Superionic Iron Alloys in Earth’s Inner Core and Their Effects
摘要: 超离子态介于固态与液态之间,被认为广泛存在于地球和行星内部。计算研究发现,在地球内核温度压力条件下,铁-氢、铁-碳、铁-氧合金处于超离子态,表现为氢、碳、氧等元素在固态铁合金中像液体一样快速流动。流动的轻元素导致铁合金软化及地震波速降低,与地球物理观测到的内核密度亏损和低剪切波速的特征一致。内核超离子态铁-氢合金可以与地磁场发生相互作用,在偶极地磁场的驱动下形成定向排列组构,从而解释了内核的各向异性结构成因。内核超离子态铁-轻元素合金的发现更新了人们对内核物态的认知,对掌握地球内核的结构、组成和演化以及内核结构与地球磁场的关系等具有重要意义。Abstract: Under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure, a series of materials transform into superionic states, which fall between the solid and liquid states and are widely believed to exist in the interior of Earth and exoplanets. Computational research has found that under the temperature and pressure of the Earth’s inner core, iron-hydrogen, iron-carbon, and iron-oxygen alloys transform to superionic states, manifested as elements such as hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen flowing rapidly like liquids in solid iron alloys. The flowing light elements cause softening of Fe alloys and a decrease in seismic wave velocities, explaining the characteristics of core density deficient and low shear wave velocity observed in geophysics. The superionic iron-hydrogen alloy in the core can interact with the geomagnetic field, forming a lattice preferred orientation fiber driven by a dipole geomagnetic field, explaining the origin of the anisotropic structure in the inner core. The discovery of superionic iron-light-element alloys in the inner core has updated our understanding of the state of the inner core, and is of great significance for understanding the structure, composition, and evolution of Earth’s inner core, as well as the relationship between the inner core structure and the Earth’s magnetic field.
Key words:
- superionic state /
- Earth’s inner core /
- Fe alloy /
- anisotropic structure /
- first-principles calculations
图 4 360 GPa下超离子态hcp相FeH0.25、FeO0.0625和FeC0.0625的纵波波速(vP)和横波波速(vS)随温度的变化(文献中的计算结果:hcp-Fe的波速和预熔化效应(蓝色)[52]、6600 K时bcc-Fe的波速(橙色)[58]、5000 K时bcc-Fe13Si3的Voigt模型波速(青色)以及Voigt-Ruess-Hill(VRH)波速(紫色)[59] )
Figure 4. Compressional (vP) and shear (vS) wave velocities in hcp-FeH0.25, hcp-FeO0.0625 and hcp-FeC0.0625 as a function of temperature at 360 GPa upon superionic transition (In comparison with previous calculation results of pure hcp-Fe with the effect of pre-melting (blue symbols)[52], seismic velocities in bcc-Fe at 6600 K (orange symbols)[58], and seismic velocities in bcc-Fe13Si3 at 5000 K with Voigt and Voigt-Ruess-Hill (VRH) model, respectively (cyan and purple symbols)[59].)
图 5 (a) 内核中地磁场示意图以及随深度变化的各向异性构造变化[36],(b) 蓝色区域的超离子态波速模型与观测值的对比[66],(c) 最内核(绿色区域)模型波速与观测值的对比[22, 27, 67]
Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of poloidal and toroidal geomagnetic field in the inner core (IC) and depth-dependent anisotropic texture change[36]; (b) the superionic model at the depth of blue area in comparison with geophysical observation data[66]; (c) the superionic model of innermost inner core (green area) in comparison with geophysical observation data[22, 27, 67]
表 1 H、O、C在超离子态铁-轻元素合金中的扩散活化焓和超离子态转变温度
Table 1. Diffusion enthalpy of H, O, and C in superionic Fe-light element alloys and their superionic transition temperatures
Alloy Pressure/GPa D0/(cm2·s−1) ΔH/eV Ts/K FeH0.25 260 0.148 1.58 2000 360 0.317 2.14 2230 FeO0.0625 260 0.079 1.62 2350 360 0.067 1.72 2630 FeC0.0625 260 0.087 1.83 2600 360 0.074 1.60 2360 -
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