High-Pressure Synthesis of Copper-Based Rare-Earth Perovskite La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤1)
摘要: 在高温高压条件下,利用自主设计加工的Walker型高压组件合成新型铜基稀土过渡金属钙钛矿La1–xNdxCuO3(0≤x≤1)。结构精修结果表明:La1–xNdxCuO3(0≤x≤0.4)具有菱方结构,空间群为
$R\overline 3 c $ ;当0.5≤x≤0.7时,该体系表现出$R\overline 3 c $ 菱方结构与Pnma正交结构共存的混合相;进一步增加Nd的掺杂比例,当0.8≤x≤1时样品具有单一的Pnma正交结构。获得了La1–xNdxCuO3(0≤x≤1)的完整结构相图,为深入研究稀土-3d过渡金属氧化物的磁性、金属-绝缘体相变等物性演化规律提供了新的材料选项。-
- 高压合成 /
- 铜基稀土-3d过渡金属氧化物 /
- 金属绝缘体相变
Abstract: The copper-based rare-earth perovskites La1–xNdxCuO3(0≤x≤1) have been synthesized in the two-stage Walker-type high-pressure apparatus. The refined crystal structure results revealed that La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤0.4) adopts a rhombohedral structure with the space group$R\overline 3 c $ . When 0.5≤x≤0.7, a mixed phase with both$R\overline 3 c $ rhombohedral and Pnma orthorhombic structures was observed in the system. With a further increase in Nd3+ doping, the system exhibits a single Pnma orthorhombic phase when x=0.8, 0.9 and 1. A comprehensive structural phase diagram of La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤1) was established in this study, providing a new material platform for investigating the magnetic properties, metal-insulator transitions, and other physical property evolutions in rare-earth 3d transition metal oxides. -
表 1 La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤1)样品合成的压力和温度优化条件
Table 1. Pressure and temperature conditions of synthesizing La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤1)
Sample Pressure/GPa Temperature/℃ Time/min LaCuO3 6 1000 30 La0.9Nd0.1CuO3 6 1000 30 La0.8Nd0.2CuO3 6 1000 30 La0.7Nd0.3CuO3 10 1000 30 La0.6Nd0.4CuO3 10 1000 30 La0.5Nd0.5CuO3 10 1000 30 La0.4Nd0.6CuO3 10 1000 30 La0.3Nd0.7CuO3 14 1000 30 La0.2Nd0.8CuO3 14 1000 30 La0.1Nd0.9CuO3 14 1000 30 NdCuO3 14 1000 30 表 2 La1–xNdxCuO3(0≤x≤1)的晶格参数
Table 2. Structural parameters of La1–xNdxCuO3 (0≤x≤1)
Sample Space group Lattice parameters/Å RP/% RWP/% Chi2 LaCuO3 $R\overline 3 c $ a=b=5.4976(6), c=13.2062(9) 3.05 5.59 7.01 La0.9Nd0.1CuO3 $R\overline 3 c $ a=b=5.4976(9), c=13.1917(5) 1.45 1.92 1.10 La0.8Nd0.2CuO3 $R\overline 3 c $ a=b=5.4988(9), c=13.1732(7) 1.25 1.68 0.79 La0.7Nd0.3CuO3 $R\overline 3 c $ a=b=5.4961(1), c=13.1625(7) 1.91 2.73 2.48 La0.6Nd0.4CuO3 $R\overline 3 c $ a=5.4933(9), c=13.1326(6) 2.41 4.14 7.09 La0.5Nd0.5CuO3 Phase 1: $R\overline 3 c $ (36.43%) a=b=5.4627(1), c=13.2988(9) 4.23 5.85 2.42 Phase 2: Pnma (63.57%) a=6.1821(1), b=7.3597(8), c=5.4318(7) 4.23 5.85 2.42 La0.4Nd0.6CuO3 Phase 1: $R\overline 3 c $ (43.49%) a=b=5.4571(7), c=13.2982(1) 1.25 1.68 0.79 Phase 2: Pnma (56.51%) a=6.5015(2), b=7.6552(6), c=5.3354(4) 1.25 1.68 0.79 La0.3Nd0.7CuO3 Phase 1: $R\overline 3 c $ (44.42%) a=b=5.4542(6), c=13.3191(9) 3.76 4.81 1.43 Phase 2: Pnma (55.58%) a=6.3189(6), b=7.2736(7), c=5.3706(8) 3.76 4.81 1.43 La0.2Nd0.8CuO3 Pnma a=6.3197(8), b=7.2408(1), c=5.3561(1) 7.75 9.92 2.20 La0.1Nd0.9CuO3 Pnma a=6.3045(3), b=7.2421(7), c=5.3462(9) 1.54 2.24 1.66 NdCuO3 Pnma a=6.3039(2), b=7.2176(2), c=5.3334(5) 1.72 2.48 1.42 -
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