
王潇 刘哲宏 卢达标 皮茂材 潘昭 龙有文

王潇, 刘哲宏, 卢达标, 皮茂材, 潘昭, 龙有文. A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物:结构、物性和展望[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(1): 010101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230785
引用本文: 王潇, 刘哲宏, 卢达标, 皮茂材, 潘昭, 龙有文. A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物:结构、物性和展望[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(1): 010101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230785
WANG Xiao, LIU Zhehong, LU Dabiao, PI Maocai, PAN Zhao, LONG Youwen. A-Site Ordered Quadruple Perovskite Oxides: Structures, Properties and Prospects[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(1): 010101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230785
Citation: WANG Xiao, LIU Zhehong, LU Dabiao, PI Maocai, PAN Zhao, LONG Youwen. A-Site Ordered Quadruple Perovskite Oxides: Structures, Properties and Prospects[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(1): 010101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230785


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230785
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFA1400300);国家自然科学基金(11934017,12261131499,11921004,12304159, 12204516);北京市自然科学基金(Z200007);中国科学院先导B项目(XDB33000000)

    王 潇(1991-),男,博士,博士后,主要从事高压极端条件材料制备与物性研究. E-mail:wangxiao@iphy.ac.cn


    龙有文(1979-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事新型高压磁电量子功能材料研究. E-mail:ywlong@iphy.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O469; O521.2

A-Site Ordered Quadruple Perovskite Oxides: Structures, Properties and Prospects

  • 摘要: A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物$\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_4 O^{\;}_{12} $具有丰富的物理性质和优异的材料性能,是当今凝聚态物理和材料科学的重要研究对象。相较于简单的ABO3型钙钛矿,在A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物中,3/4的A位离子被过渡金属离子A′所取代,形成了1∶3的A/A′有序结构。因此,A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物中的磁-电相互作用不再局限于B位子晶格内部,新颖的A′-A′、A′-B等磁-电相互作用也随之产生,从而展现出许多新现象和新物理机制,并为未来的实际应用提供了材料基础。围绕几种具有代表性的A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物,回顾其研究脉络,对其晶体结构、物理性质和内在机理进行简单介绍,并对这类材料体系的研究方向和应用前景做出一些展望。


  • 图  (a) $\rm ABO^{\;}_3 $型钙钛矿、(b) A位有序四重钙钛矿$\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_4 O^{\;}_{12} $和(c) A位有序四重钙钛矿$\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_2 B'_2 O^{\;}_{12} $的结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic crystal structures of (a) $\rm ABO^{\;}_3 $ perovskite, A-site ordered perovskites (b) $\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_4 O^{\;}_{12} $ and (c) $\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_2 B'_2 O^{\;}_{12} $

    图  (a) Aʹ的氧配位示意图(黄色表示Aʹ离子,红色表示O离子,颜色由深至浅表示Aʹ―O键长由短至长),(b) AʹO4平面四边形晶体场示意图(10Dqd轨道(t2geg)的劈裂,Δt2g、Δeg分别为t2gxyxzyz)和egx2y2z2r2)轨道的劈裂),(c) BO6八面体的倾斜(蓝色表示B离子,红色表示O离子)

    Figure  2.  (a) Coordination of the Aʹ site, the Aʹ ion is displayed in yellow, the O anions are displayed in red, and the different colors of O indicate the different Aʹ―O bond lengths; (b) crystal field of AʹO4 square planar, the 10Dq represents the split of the d orbit (t2g, eg), the Δt2g and Δeg represent the split of the t2g (xy, xz, yz) and eg (x2y2, z2r2) orbits, respectively; (c) tilt of the BO6 octahedra, the B ions are displayed in blue, and the O anions are displayed in red

    图  (a) CaCu3Ti4O12εʹ和tan δ随温度的变化关系(2条曲线分别为2个样品的测试数据)[27];(b) 不同频率下εʹ、tan δω0随温度的变化关系[27];(c) εʹ随频率的变化关系;(d) 弛豫时间(τ)随温度的变化关系(10 K的τ为预测值)[29]

    Figure  3.  (a) Temperature-dependent εʹ and tan δ of two CaCu3Ti4O12 samples[27]; (b) temperature-dependent εʹ, tan δ and ω0 at selected frequencies[27]; (c) frequency-dependent εʹ of CaCu3Ti4O12 and (d) the relaxation time (τ) as a function of 1/T, the legend also gives the estimated τ at 10 K[29]

    图  (a) 本征与非本征因素构成的等效电路示意图,(b) 该等效电路的εʹ和εʹʹ随频率的变化曲线[33]

    Figure  4.  (a) Equivalent circuit that describes the main features of the dielectric response; (b) frequency-dependent dielectric response[33]

    图  (a) CaCu3Ti4O12多晶表面形貌,(b) 晶粒内和晶粒间的I-V曲线[42]

    Figure  5.  (a) Surface morphology with patterned gold electrodes of CaCu3Ti4O12; (b) I-V characteristics within single grains and across individual grain boundaries[42]

    图  LaCu3Fe4O12TN=393 K的多种转变:(a) Cu―O键、Fe―O键的键长随温度的变化关系;(b) 体积随温度的变化关系;(c) 穆斯堡尔(Mössbauer)谱的光吸收随运动速度的变化关系;(d) 磁化率(χ)和电阻率(ρ)随温度的变化曲线(插图为磁矩M随温度的变化曲线)[7]

