Thermal Radiation Characteristics of RDX-Based PBX Explosives during Shock-Induced Ignition Reactions
摘要: 研究冲击波流场中聚合物黏结炸药的热辐射特性可能是获取相关物质组分温度数据的重要途径。利用二级轻气炮加载技术、瞬态辐射测温方法及粒子速度剖面测量技术,探讨了聚合物黏结炸药/氟化锂窗口界面的热辐射特性及其与界面压力之间的相关性;同时,还优化了聚合物黏结炸药样品制备方法,显著抑制了包裹气体和界面间隙发光背景,给出了界面辐亮度数据及界面温度数据。结果表明,在连续2次冲击加载过程中,界面温度随时间衰减特征与反应产物的等熵膨胀行为密切相关,界面温度反映了界面处产物温度的演化行为,为直接观测点火反应和起爆释能期间非均质复合炸药的反应产物温度数据提供了一种可行的技术途径。Abstract: Studying the impact initiation radiation and temperature of polymer bonded explosives in the shock wave flow is crucial for understanding and predicting their reaction kinetics and detonation behavior. This work uses the two-stage light gas gun for shock loading, transient radiation pyrometer temperature measurement, and laser displacement interference system, to study the thermal radiation characteristics of the polymer bonded explosive/lithium fluoride window interface and its correlation with the interface pressure. This work optimized the polymer bonded explosives sample preparation method, significantly suppressed the luminous background of the wrapped gas and interface gap, and provided interface radiance data and interface temperature data. The results show that the time attenuation characteristics of the interface temperature during two consecutive impact loading processes are closely related to the isentropic expansion behavior of the reaction products, and the interface temperature reflects the temperature evolution behavior of the products at the interface. It provides a feasible technical way to directly obtained the reaction product temperature of heterogeneous composite explosives during the ignition reaction and energy release.
表 1 样品密度及样品靶的几何参数
Table 1. Sample density and geometric parameters of the sample target
Experiment No. ρs/(g·cm−3) vF/(km·s–1) hF/mm hp1/mm hA/mm hp2/mm hs/mm hw/mm 1 1.71 1.32 3.00 1.00 0.40 4.00 2.01 6.02 2 1.71 1.54 3.00 1.00 0.40 3.99 1.86 6.01 3 1.68 1.42 3.00 1.00 0.40 2.26 1.97 3.00 4 1.81 1.38 3.00 0.97 0.41 2.39 1.95 5.20 -
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