Hybrid Design of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Structure and Its Mechanical Behavior under Impact Loading
摘要: 三周期极小曲面(triply periodic minimal surface,TPMS)结构材料作为一种高孔隙率和高能量吸收效率的多孔介质,在许多领域得到广泛应用。以Gyroid和IWP结构作为设计基元,利用Sigmoid函数构建圆柱形过渡层,将外层IWP结构与内层Gyroid结构连接,设计了内外嵌套的GIP混合胞元结构。通过选择性激光熔融技术打印了Gyroid结构、IWP结构和GIP混合结构试样,并利用直撞式霍普金森杆对其进行了实验研究。结合LS-DYNA软件进行了更大冲击速度范围的数值模拟,分析了试件的变形演化过程和动态应力-应变关系。结果表明:结构的初始峰值应力和比吸能表现出不同程度的应变率敏感性。与Gyroid和IWP结构相比,GIP混合结构材料的应力-应变曲线表现出更明显的应变硬化趋势和更强的能量吸收能力。相较于GIP-1结构(冲击方向与圆柱形过渡层轴线方向相同),随着冲击速度的提高,GIP-2结构(冲击方向与圆柱形过渡层轴线方向垂直)具有更低的初始峰值应力和更大的比吸能,因而具有更优异的抗冲击性能。Abstract: Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structural material is widely used in many fields as a porous medium with high porosity and high energy absorption efficiency. In this paper, the Gyroid and IWP structures were used as the design elements, and the Sigmoid function was used to construct the cylindrical transition layer. The outer IWP structure was connected with the inner Gyroid structure, hence the inner and outer nested GIP hybrid cellular structure was designed. Gyroid structure, IWP structure and GIP hybrid structure samples were printed by selective laser melting technology, and the experimental study was performed by direct impact Hopkinson bar. Combined with LS-DYNA software, the numerical simulation of larger impact velocity range was carried out, and the deformation evolution process as well as dynamic stress-strain relationship of the specimen were analyzed. The results show that the initial peak stress and specific energy absorption of the structure present different strain rate sensitivity. Compared with Gyroid and IWP structures, the stress-strain curves of GIP hybrid structural materials exhibit more obvious strain hardening trend and stronger energy absorption capacity. With the increase in impact velocity, the GIP-2 structure (the impact direction is perpendicular to the axis direction of the cylindrical transition layer) presents lower initial peak stress and larger specific energy absorption than the GIP-1 structure (the impact direction is the same as the axis direction of the cylindrical transition layer), which demonstrates its better impact resistance.
Key words:
- TPMS hybrid structure /
- 3D printing /
- dynamic loading /
- energy absorption
表 1 测试试样的质量
Table 1. Masses of test specimens
Specimen Designed
deviation/%Designed relative
density/%Relative density
of specimen/%Relative density
deviation/%Gyroid-1 38.96 40.52 4.00 36 37.43 3.97 Gyroid-2 38.96 40.35 3.56 36 37.27 3.52 IWP-1 38.96 40.21 3.20 36 37.14 3.16 IWP-2 38.96 40.12 2.97 36 37.06 2.94 GIP-1 38.96 40.65 4.33 36 37.55 4.30 GIP-2 38.96 40.37 3.61 36 37.29 3.58 -
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