Study on Anti-Fragment Impact Performance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics
摘要: 为探究碳纤维复合材料的抗破片侵彻性能,进行了8 g立方体钢破片侵彻厚度分别为5、10、15 mm碳纤维复合材料靶板试验,获取破片着靶速度,并回收破片、靶板,观测靶板破坏情况。根据试验情况进行数值模拟,探究破片侵彻碳纤维复合材料靶板的过程及碳纤维复合材料靶板的破坏机理,由此得到靶板破坏形式与破片速度的关系:破片速度大于弹道极限时,靶板以纤维的剪切破坏为主;破片速度逐渐降低时,纤维的拉伸破坏、基体破裂与纤维层分层多种破坏形式所占比重随着破片速度的变化而变化。Abstract: In order to explore the anti-penetration property of carbon fiber composite materials, a series of experiments need to be carried out. In experiments, 8 g cubic steel fragments penetrated carbon fiber reinforced plastics whose thickness are 5, 10 and 15 mm respectively. The velocity of fragments was obtained, the situation of target was observed, fragments and carbon fiber were recovered. The numerical simulations were carried out according to the situation of experiments. The process of fragments penetrating carbon fiber composite target was explored, and the failure mechanism of carbon fiber composite target was also explored. The relationship between the failure mode and velocity of fragments could be described as follows: when the fragment velocity exceeds the ballistic limit, the main form of target damage is fiber shear failure; when the fragment velocity is lower than the ballistic limit, the damage forms of the target include fiber shear failure, fiber tensile failure, matrix cracking and fiber layer delamination, and their proportions change with the fragment velocity.
表 1 碳纤维复合材料的力学性能参数
Table 1. Mechanical properties of carbon fiber composites plate
$ {\sigma }_{x\mathrm{t}} $/
MPa$ {E}_{1\mathrm{t}} $/
GPa$ {\sigma }_{y\mathrm{t}} $/
MPa$ {E}_{2\mathrm{t}} $/
GPa$ {\sigma }_{x\mathrm{c}} $/
MPa$ {E}_{1\mathrm{c}} $/
GPa$ {\sigma }_{y\mathrm{c}} $/
MPa$ {E}_{2\mathrm{c}} $/
GPa$ {\tau }_{12} $/
MPa$ {G}_{12} $/
GPa$ {\tau }_{\mathrm{J}} $/
MPa$ {\gamma }_{12} $ 1755 138 48 8.36 1248 128 214 8.48 113 4.51 21.5 0.27 表 2 破片侵彻靶板的损伤区域统计
Table 2. Statistic of damage area of fragment penetrating target
Target thickness/mm Failure pattern Impact velocity/
(m·s–1)Damage area of the
projectile surface/
(mm×mm)Damage area of back
elastic surface/
(mm×mm)5 Local penetration 328 10.92×9.60 11.55×12.24 Complete penetration 340 13.76×10.50 23.10×25.10 10 Local penetration 398 10.63×10.21 29.80×31.42 Complete penetration 412 14.56×10.36 30.30×17.22 15 Local penetration 443 16.26×8.35 Complete penetration 453 15.49×11.22 33.23×24.05 表 3 钢破片材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of steel fragment
$ \rho $/(g·cm–3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa n c M TM/K TR/K 7.83 0.77 792 510 0.26 0.014 1.03 1793 294 表 4 试验和数值模拟得到的弹道极限误差
Table 4. Ballistic limit error of test and numerical simulation
Target thickness/mm Ballistic limit velocity/(m·s–1) Deviation/% Test Simulation 5 334 307.76 7.86 10 405 394.78 2.52 15 448 437.55 2.33 -
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