Influence of Damping Materials on Blasting Vibration of Cylindrical Pool
摘要: 在水下爆炸理论与技术的应用研究中,爆炸水池是十分重要的基础试验装置。研究爆炸水池爆破振动效应和减振对于圆柱形爆炸水池使用过程中的振动控制具有指导意义。为研究圆柱形水池内部装药爆炸对周围地面产生的爆破振动并寻求合适的减振材料,选取了建筑碎石、SD型橡胶垫2种减振材料,在小型爆炸水池中进行了单药包在无减振、建筑碎石和SD型橡胶垫减振3种模式下的爆炸试验,对采集到的爆破振动信号进行峰值振速分析、EEMD-HHT(ensemble empirical mode decomposition-Hilbert-Huang transform)处理及小波包分析。结果表明:爆炸水池周围地面的爆破振动包含爆炸冲击波导致的振动、水池跳动导致的触地振动,通过Hilbert瞬时能量分析可以有效识别水池产生的跳动;碎石减振和SD型橡胶减振垫模式下的振速较无减振模式下的振速分别降低53.0%和43.1%,振动能量分别降低64.9%和57.4%;3种减振模式下爆破振动信号的频率主要分布在10~80 Hz区间;无减振、建筑碎石减振、SD型橡胶垫3种减振模式下10~40 Hz频带的能量占比分别为79%、69%、66%,40~80 Hz频带的能量占比分别为11%、29%、31%。碎石和SD型橡胶垫具有吸能、减少低频成分和增加高频成分的效果,可有效降低近处测点的峰值振速。碎石减振模式下振动信号频带的能量分布较SD型橡胶垫模式下的能量分布更加均匀。Abstract: In the application research of underwater explosion theory and technology, an explosion tank is a very important basic experimental device. The research on the blasting vibration effect and vibration damping of the explosion tank is of guiding significance for the vibration control and the selection of vibration damping materials during the blasting of the cylindrical water tank. In order to explore the impact of explosive vibration caused by the internal charge explosion on the surrounding ground of the cylindrical pool, and to seek effective vibration reduction methods, two kinds of vibration reduction materials, construction gravel and SD-type rubber vibration reduction pad, were selected, and explosion tests were carried out in a small explosive pool under three modes, single charge without vibration reduction, with SD-type rubber vibration reduction pad and with gravel vibration reduction. The collected blasting vibration signals were analyzed by peak particle velocity, EEMD-HHT (ensemble empirical mode decomposition-Hilbert-Huang transform) processing and wavelet packet analysis. The results showed that the vibration signals include the blasting vibration caused by the explosion shock wave and the ground vibration caused by the pool jumping, and the the ground vibration caused by the pool jumping can be effectively identified by Hilbert instantaneous energy analysis. Compared to the single charge without vibration reduction, the vibration velocity and vibration energy under the gravel layer modes are reduced by 53.0% and 43.1%, the vibration velocity and vibration energy for SD-type rubber cushion modes are reduced by 64.9% and 57.4%. The frequency of blasting vibration signal for the three vibration reduction modes is mainly distributed in the range of 10–80 Hz. The energy proportions for the frequency range of 10–40 Hz under the three operating modes are 79%, 69% and 66%, respectively, and the energy proportions for the frequency range of 40–80 Hz are 11%, 29% and 31%, respectively. The gravel and SD-type rubber have the effect of absorbing energy and reducing low-frequency components, and increasing high-frequency components, which can effectively reduce the peak vibration velocity of nearby measurement points. Compared to the effect of the two kinds of vibration absorbing materials, the construction gravel results more uniform energy distribution of the vibration signal frequency band than that of the SD-type rubber.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- blasting vibration /
- damping material /
- time-frequency analysis
表 1 试验用爆炸水池的参数
Table 1. Test explosion pool’s parameters
Diameter/m Wall thickness/mm Height/m m0/t mt/t 1.6 16 1.4 1.19 4.00 表 2 不同模式下垂直振动速度峰值
Table 2. Vertical PPV under different test modes
Test mode Damping material Test No. Charge weight/g PPV/(cm∙s-1) l=2 m l=3 m l=4 m l=5 m l=6 m Ⅰ Non-damping M1-1 1 1.31 2.81 1.28 1.08 0.98 M1-2 2 2.35 3.81 1.98 1.62 1.53 M1-3 3 3.00 4.59 2.38 2.08 1.87 Ⅱ Gravel M2-1 1 1.14 1.32 0.93 0.78 0.67 M2-2 2 1.94 2.35 1.72 1.46 1.15 M2-3 3 2.54 3.13 2.35 1.88 1.43 Ⅲ SD-type rubber damping pad M3-1 1 1.43 1.60 0.75 0.60 0.64 M3-2 2 2.69 2.72 1.20 1.16 1.03 M3-3 3 2.81 3.76 1.72 1.34 1.15 表 3 水池爆破振动信号的总能量
Table 3. Total energy of pool blasting vibration signal
Test No. Test mode Total energy/(103 cm2·s−2) l=3 m l=4 m l=5 m M1-2 Ⅰ 3.85 1.04 0.94 M2-2 Ⅱ 1.35 0.57 0.51 M3-2 Ⅲ 1.63 0.77 0.64 -
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