Protective Properties of Metal/CFRP Composite Laminates Subjected to Underwater Contact Explosion
摘要: 碳纤维增强复合材料(carbon fiber-reinforced polymer,CFRP)具有优异的抗爆性能,逐渐被应用于舰船结构的抗爆抗冲击设计中。为了探究水下接触爆炸作用下金属/CFRP复合层合板的防护性能,基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉方法,建立了水下接触爆炸对金属/CFRP复合层合板毁伤的流固耦合数值模型,分析了层合板在承受水下爆炸载荷后的变形和吸能特点,比较了不同铺层方式对结构抗爆性能的影响,结果显示,钢/CFRP/钢结构的抗爆性能较优。针对钢/CFRP/钢结构,探究了CFRP的厚度对吸能效果的影响,并进行了厚度优化,得到了较优的厚度比,即1.1∶4.0∶1.1。Abstract: Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) with excellent blast-resistant performances is gradually applied in the anti-shock design of warships. In order to investigate the protective performance of metal/CFRP composite laminates subjected to underwater contact explosion, a fluid-structure coupling numerical model was established based on arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method. The deformation and energy absorption characteristics of laminates were analyzed, and the effect of layup types on the blast-resistant performance was compared. The results show that steel-CFRP-steel structure had better blast-resistant performance. On the basis of this structure, the optimal thickness ratio was given as 1.1∶4.0∶1.1.
Density/(g·cm−3) A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω D/(m·s−1) e/(GJ·m−3) pCJ/GPa 1.69 850 18 4.6 1.3 0.38 8310 10 30.15 Density/(kg·m−3) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 e/(J·cm−3) 1.293 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0.25 Density/(g·cm−3) c/(m·s−1) S1 S2 S3 γ0 v0 1 1647 1.92 −0.096 0 0.35 1 Density/(g·cm−3) E/GPa μ σ0/MPa ET/MPa C/s−1 P 7.83 207 0.3 235 375 40.4 5 Density/(g·cm−3) Ea/GPa Eb/GPa Gab/GPa Gbc/GPa Gca/GPa 1.53 53.81 53.81 5.8 2.9 2.9 μ Xt/MPa Xc/MPa Yt/MPa Yc/MPa 0.04 680 741 800 728 Method rmax/m tb1/ms Tb/ms Experiment 0.50 50 94 Simulation 0.54 45 92 Relative error/% 8 −10 −2.13 Density/(g·cm−3) A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω D/(m·s−1) E/(GJ·m−3) pCJ/GPa 1.63 371 7.43 4.15 0.95 0.3 6930 7 27 Density/(g·cm−3) E/GPa μ σ0/MPa ET/MPa 7.86 210 0.3 300 250 表 9 工况 1~工况5中靶板的设置
Table 9. Target plates setup in Case 1−Case 5
Case Target plate (thickness) $ {\rho }_{\mathrm{t}} $/(g·cm−2) 1 Q235 steel (3.0 mm) 2.349 2 CFRP (5.0 mm, face plate)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm) 2.331 3 CFRP (5.0 mm, back plate)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm) 2.331 4 Q235 steel (1.0 mm)/CFRP (5.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.0 mm) 2.331 5 CFRP (2.5 mm)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm)/CFRP (2.5 mm) 2.331 表 10 工况1~工况5中靶板的总内能
Table 10. Total internal energy of target plate in Case 1−Case 5
Case Target plate (thickness) Etot/J $ \gamma $ 1 Q235 steel (3.0 mm) 5691.3 1 2 CFRP (5.0 mm, face plate)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm) 5287.4 0.929 3 CFRP (5.0 mm, back plate)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm) 5985.5 1.052 4 Q235 steel (1.0 mm)/CFRP (5.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.0 mm) 6022.4 1.058 5 CFRP (2.5 mm)/Q235 steel (2.0 mm)/CFRP (2.5 mm) 4917.9 0.864 表 11 工况6~工况10中的靶板设置
Table 11. Target plates setup in Case 6−Case 10
Case Target plate (thickness) $ {\rho }_{\rm t} $/(g·cm−2) 6 Q235 steel (1.3 mm)/CFRP (2.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.3 mm) 2.342 7 Q235 steel (1.1 mm)/CFRP (4.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.1 mm) 2.335 8 Q235 steel (0.9 mm)/CFRP (6.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.9 mm) 2.327 9 Q235 steel (0.7 mm)/CFRP (8.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.7 mm) 2.320 10 Q235 steel (0.5 mm)/CFRP (10.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.5 mm) 2.313 表 12 工况6~工况10中靶板的总内能
Table 12. Total internal energy of target plate in Case 6−Case 10
Case Target plate (thickness) Etot/J $ \gamma $ 6 Q235 steel (1.3 mm)/CFRP (2.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.3 mm) 6285.6 1.104 7 Q235 steel (1.1 mm)/CFRP (4.0 mm)/Q235 steel (1.1 mm) 6336.2 1.113 8 Q235 steel (0.9 mm)/CFRP (6.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.9 mm) 5599.5 0.984 9 Q235 steel (0.7 mm)/CFRP (8.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.7 mm) 4841.1 0.851 10 Q235 steel (0.5 mm)/CFRP (10.0 mm)/Q235 steel (0.5 mm) 3697.1 0.650 -
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