten spherical fragments

    ρ/(g·cm−3) σs/GPa E/GPa G/GPa μ
    17.6 1.506 300 137 0.22
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    表  6  8701炸药性能参数

    Table  6.   8701 explosive performance parameters

    ρ/(g·cm−3) vD/(km·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2
    1.7 8.3 30 581.4 9.8016 4.1 1.4
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    表  7  不同长径比下的破片速度

    Table  7.   Fragments velocities under varying length-to-diameter ratios

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