Acoustic and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Potassium Sodium Niobate under High Pressures
摘要: 在压力和温度分别为10 GPa和1050 ℃的条件下制备了Na0.5K0.5NbO3陶瓷样品,采用超声干涉法测量了样品在不同静水压力下的压缩波速和剪切波速。通过三阶有限应变状态方程拟合,获得了多晶Na0.5K0.5NbO3的体积模量(172.6 GPa)和剪切模量(54.6 GPa)及其压力依赖性。研究发现,样品的杨氏模量随着压力的升高而增大。基于弹性模量数据,得到样品的泊松比为0.342,表明材料具有延展性,但在高压下展现出脆性。随着压力的升高,维氏硬度和断裂韧性均增强;通过经验模型,得到陶瓷样品的维氏硬度为2.40 GPa,断裂韧性为2.33 MPa·m1/2。基于弹性波速度和密度数据,推导出Na0.5K0.5NbO3陶瓷的徳拜温度为 513.1 K,Grüneisen常数γ为2.113。这些结果为评估Na0.5K0.5NbO3在高压下的声学性质和弹性相关的综合性质提供了科学依据,同时为Na0.5K0.5NbO3在高压下的工程应用提供了参考。Abstract: Polycrystalline Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramics were prepared under the condition of 10 GPa and 1050 ℃. The compression and shear wave velocities of the samples under various hydrostatic pressures were measured using ultrasonic interferometry. By fitting the third-order finite strain state equation, the bulk and shear moduli of polycrystalline Na0.5K0.5NbO3 and their pressure dependency were determined as 172.6 GPa, 54.6 GPa, 0.3 and 2.1, respectively. The sample shows a positive pressure dependence of Young’s modulus. Based on the elastic modulus data, the Poisson’s ratio was obtained as 0.342, indicating that the material was ductile and shows brittleness under high pressure. The Vickers hardness and fracture toughness also show positive pressure dependence. Using the empirical models, the Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of the ceramics were obtained as 2.40 GPa and 2.33 MPa·m1/2. Meanwhile, based on the elastic wave velocity and density data, the Debye temperature (513.1 K) and the Grüneisen constant (2.113) of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramics were derived. Our results provide an experimental reference for evaluating the acoustic and elastic-related comprehensive properties of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 under high pressure, and a foundation for its engineering applications under extreme high-pressure conditions as well.
Key words:
- Na0.5K0.5NbO3 /
- high pressure /
- sound velocity /
- elasticity /
- hardness /
- fracture toughness
表 1 Na0.5K0.5NbO3陶瓷在高压下的原位超声弹性波速测量结果
Table 1. Experimental results of in-situ ultrasonic elastic wave velocity measurement of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramics under high pressures
p/GPa L/mm ρ/(g·cm−3) vp/(km·s−1) vs/(km·s−1) K/GPa G/GPa E/GPa Θ/K $ \nu $ γ 2.660 0.820(4) 4.55(3) 7.53(2) 3.69(1) 175.1(2.6) 62.0(0.9) 166.5(2.5) 531.3(8.0) 0.342 2.063 3.450 0.820(4) 4.57(3) 7.59(2) 3.82(1) 174.3(2.6) 66.6(0.9) 177.1(2.7) 549.1(8.2) 0.331 1.980 4.280 0.818(4) 4.59(3) 7.62(2) 3.91(1) 173.1(2.6) 70.0(1.1) 185.1(2.8) 562.0(8.4) 0.322 1.916 5.050 0.817(4) 4.61(3) 7.65(2) 3.98(1) 172.5(2.6) 73.0(1.1) 192.0(2.9) 573.0(8.6) 0.314 1.866 6.170 0.815(4) 4.64(3) 7.68(2) 4.07(1) 171.7(2.6) 76.7(1.2) 200.4(3.0) 586.0(8.8) 0.306 1.808 7.230 0.813(4) 4.67(3) 7.72(2) 4.14(1) 171.7(2.6) 79.9(1.2) 207.5(3.1) 596.8(8.9) 0.299 1.764 8.230 0.812(4) 4.70(3) 7.75(2) 4.19(1) 172.6(2.6) 82.5(1.2) 213.4(3.2) 605.4(9.1) 0.294 1.736 9.170 0.811(4) 4.72(3) 7.79(2) 4.23(1) 173.8(2.6) 84.3(1.3) 217.8(3.3) 611.5(9.2) 0.291 1.719 10.830 0.808(4) 4.76(3) 7.84(2) 4.27(1) 176.8(2.6) 86.9(1.3) 224.0(3.4) 619.7(9.3) 0.289 1.705 表 2 Na0.5K0.5NbO3与结构相似的压电材料的体积模量、剪切模量和杨氏模量的对比
Table 2. Comparison of volumetric modulus, shear modulus, and Young’s modulus of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 and structurally similar piezoelectric materials
Sample K0/GPa G0/GPa E0/GPa Ref. Na0.5K0.5NbO3 172.6 54.6 154.3 This work Na0.5K0.5NbO3 83.3 45.3 115.0 Ref. [30] Na0.5K0.5NbO3 127.7 47.2 126.0 Ref. [31] C-KNbO3 195.49 127.21 298.45 Ref. [23] C-KNbO3 147.33 102.37 249.36 Ref. [24] O-KNbO3 110.2 57.7 147.5 Ref. [25] O-KNbO3 173.62 82.76 181.97 Ref. [26] O-KNbO3 172.89 53.44 145.35 Ref. [27] NaNbO3 181.76 233.5 490.52 Ref. [28] NaNbO3 193.85 108.41 274.12 Ref. [29] -
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