Finite Element Simulation for Magnet Velocity Induction System
摘要: 在冲击加载实验中,飞片速度是确定样品动态压缩性的重要参量。电磁感应测速系统是针对超高速运动状态的速度测量系统。基于有限元方法和ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite三维建模,模拟了飞片的测速过程,并验证了模拟结果的可靠性。结合实验结果,证实相同条件下模拟信号的感应电动势误差为1.1%,低于系统误差(2.0%)。模拟信号的测速误差小于0.4%,低于系统测速误差(0.9%)。分析了Al、Cu、Ta、W、93W飞片在不同飞片厚度、半径、倾斜角度、运动速度以及线圈孔径条件下检测线圈中感应电动势的变化规律。模拟结果为在冲击实验中更好地测量飞片速度提供了参考。Abstract: In shockwave experiments, the launch velocity of flyer is a crucial parameter for determining the physical quantities in sample under dynamic compression. Magnet velocity induction system is used to determine the velocity of flyer which can work under hypervelocity conditions. Based on finite element method, ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite module was used to establish a three-dimensional model and the launch process of flyer was simulated. The simulated results well reproduce the experimental signals. Comparing to the experimental results, the relative error of simulated amplitude of induced electromotive force (AIEMF) is 1.1%, lower than the system error of 2.0%. The relative error for flyer velocity determined by simulation is less than 0.4%, also lower than the measurement system error of 0.9%. The dependence of AIEMF with the thickness, radius, tilt angle, launch velocity of flyer and the diameter of pick-up coils is analyzed. The simulation result provides a reference for better signal acquisition in shockwave experiments.
表 1 AIEMF的实验和模拟结果
Table 1. Simulated and experimental results of AIEMF
Method A1/mV A2/mV A3/mV Simulation 3296.7 3234.1 3096.2 Experiment 3251.4 3208.7 3051.6 -
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