Damage Failure and Anti-Blast Performance of Concrete-Infilled Double Steel Corrugated-Plate Wall under Near Field Explosion
摘要: 相对于传统的钢筋混凝土墙板和平面双钢板-混凝土组合墙板(profiled double-skin composite wall,PDSCW),波纹双钢板-混凝土组合墙板(concrete-infilled double steel corrugated-plate wall,CDSCW)具有更高的轴向抗压承载力、更大的侧向抗弯刚度以及良好的抗冲击和抗震性能,在船舶和军事领域有广阔的应用前景。制作2种CDSCW试件,通过近场爆炸试验对比分析了2种试件的损伤模式及动态响应;采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立了CDSCW和PDSCW的有限元模型,研究了近场爆炸下2种混凝土组合墙板的损伤机理和爆炸响应,并与试验结果进行对比分析;分析了混凝土厚度、钢板厚度、药量对CDSCW抗爆性能的影响。结果表明:近场爆炸作用下,相较于PDSCW,相同混凝土方量和尺寸(长、宽)的CDSCW具有更大的抗弯刚度、更强的抗变形能力以及更优的抗爆性能;增加波纹深度能有效提高CDSCW的抗爆性能,可为抗爆构件设计和相关工程研究提供参考。
- 近场爆炸 /
- 波纹双钢板混凝土组合墙板 /
- 损伤模式 /
- 动态响应 /
- 抗爆性能
Abstract: Compared with the traditional reinforced concrete and profiled double-skin composite wall (PDSCW), concrete-infilled double steel corrugated-plate wall (CDSCW) has better axial compressive capacity, lateral flexural stiffness, impact resistance and seismic performance, which has broad application prospect in ship and military field. In this paper, two types of CDSCW specimens were designed and produced. Firstly, the damage modes and dynamic responses of the two specimens were analyzed and compared through near-field explosion test. Secondly, the finite element model of CDSCW was established by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The damage mechanism and explosion response of CDSCW and PDSCW under near-field explosion were studied, and the results were compared with the test results. Finally, effects of concrete thickness, steel plate thickness and charge quantity on the anti-blast performance of corrugated double steel plate composite wall board were analyzed. The results show that, compared with PDSCW, CDSCW with the same concrete and component size (length and width) have greater flexural rigidity, energy dissipation capacity, and better knock resistance performance under near field explosion. Increasing the corrugated depth can effectively improve the anti-blast performance of CDSCW, which provides reference for the design of anti-blast component and related engineering research. -
表 1 混凝土主要材料参数
Table 1. Mechanical properties of concrete
ρc/(g·cm−3) fc/MPa ft/MPa μc b1 b2 b3 λm α αc αd 2.408 52.4 4.2 0.19 1.6 2 1.15 8.7×10−5 3 0.294 1.86 表 2 CDSCW和PDSCW的损伤对比
Table 2. Damage comparison of PDSCW and CDSCW
Specimen Blast side damage Simulated rear
side damageSimulated damage
near supportMidpoint displacement of
lower steel plate/mmTest Simulation Test Simulation CDSCW1 120.0 109.0 CDSCW2 95.0 90.4 PDSCW 175.3 -
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