Study on Mechanical Properties of Paper Honeycomb Structure at Medium Strain Rates
摘要: 应用新研制的中应变率实验装置结合激光干涉测速系统完成了纸蜂窝结构的动态加载实验,研究纸蜂窝结构在中应变率下的力学性能;结合高速摄影和数字图像相关方法,得到纸蜂窝结构的变形过程和动态失效机制,并采用数值方法进一步探究其动态失效机制。结果表明:纸蜂窝结构表现出明显的应变率效应;厚度为2.10 mm的纸蜂窝屈服强度明显低于其他3种尺寸,表现出异常尺寸效应,应力-应变曲线下降段也有较大差异。产生异常尺寸效应的主要原因是,随着试样尺寸的增大,纸蜂窝结构的破坏模式发生了变化。中应变率加载过程中,纸蜂窝结构的失效机制为破坏模式的转变—由面外壁屈曲破坏转变为面内剪切破坏。本研究还利用数值模型分析了胞元宽度的变化对结构力学性能的影响,该研究结果对于薄壁结构的优化设计具有很好的参考意义。Abstract: Combining the laser interferometry system, using the newly developed experimental device at medium strain rates to conduct the dynamic loading experiment of paper honeycomb structure. The purpose is to study the mechanical properties of paper honeycomb structure at medium strain rates. The deformation process and dynamic failure mechanism of paper honeycomb structure were obtained by high-speed photography and digital image correlation method. Numerical methods were used to further explore the dynamic failure mechanism. The results show that the paper honeycomb structure exhibits obvious strain rate effect. The yield strength of 2.10 mm thick paper honeycomb is obviously lower than the other three sizes, showing abnormal size effect. The descending section of stress-strain curve of 2.10 mm thick paper honeycomb is also different. The main reason for it is that the failure mode of paper honeycomb structure changes with the increase of sample size. The failure mechanism of paper honeycomb structure during the loading process at medium strain rates is the change of two failure modes, namely from out-of-plane buckling to in-plane shear. The effect of cell width on mechanical properties of the structure was analyzed by numerical model. This study is a good reference significance for the optimal design of thin-walled structures.
Key words:
- medium strain rate /
- paper honeycomb /
- failure mechanism /
- out-of-plane buckling /
- dynamic response
表 1 纸蜂窝结构的实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of paper honeycomb structure
Sample size/mm Strain rate/s−1 The peak state Stress-drop/MPa Stress/MPa Strain 2.10 5 5.11 0.174 9 5.21 0.173 13 5.22 0.162 3.10 5 7.54 0.077 4.30 9 7.60 0.076 4.48 13 7.92 0.076 4.49 5.14 5 6.90 0.070 2.53 9 6.92 0.069 2.54 13 7.49 0.069 3.29 10.11 3 5.04 0.040 2.84 5 6.13 0.039 3.83 7 6.88 0.028 4.18 表 2 纸蜂窝基体的材料参数
Table 2. Paper honeycomb matrix’s material parameters
Poisson’s ratio Elastic modulus/GPa Compression strength/MPa Density/(kg·m–3) 0.2 4 180 1100 -
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