Numerical Simulation on Internal Explosion Resistance of Concrete Frame Structures with Kinked Rebar
摘要: 人工塑性铰在框架结构抗震研究中已经得到广泛应用,其能够控制梁塑性铰出现的位置,避免框架结构在地震中出现梁柱节点破坏而发生连续倒塌,实现“强柱弱梁”的设计目标。一种新型起波钢筋构造的人工塑性铰为结构抗爆设计提供了新的思路。现有的结构静载试验表明,起波钢筋兼具优异的变形性能和较强的极限承载力。采用简化混合建模的方法,基于有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,对采用不同起波配筋方案的钢筋混凝土框架结构进行数值模拟。研究结果表明:在爆炸荷载作用下,起波配筋梁能有效地吸收冲击力,降低支座反力,推迟反力峰值出现时间,保护梁柱节点,将破坏限制在梁板构件,从而防止结构发生连续倒塌。Abstract: Artificial plastic hinges have been widely used in the seismic research of frame structures, which can control the location of the beam plastic hinges and avoid the continuous collapse of the frame structure due to the damage of beam-column joints in earthquakes. The design goal of “strong column weak beam” can be achieved. An artificial plastic hinge with kinked rebar provides a new idea for structural blast resistance. Established structural static load tests have shown that the kinked rebar has excellent deformation performance. The ultimate load capacity of beam with kinded rebar is not reduced. With the software ANSYS/LS-DYNA and the hybrid finite element modeling approach, a numerical simulation study of reinforced concrete frame structures with different kinked rebar schemes was carried out. The results showed that the beam with kinked rebar can absorb the impact energy, reduce the support reaction, delay the peak reaction force, protect the beam-column joints, limit the damage to beam-slab members, and prevent the continuous collapse of frame structre.
Key words:
- impact loading /
- internal explosion /
- kinked rebar /
- frame structure /
- finite element analysis
表 1 钢筋和混凝土材料参数
Table 1. Rebar and concrete material parameter
Concrete (K&C) Rebar (*MAT_PLASTIC_KINMATIC) ρ0/(kg·m−3) μ fc/MPa ρ0/(kg·m−3) μ E/GPa fy/MPa C/s−1 P εf 2 400 0.2 36 7 800 0.2 206 320 40 5 0.14 表 2 空气材料参数
Table 2. Air material parameters
ρ0/(kg·m−3) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 E0/(J·m−3) V0 1.29 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0 2.5$ \times $105 1 表 3 TNT材料参数
Table 3. TNT material parameters
ρ0/(kg·m−3) D/(m·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 $\omega $ E0/(J·m−3) V0 1 630 6 930 21 373.8 3.747 4.15 0.9 0.35 7$ \times $109 1 -
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