    Figure  6.  Multiple transitions of LaCu3Fe4O12 at TN=393 K: (a) temperature-dependent Cu―O and Fe―O bond lengths; (b) temperature-dependent negative thermal expansion; (c) Mössbauer spectra, the velocity-dependent absorption; (d) temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility (χ) and resistivity (ρ), the inset displays the temperature-dependent magnetization (M)[7]

    图  (a) LnCu3Fe4O12的电荷有序形式总览;(b) LnCu3Fe4O12在相变温度附近的体积随温度的变化曲线;(c) Ln和Fe的键合状态(d为价键求和(bond valence sum,BVS)计算得到的价态与自由离子价态之差,d < 0表示欠键合,d > 0表示过键合)[61]

    Figure  7.  (a) An overview of charge order of LnCu3Fe4O12; (b) temperature-dependent volume of LnCu3Fe4O12; (c) correlation between dLn and dFe (d is the difference between bond valence sum (BVS) and ionic valence state. d < 0 indicates underbonding and d > 0 indicates overbonding.)[61]

    图  (a) ACu3Fe4O12体系电荷有序能级示意图[62];(b) 当体积为原体积的102%、100%、96%、90%、88%、80%、78%时的电荷分布(不同颜色表示不同位置电荷相对密度差异Δn(r))[63]

    Figure  8.  (a) Schematic diagram of charge order in the ACu3Fe4O12 compounds[62]; (b) computed charge densities for volumes of 102%, 100%, 96%, 90%, 88%, 80% and 78%, the colors represent the charge density differences Δn(r)[63]

    图  (a) PbCoO3[66]、(b) Mn2O3[67]以及(c) Fe2O3[68]的相图

    Figure  9.  Phase diagrams of (a) PbCoO3[66], (b) Mn2O3[67], and (c) Fe2O3[68]

    图  10  磁电耦合多铁性材料中磁场对电极化的调控以及电场对磁化的调控示意图[75]

    Figure  10.  Controlling of polarization/magnetization by magnetic/electric field in magnetoelectric multiferroics[75]

    图  11  LaMn3Cr4O12的晶格结构、NPD图谱和磁结构[9]

    Figure  11.  Crystal structure, NPD pattern and magnetic structure of LaMn3Cr4O12[9]

    图  12  LaMn3Cr4O12在不同磁场下的热释电电流、电极化和介电常数随温度的变化关系[9]

    Figure  12.  Pyroelectric current, electric polarization and dielectric constant of LaMn3Cr4O12 under selected magnetic fields[9]

    图  13  BiMn3Cr4O12通过不同的极化过程实现的 4 种极化态[86]

    Figure  13.  Four states of BiMn3Cr4O12 from different poling procedures[86]

    图  14  5 K时SmMn3Cr4O12在不同磁场和电场配置下的电极化随磁场大小的变化关系[88]

    Figure  14.  Magnetic field dependent polarization of SmMn3Cr4O12 at 5 K measured at H//E and HE configurations[88]

    图  15  电极化在罗马面上的转动路径和实验测量结果(ψ为外加磁场H与极化电场E的夹角)[92]

    Figure  15.  Induced fundamental polarization trajectories on Roman surface and related experiment results, ψ represents the angle between H and E[92]

    图  16  (a) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3的能带示意图,(b) 自旋分辨光电子能谱测量结果[97]

    Figure  16.  (a) Schematic band structure and (b) spin-resolved photoemission spectra of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3[97]

    图  17  Sr2FeMoO6的电阻率和磁化强度随磁场的变化关系[99]

    Figure  17.  Field-dependent electrical resistivity and magnetization of Sr2FeMoO6[99]

    图  18  CaCu3Fe2Re2O12的 (a) 磁化率χ随温度的变化曲线、(b) 电阻率和磁化强度随磁场的变化曲线以及 (c) 能带计算结果[11]

    Figure  18.  (a) Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, (b) field-dependent magnetization and magnetoresistance, and (c) calculated band structure from first principles of CaCu3Fe2Re2O12[11]

    图  19  LaCu3Fe2Re2O12的 (a) 磁化率随温度的变化曲线、(b) 磁化强度随磁场的变化曲线、(c) 能带计算结果以及 (d) 半金属综合性能指标η与其他半金属氧化物的比较[101]

    Figure  19.  (a) Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, (b) field-dependent magnetization, (c) calculated band structure from first principles and (d) overall performance factor η of LaCu3Fe2Re2O12 (The η values of some selected half-metallic oxides are displayed for comparison.)[101]

    图  20  ACu3Fe2Os2O12体系不同 A 位离子对费米面的调控[108]

    Figure  20.  Regulation of the Fermi surface by the nonmagnetic A-site ions in the ACu3Fe2Os2O12 system[108]

    图  21  全过渡金属A位有序四重钙钛矿氧化物$\rm AA'_3 B^{\;}_2 B'_2 O^{\;}_{12} $丰富的磁-电相互作用(红色代表氧离子)

    Figure  21.  Multiple magnetic and electric interactions in the transition-metal-only A-site ordered quadruple perovskite oxide, the oxygen ions are shown in red

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