Stress Distribution and Propagation Mechanism of Crack Tip in Directional Fracturing Blasting under the Influence of Free Boundary
摘要: 天然岩体常含自由边界,对定向断裂爆破产生干扰。为探究自由边界对定向断裂爆破的影响,采用爆炸焦散线方法和高速摄影技术,研究了含自由边界时定向爆炸裂纹尖端的应力分布和扩展机理。自由边界的反射P/S波作用于定向爆炸裂纹,改变了裂尖应力分布,产生了“弧线形”裂纹扩展路径。定向爆炸裂纹扩展可分为3个阶段。(1) 反射波作用前:裂尖受爆生气体“气楔”作用,产生Ⅰ型断裂,并沿直线扩展。(2) 反射波作用时:反射P/S波均使裂尖受张拉-剪切作用,产生Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型断裂,裂纹偏转趋向自由边界;在反射P波的作用下裂尖产生畸变焦散斑,裂尖应力由K场主导变为非K场主导,而在反射S波的作用下裂尖应力恢复为K场主导。(3) 反射波作用后:裂尖在惯性作用下恢复为Ⅰ型断裂,沿直线扩展。在明确反射P/S波对定向爆炸裂纹作用的基础上,推导了自由边界影响下定向断裂爆破炮孔间距的计算公式,可为精细化定向断裂爆破提供理论参考。Abstract: Natural rock masses often contain free boundaries, which can interfere with directional fracturing blasting. To investigate effects of free boundary on directional fracturing blasting, the caustics method and high-speed photography were used to study the crack-tip stress distribution and propagation of directional blast-induced cracks. The reflected P/S waves from the free boundary act on a directional blast-induced crack, and change the crack-tip stress distribution and generate an “arc shaped” crack path. Directional blast-induced crack propagation can be divided into three stages. Stage one: before the action of reflected waves, the crack tip is subjected to the action of a blast-induced gas wedge, resulting in a mode Ⅰ crack that propagates along a straight line. Stage two: under the action of reflected waves, both reflected P and S waves cause the crack tip to be subjected to tension and shear action, resulting in a mixed mode Ⅰ-Ⅱ crack which deflects towards the free boundary. Under reflected P waves, the crack tip produces distorted caustics, and crack-tip stress changes from K-dominated field to non-K-dominated field, while under reflected S waves, crack-tip stress returns to K-dominated field. Stage three: after the action of reflected waves, the crack tip is subjected to inertial action and then returns to a mode Ⅰ crack which propagates along a straight line. On the basis of clarifying effects of reflected P/S waves on the tip of directional blast-induced cracks, a calculation formula for the distance between two directional fracturing blasting holes under the influence of free boundary is derived, providing a theoretical basis for refined directional fracturing blasting.
图 7 反射S波作用时:(a) 爆炸焦散斑图像,(b) t=70 μs 时C1裂纹尖端的Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型焦散斑,(c) t=70 μs时C2裂纹尖端的Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型焦散斑
Figure 7. Under action of reflected S wave: (a) blast-induced caustics patterns; (b) mixed Ⅰ-Ⅱ mode caustics pattern at the tip of crack C1 at 70 μs; (c) mixed Ⅰ-Ⅱ mode caustics pattern at the tip of crack C2 at 70 μs
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