Numerical Simulation of Magnetically Driven Sample Experiment
摘要: 采用二维磁驱动数值模拟程序对磁驱动样品实验进行了模拟研究。数值模拟结果表明,二维磁驱动数值模拟程序模拟的样品/窗口界面速度(或飞片/窗口界面速度)与实验测量速度基本一致。磁驱动样品实验的结构系数与样品材料、阴阳极之间的初始间隙、电极板宽度等负载初始结构相关,不随磁驱动样品实验的演化过程而改变。样品材料不同,结构系数不同。对于同一样品材料,在其他初始条件相同的情况下,电极板越宽,结构系数越大。二维磁驱动数值模拟程序能够正确模拟磁驱动样品实验,是磁驱动样品物性研究的重要工具。
- 二维磁驱动数值模拟程序 /
- 磁驱动样品实验 /
- 磁流体力学 /
- 结构系数
Abstract: The magnetically driven sample experiments which were carried out in an intense pulsed power device were simulated and analyzed by two-dimensional magnetically driven simulation code (MDSC2), and the structure coefficient of magnetically driven sample experiments was studied and analyzed. The numerical results show that MDSC2 can correctly simulate experiments of magnetically driven samples such as tin and magnesium-aluminum alloy. The simulated sample/window interface velocity (or flyer plate/window interface velocity) is basically consistent with the experimental measured one. The structure coefficients of magnetically driven samples are usually different when the magnetically driven sample experiments are different. The structure coefficient of magnetically driven sample experiment is related to the initial conditions such as the sample material and the width of the electrode plate but not to the initial thickness of the sample material. Under the same initial conditions, such as the thickness of the flyer plate, the material of the flyer plate, the material of the sample, the initial gap between the cathode and the anode, the wider the electrode plate, the larger the structure coefficient of the magnetic drive sample experiment. MDSC2 can correctly simulate the magnetically driven sample experiments, which makes MDSC2 an important tool for the study of magnetically driven sample experiments. -
表 1 磁驱动样品实验负载参数
Table 1. Load parameters for magnetically driven sample experiments
Exp. No. Sample material δfa/mm δsa/mm δwa/mm δfc/mm δsc/mm δwc/mm g0/mm W/mm Exp1-top MgAl 0.970 0 8 0.983 0.565 8 1.200 13 Exp1-bottom MgAl 0.984 0.968 8 0.988 0.788 8 1.200 13 Exp2-top Sn 1.000 0.386 8 1.000 0 8 1.200 11 Exp2-bottom Sn 1.000 0.386 8 1.000 0 8 1.200 11 Exp3-top Sn 0.993 0.417 8 0.990 0.451 8 1.200 13 Exp3-bottom Sn 0.993 0 8 0.990 0.643 8 1.200 13 Exp4-top Sn 0.995 0.433 8 0.998 0.650 8 1.175 15 Exp4-bottom Sn 0.990 0.817 8 0.991 0 8 1.175 15 表 2 磁驱动样品实验的结构系数
Table 2. Structure coefficients of magnetically driven sample experiments
Exp. No. Sample material δsa/mm δsc/mm g0/mm W/mm f Exp1-top MgAl 0 0.565 1.200 13 0.78 Exp1-bottom MgAl 0.968 0.788 1.200 13 0.78 Exp2-top Sn 0.386 0 1.200 11 0.84 Exp2-bottom Sn 0.386 0 1.200 11 0.84 Exp3-top Sn 0.417 0.451 1.200 13 0.85 Exp3-bottom Sn 0 0.643 1.200 13 0.85 Exp4-top Sn 0.433 0.650 1.175 15 0.88 Exp4-bottom Sn 0.817 0 1.175 15 0.88 -
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