
金友平 帅健 王文想 徐后佳

金友平, 帅健, 王文想, 徐后佳. 基于重大事故场景的受限空间内燃气泄漏情景模拟及泄爆优化研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(6): 065201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230658
引用本文: 金友平, 帅健, 王文想, 徐后佳. 基于重大事故场景的受限空间内燃气泄漏情景模拟及泄爆优化研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(6): 065201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230658
JIN Youping, SHUAI Jian, WANG Wenxiang, XU Houjia. Leakage Characteristics of Flammable Gas in Confined Space and the Optimum Design of Explosion Venting: Numerical Simulation on Basis of the Major Accident[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(6): 065201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230658
Citation: JIN Youping, SHUAI Jian, WANG Wenxiang, XU Houjia. Leakage Characteristics of Flammable Gas in Confined Space and the Optimum Design of Explosion Venting: Numerical Simulation on Basis of the Major Accident[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(6): 065201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230658


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230658
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51806247);中国石油大学(北京)科研基金(2462022YXZZ002)

    金友平(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事城镇燃气泄漏后果研究. E-mail:jinyouping2@163.com


    帅 健(1963-),男,博士,教授,主要从事油气管道安全管理研究. E-mail:shuaij@cup.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O382.1; TE88

Leakage Characteristics of Flammable Gas in Confined Space and the Optimum Design of Explosion Venting: Numerical Simulation on Basis of the Major Accident

  • 摘要: 为研究受限空间内燃气泄漏的情景并探究泄爆优化后的效果,基于FLACS软件构建了受限空间内重大燃气事故场景,模拟了燃气在受限空间内的泄漏扩散和爆炸,分析了泄爆口在受限空间内的泄爆效果。结果表明:燃气在管道封闭段泄漏时,云团沿着管外壁向外扩散形成内凹的不规则形状,障碍物使扩散速度加快;燃气泄漏产生的冲击波最大超压高达660.7 kPa,可使周边建筑物受到严重破坏,并且受限空间开口端一侧的建筑物破坏程度高于密闭端一侧建筑物;泄爆口安装在火焰发展轴向位置时泄爆效果最佳,空间内的最大爆炸压力可降至312.4 kPa,降幅达52.70%,若将泄爆口设置在受限空间侧面,离点火源位置越近,泄爆效果越佳;增大泄爆口的长宽比进而提高泄爆面积可使受限空间内的最大爆炸压力显著降低,长宽比为34∶1时,最大爆炸压力降至15.4 kPa,降幅达97.65%;降低泄爆口开启压力可有效降低受限空间内的最大爆炸压力,当泄爆开启压力降至50 kPa时,最大爆炸压力降低至351.0 kPa,降幅达46.87%。


  • 图  事故报告场景图与FLACS事故场景建模

    Figure  1.  Accident report scene diagram and FLACS accident scene modeling diagram

    图  0.4 MPa下燃气扩散浓度随时间的变化

    Figure  2.  Change of gas diffusion concentration over time at 0.4 MPa

    图  最大爆炸火焰形态的时空演化

    Figure  3.  Spatial and temporal evolution of maximum explosion flame morphology

    图  最大爆炸超压时空演化云图

    Figure  4.  Space-time evolution of maximum explosion overpressure

    图  受限空间内不同测点爆炸压力随时间的变化

    Figure  5.  Variation of explosion pressure with time at different measuring points in confined space

    图  涉事故建筑物四周爆炸压力随时间的变化

    Figure  6.  Variation of explosion pressure around the involved building over time

    图  泄爆口设置示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of burst outlet setting

    图  不同泄爆口位置下最大爆炸火焰的二维面视图

    Figure  8.  Two-dimensional view of the maximum explosion flame under different outlet location conditions

    图  不同泄爆口位置下最大爆炸超压二维面视图

    Figure  9.  Two-dimensional view of maximum explosion overpressure under different outlet location conditions

    图  10  不同泄爆口位置下测点MP1(密闭端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  10.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP1 (closed end) with time under different outlet location conditions

    图  11  不同泄爆口位置下测点MP6(开口端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  11.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP6 (open end) with time under different outlet location conditions

    图  12  整个模拟空间中最大爆炸压力随泄爆口位置的变化

    Figure  12.  Variation of the maximum explosion pressure in the entire simulation space with the outlet location

    图  13  不同泄爆口长宽比下最大爆炸火焰的三维分布

    Figure  13.  Three-dimensional distribution of maximum explosion flame under different length-to-width ratios of the outlet

    图  14  不同泄爆口长宽比下测点MP1(密闭端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  14.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP1 (closed end) with time under different length-to-width ratios of the outlet

    图  15  不同泄爆口长宽比下测点MP6(开口端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  15.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP6 (open end) with time under different length-to-width ratios of the outlet

    图  16  整个模拟空间中最大爆炸压力随泄爆口长宽比的变化

    Figure  16.  Variation of the maximum explosion pressure in the whole simulation space with the length-to-width ratio of the outlet

    图  17  不同泄爆口开启压力下最大爆炸火焰的三维云图

    Figure  17.  3D nephogram of the maximum explosion flame under different opening pressures of the outlet

    图  18  不同泄爆口开启压力下测点MP1(密闭端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  18.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP1 (closed end) with time under different opening pressures of the outlet

    图  19  不同泄爆口开启压力下测点MP6(开口端)的爆炸压力和爆炸火焰速度随时间的变化

    Figure  19.  Variations of explosion pressure and explosion flame velocity at the measuring point MP6 (open end) with time under different opening pressures of the outlet

    图  20  整个模拟空间中最大爆炸压力随泄爆口开启压力的变化

    Figure  20.  Variation of the maximum explosion pressure in the whole simulation space with the opening pressure of the outlet in the entire simulation space

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