Crushing Characteristics of SiC Ceramics and Projectiles under Kevlar/Carbon Fiber Backing
摘要: 陶瓷/纤维复合装甲的抗弹性能与弹靶的破碎特性之间有明显的关联。当背板材料不同时,波阻抗差异会影响陶瓷与背板之间的应力波传播,使弹丸和陶瓷面板产生不同的破碎现象,致使复合靶板的防护性能有所不同。针对弹丸侵彻不同纤维背板的陶瓷复合装甲时的弹靶破碎特性,开展了12.7 mm口径的穿燃弹侵彻陶瓷/Kevlar纤维复合靶板和陶瓷/碳纤维复合靶板的弹道试验,结合Rosin-Rammer分布模型,对两类陶瓷/纤维复合靶板的防护性能进行分析。结果表明:弹芯撞击陶瓷面板时发生的断裂主要由其内部的拉剪应力造成;当背板为碳纤维时,弹芯碎片的平均特征尺寸比背板为Kevlar纤维时小21.68%,陶瓷碎片的平均特征尺寸减小约9.48%,即弹芯和陶瓷的小尺寸碎片占比更大,同时,复合靶板的整体抗弹性能更优。Abstract: There is a clear correlation between the ballistic performance of ceramic/fiber composite armor and the fragmentation characteristics of the projectile and target. When the back-plate material is different, the difference in wave impedance will cause differences in stress wave transmission between the ceramic and back-plate interface, resulting in different fragmentation outcomes of the projectile and ceramic panel, leading to differences in the protective performance of the composite target. For the differences in the fragmentation characteristics of the projectile and target, when the projectile penetrates different fiber back-plate ceramic composite armors, ballistic tests of 12.7 mm armor-piercing incendiary projectile penetration of ceramic/Kevlar fiber composite targets and ceramic/carbon fiber composite targets were carried out, and the protective performance of the two types of ceramic/fiber composite targets was analyzed in conjunction with the test results and the Rosin-Rammer distribution model. The results show that the fracture of the bullet core is mainly caused by the internal shear stress. When the back-plate material is carbon fiber, the average characteristic size of the bullet core fragments is reduced by 21.68% compared with Kevlar fiber, and the average characteristic size of the ceramic fragments is reduced by about 9.48%, that is, the proportion of small-sized fragments of the bullet core and ceramics is larger, and at the same time, the overall ballistic performance of the composite target is better.
表 1 试验结构配置
Table 1. Structure configuration of the tests
Test No. Target configuration Velocity/(m·s−1) Areal density/(g·cm−2) Front panel Back board 15K-1 SiC, 12 mm Kevlar, 15 mm 478.5 6.0 15K-2 SiC, 12 mm Kevlar, 15 mm 480.6 6.0 15T-1 SiC, 12 mm T300, 15 mm 481.5 6.2 15T-2 SiC, 12 mm T300, 15 mm 479.1 6.2 -
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