Pressure-Induced Polymerization of One-Dimensional Nitrogen Chains in K2N2

CHEN Lei ZHANG Yun CHEN Yuxuan WEI Qun ZHANG Meiguang

陈磊, 张云, 陈雨轩, 魏群, 张美光. K2N2中一维氮链的压力诱导聚合[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 040104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240719
引用本文: 陈磊, 张云, 陈雨轩, 魏群, 张美光. K2N2中一维氮链的压力诱导聚合[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 040104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240719
CHEN Lei, ZHANG Yun, CHEN Yuxuan, WEI Qun, ZHANG Meiguang. Pressure-Induced Polymerization of One-Dimensional Nitrogen Chains in K2N2[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 040104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240719
Citation: CHEN Lei, ZHANG Yun, CHEN Yuxuan, WEI Qun, ZHANG Meiguang. Pressure-Induced Polymerization of One-Dimensional Nitrogen Chains in K2N2[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 040104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240719

Pressure-Induced Polymerization of One-Dimensional Nitrogen Chains in K2N2

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240719
Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11964026);Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi (2023-JC-YB-021, 2024JC-YBMS-048)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    CHEN Lei (1983-), male, doctor, associate professor, major in high pressure materials and structures. E-mail:

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Meiguang (1981-), male, doctor, professor, major in high pressure materials and structures. E-mail:
  • 摘要: 采用先进的粒子群晶体结构搜索方法对K2N2在0~150 GPa压强范围内进行晶体结构预测,结果表明,K2N2的基态稳定相为单斜C2/m结构,且在1.7、3.6和122 GPa压强下的结构分别为Na2N2型、CmmmC2/c。体积随压强的变化关系显示C2/m→Na2N2型、Na2N2型→CmmmCmmmC2/c这3个相变均为一级相变,对应的体积坍塌分别为14.4%、22.5%和4.0%。在K2N2高压相变过程中,K原子的配位数从5增加到10,并伴随着N-N成键性质的变化,即从基态C2/m结构中的准分子N=N双键聚合为高压C2/c相中的N―N单键链。C2/m、Na2N2型、Cmmm相表现出金属性,而高压C2/c相表现出半导体(带隙为2.0 eV)性质。电子结构计算和电子局域函数分析表明,K2N2的高压结构相变来源于高压下K-p孤对电子的激活及其与N原子的成键。


  • Figure  1.  Crystal structure of C2/m, Na2N2-type, Cmmm, and C2/c phases (The large and small spheres represent K and N atoms, respectively.)

    Figure  2.  Calculated phonon curves of the C2/m (a), Na2N2-type (b), Cmmm (c), and C2/c (d) phases at selected pressure points

    Figure  3.  (a)–(b) Enthalpy differences of the different predicted structures relative to the Na2N2-type structure under pressure;(c)–(d) pressure dependence of the volume per f. u. of each structure for K2N2

    Figure  4.  Total and site projected DOSs of C2/m (a), Na2N2-type (b), Cmmm (c), and C2/c (d) phases

    Figure  5.  Projected weights of N-p orbitals in the band structures of C2/m (a), Na2N2-type (b), Cmmm (c), and C2/c phases (d) (The Fermi level is indicated by horizontal lines and the black solid lines denote the energy structures of each phase of K2N2)

    Figure  6.  Contours of ELF for the C2/m on the (010) plane (a), Na2N2-type on the (010) plane (b), Cmmm on the (100) plane (c), and C2/c on the (010) plane (d)

    Table  1.   Optimized structural parameters of the C2/m, Na2N2-type, Cmmm, and C2/c phases of K2N2

    Phase Pressure/GPa Lattice parameters dN-N Atomic fractional coordinates
    C2/m0a = 7.562 Å, b = 3.912 Å, c = 10.923 Å,
    α = γ = 90°, β= 134.955°
    1.192K 4i (0.613, 0, 0.260)
    N 4i (0.519, 0, 0.456)
    Na2N2-type2.5a = 3.326 Å, b = 4.375 Å, c = 5.694 Å,
    α = β = γ = 90°
    1.220K1 1e (0, 0.500, 0)
    K2 1c (0, 0, 0.500)
    N 2t (0.500, 0.500, 0.393)
    Cmmm20.0a = 6.896 Å, b = 5.104 Å, c = 2.855 Å,
    α = β = γ = 90°
    1.254K 4g (0.694, 0, 0)
    N 4j (0, 0.877, 0.500)
    C2/c135.0a = 6.971 Å, b = 4.099 Å, c = 4.510 Å,
    α = γ = 90°, β= 81.342°
    1.474, 1.373K 8f (0.669, 0.909, 0.198)
    N 8f (0.041, 0.887, 0.102)
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    Table  2.   Calculated Bader charges of K and N atoms in C2/m, Na2N2-type, Cmmm, and C2/c phases

    Phase Pressure/GPa Atom Charge value/e Charge transfer/e
    C2/m 0 K
    8.509 (×2)
    5.491 (×2)
    Na2N2-type 2.5 K1
    5.645 (×2)
    Cmmm 20.0 K
    8.310 (×2)
    5.690 (×2)
    C2/c 135.0 K
    8.377 (×2)
    5.623 (×2)
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