Spall Damage of Cr-Ni-Mo Steel under Shock-Release-Reloading Conditions
摘要: 基于一级轻气炮加载技术,利用不同类型的多层复合飞片,实现了冲击加载-卸载-再加载路径,结合回收表征以及一维流体力学模拟,对Cr-Ni-Mo钢在冲击加载-卸载-再加载路径下的层裂损伤行为进行了深入研究。结果表明,在冲击加载-卸载-再加载路径下,层裂面会重新闭合并形成微损伤带,而孔洞位置仍然位于原奥氏体边界和板条群边界处,裂纹仍保持穿晶+沿晶的混合断裂模式。此外,第1层飞片与样品之间存在的较大阻抗差异会导致自由面速度中的再加载信号缺失。这些发现为深入理解Cr-Ni-Mo钢在复杂加载路径下的层裂行为提供了重要参考。Abstract: In this work, plate-impact experiments, postmortem characterizations and one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations were conducted to investigate the spall behavior of Cr-Ni-Mo steel under complex shock loading paths. Multi-layer flyers were utilized to generate the complex shock-release-reloading paths. Re-closed spall plane and mitigated damage zones were observed after recompression. Voids nucleate at the austenite grain boundaries and packet boundaries, which is consistent with the observations in single-shock experiments. The damage behavior is characterized by a mixed mode with both transgranular and intergranular characteristics. Moreover, notable impedance mismatch between different flyer layers can lead to the absence of reloading signal in the free surface velocity profiles. These findings can provide us insights into the spall behavior of Cr-Ni-Mo steel under complex loading conditions.
Key words:
- Cr-Ni-Mo steel /
- spall /
- shock loading /
- reloading /
- loading path
图 7 不同类型飞片加载后马氏体钢的显微组织:(a)~(c) Shot 1中样品的局部SEM照片及其对应的IPF图和KAM图,(d)~(f) Shot 2中样品的局部SEM照片及其对应的IPF图和KAM图,(g)~(i) Shot 3中样品的局部SEM照片及其对应的IPF图和KAM图
Figure 7. Microstructural characteristics of the recovered samples for different shots: (a)−(c) SEM micrograph and its IPF and KAM maps of shot 1; (d)−(f) SEM micrograph and its IPF and KAM maps of shot 2; (g)−(i) SEM micrograph and its IPF and KAM maps of shot 3
表 1 平板撞击实验参数及结果
Table 1. Parameters and results of plate-impact experiments
Shot No. Flyer df/mm ds/mm uimp/(m·s−1) σH/GPa σsp/GPa 1 Cu/PC/Ta 0.51/0.40/0.50 1.21 604 9.34 5.79 2 Ta/PC/Ta 0.50/0.39/0.50 1.20 600 12.27 5.82 3 Cu 0.50 1.19 600 9.32 5.48 表 2 Cr-Ni-Mo钢的Mie-Grüneisen状态方程参数
Table 2. Mie-Grüneisen EOS parameters for Cr-Ni-Mo steel
ρ0/(g·cm−3) c/(km·s−1) S1 γ0 S2 S3 7.78 4.69 1.49 1.93 0 0 表 3 Cr-Ni-Mo钢的Steinberg-Guinan本构模型参数
Table 3. Steinberg-Guinan constitutive model parameters for Cr-Ni-Mo steel
Y0/GPa Ymax/GPa G0/GPa β n $ {G}'_{{p}} $ $ {G}'_{{T}} $/(GPa·K−1) $ {Y}'_{{p}} $ 1.5 3 77 43 0.35 1.74 −3.5×10−3 7.7×10−3 -
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