
武旭阳 李洪超 刘轩泽 张继 梁瑞 王富旗

武旭阳, 李洪超, 刘轩泽, 张继, 梁瑞, 王富旗. 岩体可爆性的模糊决策理论及炸药单耗预测[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(6): 065303. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230700
引用本文: 武旭阳, 李洪超, 刘轩泽, 张继, 梁瑞, 王富旗. 岩体可爆性的模糊决策理论及炸药单耗预测[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(6): 065303. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230700
WU Xuyang, LI Hongchao, LIU Xuanze, ZHANG Ji, LIANG Rui, WANG Fuqi. Fuzzy Decision Theory of Rock Mass Explodability and Prediction of Explosive Unit Consumption[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(6): 065303. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230700
Citation: WU Xuyang, LI Hongchao, LIU Xuanze, ZHANG Ji, LIANG Rui, WANG Fuqi. Fuzzy Decision Theory of Rock Mass Explodability and Prediction of Explosive Unit Consumption[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(6): 065303. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230700


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230700
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52164010,52364016)

    武旭阳(1998-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事工程爆破研究. E-mail:811733925@qq.com


    李洪超(1984-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事工程爆破及岩体破碎研究. E-mail:34031826@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O381; TD235

Fuzzy Decision Theory of Rock Mass Explodability and Prediction of Explosive Unit Consumption

  • 摘要: 为推进岩体可爆性分级后的进一步工程实际应用,利用回归分析方法分析可爆性指标的相关性,最终确定以岩体的抗拉强度、密度、脆性指数、完整性系数4个基本不相关的参数作为评级指标;通过正交试验设计确定各评级指标的敏感性,并确定其权重;运用模糊决策理论对岩体进行可爆性评级,采用评级指标结合岩体基本质量指数,推出地下采矿浅孔爆破的炸药单耗预测公式,进一步推导出可爆性等级对应的炸药单耗预测区间。结果表明:模糊决策方法为岩体可爆性评级提供了一种新思路,同时也证明了权重分配与评级指标选取的正确性。现场爆破试验证明了炸药单耗预测区间的合理性,研究结果可为生产爆破和类似工程实践提供一定的指导。


  • 图  大理岩掏槽孔布置

    Figure  1.  Layout of marble cutting holes

    图  大理岩爆破效果

    Figure  2.  Effect of marble blasting

    图  氧化矿装药作业

    Figure  3.  Operation of oxide ore charging

    图  氧化矿连线作业

    Figure  4.  Operation of oxidation ore connection

    表  1  岩石的抗拉强度和抗剪强度

    Table  1.   Tensile and shear strength of rocks

    Rock category σt/MPa τ/MPa Rock category σt/MPa τ/MPa
    Magnetite ore 12 43 Migmatite 8.5 38
    Chlorite schist 2.6 12 Quartz schist 7 16
    Magnetite rich ore 11.5 40 Mixed metamorphic rock 4.81 21.66
    Amphibolite 7.07 22 Mixed granite 12.93 47.85
    k shell 8 32 Fault breccia 8.53 33.02
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    表  2  岩石的物理力学参数

    Table  2.   Physical and mechanical parameters of rock

    Rock No.ρ/(g·cm−3)σt/MPaηB
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    表  3  相关性分析结果

    Table  3.   Correlation analysis results

    Results β0 β1 R
    τ=0.3658+3.5369σt 0.3658 3.5369 0.8138
    B=5.2149+2.0844ρ 5.2149 2.0844 0.0084
    B=19.9728−0.7139σt 19.9728 −0.7139 0.2386
    B=14.3477−5.4339η 14.3477 −5.4339 0.0273
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    表  4  正交设计各因素水平

    Table  4.   Levels of various factors in orthogonal design

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    表  5  正交设计试验L9(34)

    Table  5.   Orthogonal design test L9(34)

    Test No.Level
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    表  6  正交试验设计结果

    Table  6.   Orthogonal design test results

    Test No. ρ/(g·cm−3) σt/MPa B η Level[12]
    1 2.618 8.61 10.77 0.360 2
    2 2.618 13.38 7.79 0.513 4
    3 2.618 20.14 5.46 0.783 5
    4 2.975 8.61 7.79 0.783 7
    5 2.975 13.38 5.46 0.360 3
    6 2.975 20.14 10.77 0.513 4
    7 3.270 8.61 5.46 0.513 6
    8 3.270 13.38 10.77 0.783 6
    9 3.270 20.14 7.79 0.360 5
    K1 11 15 12 10
    K2 14 13 16 14
    K3 17 14 14 18
    Range 2 0.667 1.333 2.667
    Sensitiveness 2 4 3 1
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    表  7  可爆性分级标准

    Table  7.   Explosivity classification standards

    Rock mass explosivity levelρ/(g·cm−3)σt/MPaBηLevel
    3.1620.09.50.6021More difficult
    3.4526.03.50.8232Most difficult
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    表  8  可爆性分级结果

    Table  8.   Explosion classification results

    Rock No. Proposed method Attribute recognition method Entropy weight theory method
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    表  9  炸药单耗与岩石坚固性系数[22]

    Table  9.   Unit consumption and rock soundness coefficient of explosive[22]

    f q/(kg·m−3) f q/(kg·m−3)
    0–4 0.25–0.65 10–15 1.60–2.60
    5–8 0.65–1.00 >15 >2.80
    8–10 1.00–1.60
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    表  10  $BQ $与炸药单耗

    Table  10.   $BQ $ and explosive unit consumption

    BQ q/(kg·m−3) BQ q/(kg·m−3)
    ≤250 0.25–0.65 451–550 1.60–2.60
    251–350 0.65–1.00 >551 >2.80
    351–450 1.00–1.60
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    表  11  炸药单耗与$BQ $拟合结果

    Table  11.   Fitting results of explosive unit consumption and $BQ $

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    表  12  岩石的$BQ $

    Table  12.   Rock $BQ $

    Rock No.BQRock No.BQ
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    表  13  评级与炸药单耗计算结果

    Table  13.   Rating and explosive unit consumption calculation results

    Level Number q/(kg·m−3) Level Number q/(kg·m−3)
    0 <0.77 12 1.91–2.71
    3 0.77–1.22 5 2.48–3.49
    8 1.17–1.69 0 >3.49
    11 1.58–2.26
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    表  14  岩矿试样的物理参数

    Table  14.   Physical parameters of rock specimen

    Rock typeρ/(g·cm−3)σt/MPaBη
    Oxidized ore2.474.8615.10.156
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