
梁世凡 晁晓辉 魏永冬 王光勇 郭佳奇

梁世凡, 晁晓辉, 魏永冬, 王光勇, 郭佳奇. 不同条件下后施工隧道爆破开挖对邻近隧道振速的影响规律[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(5): 055302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230678
引用本文: 梁世凡, 晁晓辉, 魏永冬, 王光勇, 郭佳奇. 不同条件下后施工隧道爆破开挖对邻近隧道振速的影响规律[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(5): 055302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230678
LIANG Shifan, CHAO Xiaohui, WEI Yongdong, WANG Guangyong, GUO Jiaqi. Influence of Blasting Excavation of Post-Construction Tunnel on Vibration Velocity of Adjacent Tunnel under Different Conditions[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(5): 055302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230678
Citation: LIANG Shifan, CHAO Xiaohui, WEI Yongdong, WANG Guangyong, GUO Jiaqi. Influence of Blasting Excavation of Post-Construction Tunnel on Vibration Velocity of Adjacent Tunnel under Different Conditions[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(5): 055302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230678


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230678
基金项目: 企业委托课题(H21-478)

    梁世凡(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事隧道与地下工程防灾减灾研究. E-mail:13213553635@163.com


    晁晓辉(1983-),男,高级工程师,主要从事高速公路施工管理研究. E-mail:yxh07051412@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O383; TU91

Influence of Blasting Excavation of Post-Construction Tunnel on Vibration Velocity of Adjacent Tunnel under Different Conditions

  • 摘要: 为研究后施工隧道爆破开挖对邻近隧道的影响,以格鲁吉亚E60高速公路隧道为工程背景,通过对大断面浅埋双线隧道爆破开挖进行数值模拟,探究爆破荷载对不同间距、不同埋深、不同围岩等级的邻近隧道振速的影响。结果表明:爆破荷载以后施工隧道掌子面为中心向四周围岩传播;在邻近隧道距爆源前方5 m的断面处围岩振速达到最大值,邻近隧道中爆源前方振速大于后方振速,且迎爆侧振速远远大于背爆侧振速,迎爆侧振速衰减速率大于背爆侧振速衰减速率,邻近隧道拱腰受到爆破荷载的影响最明显;邻近隧道围岩的x方向振速最大,z方向振速次之,y方向振速最小;不同条件下隧道间距、隧道埋深和围岩等级均与邻近隧道围岩及初期支护振速成反比,其中围岩等级对邻近隧道爆破的影响最显著。


  • 图  隧道位置及数值模型尺寸(单位:m)

    Figure  1.  Tunnel location and numerical model dimension (Unit: m)

    图  隧道位置关系及监测断面

    Figure  2.  Position relationship of tunnels and monitoring sections

    图  各监测断面的监测点布局

    Figure  3.  Arrangement of monitoring points of each monitoring section

    图  爆破炮孔作用边界

    Figure  4.  Action boundary of blasting holes

    图  隧道掌子面炮孔(a)及掏槽孔 (b)布置

    Figure  5.  Tunnel face blast holes (a) and cutting holes (b) arrangement

    图  爆破荷载时程曲线

    Figure  6.  Time history curve of blasting load

    图  三角形爆破荷载时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Time history curve of triangular blasting load

    图  围岩振速演化

    Figure  8.  Evolution of vibration velocity of surrounding rock

    图  初期支护振速演化

    Figure  9.  Evolution of vibration velocity of primary support

    图  10  不同隧道间距条件下邻近隧道断面O上各方向振速分布(单位:cm/s)

    Figure  10.  Vibration velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel section O in each direction under different tunnel spacing (Unit: cm/s)

    图  11  不同隧道间距条件下邻近隧道的径向振速分布

    Figure  11.  Radial velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel under different tunnel spacing

    图  12  不同隧道间距条件下邻近隧道初期支护的振速分布

    Figure  12.  Distribution of vibration velocity in adjacent tunnel initial support under different tunnel spacing

    图  13  不同隧道埋深条件下邻近隧道断面O各方向的振速分布(单位:cm/s)

    Figure  13.  Vibration velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel section O in each direction under different buried depths (Unit: cm/s)

    图  14  不同隧道埋深条件下邻近隧道的径向振速分布

    Figure  14.  Radial velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel under different buried depths

    图  15  不同隧道埋深条件下邻近隧道初期支护的振速分布

    Figure  15.  Distribution of vibration velocity in adjacent tunnel initial support under different buried depths

    图  16  不同围岩等级下邻近隧道断面O各方向的振速分布(单位:cm/s)

    Figure  16.  Vibration velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel section O in each direction under different surrounding rock grades (Unit: cm/s)

    图  17  不同围岩等级下邻近隧道径向振速分布

    Figure  17.  Radial velocity distribution of adjacent tunnel under different surrounding rock grades

    图  18  不同围岩等级下邻近隧道初期支护的振速分布

    Figure  18.  Distribution of vibration velocity in adjacent tunnel initial support under different surrounding rock grades

    表  1  围岩和支护结构的力学参数

    Table  1.   Mechanical parameters of surrounding rock and supporting structure

    Surrounding rock gradeρ/(kg·m−3)E/GPaCohesion/MPaνφ0/(°)
    Initial support250010.90.2
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    表  2  隧道炮孔布置参数

    Table  2.   Tunnel perforation arrangement parameters

    Blasting sequenceGunshot
    Number of holesHole
    Explosive sectionSingle hole charge/kgAmount of charge in
    a single stage/kg
    1Cutting hole62.2A10.7804.68
    2Auxiliary hole292.0A20.70220.36
    3Auxiliary hole372.0A30.70225.97
    4Auxiliary hole462.0A40.70232.29
    5Periphery hole902.0A50.54649.14
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