Optimization Design of Gas-Liquid Conveying Pipe Structure for 20 L Spherical Explosion Experimental Device
摘要: 以20 L球型爆炸装置中的气液输送管段为研究对象,结合数值模拟方法,分析了气液输送管段中气液两相流的流型结构和截面含气率特性,基于此对气液输送管段的曲率半径和水平管段长度进行优化设计。结果表明:在0.6 MPa压力下,C6H14、C7H16、C8H18和C10H22均可以形成稳定的环状流;随着压力升高,C6H14和C7H16的流型结构有趋于不稳定的趋势。在0.6~0.9 MPa压力下,当气液输送管段曲率半径为34 mm、管段长度在200~300 mm之间时,大部分液相呈膜状沿管壁运动,且液膜分布较均匀;气相在管段中心处高速流过,具有良好的气芯,形成的环状流流型结构更稳定。对气液输送管段的优化设计可使爆炸特性的测量更精确,也可为研究可燃液体燃料爆炸问题及工程设计提供参考。Abstract: The paper takes the gas-liquid conveying pipe section in a 20 L spherical explosive device as the research object. The flow pattern structure and cross-section air voids characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in the gas-liquid conveying pipe were studied by numerical simulation. The curvature radius and horizontal pipe length of the gas-liquid conveying pipe section were optimized and designed based on the simulation. The results show that C6H14, C7H16, C8H18, and C10H22 can form stable annular flow under at pressure of 0.6 MPa. The flow structure of C6H14 and C7H16 tends to become unstable with increasing pressure. Under the pressure conditions of 0.6–0.9 MPa, when the curvature radius of the gas-liquid conveying pipeline section is 34 mm and the length of the pipeline section is 200–300 mm, most of the liquid phase forms a film and moves along the pipeline wall, and the distribution of the liquid film is relatively homogeneous. The gas phase located in the center of the pipe section flows at high speed with a good gas core. It forms a more stable annular flow pattern structure. The optimization design of the gas-liquid conveying pipeline section can make the measurement of explosion characteristics more accurate, and provide a reference for the study of combustible liquid fuel explosion problems and engineering design.
表 1 气液两相物理参数
Table 1. Gas-liquid two-phase physical parameters
Material Density/(kg·m−3) Viscosity/(kPa·s) Surface tension/(N·m−1) Air 1.236 1.85 C6H14 669 32 0.020 3 C7H16 683 40.9 0.021 6 C8H18 700 54 0.021 8 C10H22 730 92 0.023 3 表 2 0.6 MPa压力下4种物质气液输送管段截面的含气率
Table 2. Cross section air voids of four substances in gas-liquid conveying pipeline section at 0.6 MPa
Material a1 a2 $ \beta $ C6H14 0.911 2 0.654 0 1.4 C7H16 0.878 0 0.680 5 1.3 C8H18 0.856 0 0.655 7 1.3 C10H22 0.912 2 0.678 0 1.3 表 3 4种物质在不同压力下形成较稳定环状流的管段范围
Table 3. Range of pipe sections with stable annular flow formed by four substances under different pressures
Material Range of pipe section/mm 0.6 MPa 0.7 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.9 MPa C6H14 230–300 C7H16 210–300 C8H18 200–300 210–300 210–300 200–300 C10H22 210–300 200–300 210–300 210–300 -
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