
鲁渴伟 敬霖

鲁渴伟, 敬霖. 道砟冲击下高速列车设备舱底板的动态响应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230642
引用本文: 鲁渴伟, 敬霖. 道砟冲击下高速列车设备舱底板的动态响应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230642
LU Kewei, JING Lin. Dynamic Response of Equipment Cabin Bottom Plate of High-Speed Train Subjected to Ballast Impact[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230642
Citation: LU Kewei, JING Lin. Dynamic Response of Equipment Cabin Bottom Plate of High-Speed Train Subjected to Ballast Impact[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230642


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230642
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12122211)



    敬 霖(1984-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事冲击动力学、轨道交通冲击安全与防护研究.E-mail:jinglin@swjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347.1; U270.2

Dynamic Response of Equipment Cabin Bottom Plate of High-Speed Train Subjected to Ballast Impact

  • 摘要: 考虑道砟真实的不规则几何形态特征与材料的应变率效应及失效行为,建立了道砟冲击高速列车设备舱底板的有限元模型,分析了设备舱前面板横向和纵向中心线节点的挠度时程响应,探究了设备舱底板与道砟间接触力的演化规律,讨论了冲击速度、冲击角度和道砟形状对设备舱底板冲击响应和破坏行为的影响,分析了不同工况下设备舱底板的失效模式和破坏形貌特征,量化了设备舱前面板的最大瞬态变形位移和凹坑深度与冲击速度的变化关系。结果表明,同一冲击工况下,设备舱底板最大瞬态变形位移和凹坑深度均分别随着冲击速度的提高和冲击角度的增大而增大;设备舱前面板最大变形区域的形状和范围大小以及前面板损伤失效区域的面积和分布特征与道砟几何形状密切相关,且椭球体道砟作用下列车设备舱底板的损伤失效最严重;不同冲击条件下设备舱前面板表现出不同程度的延性损伤,较大的道砟质量和冲击速度工况下还出现拉伸撕裂破坏甚至轻微冲塞现象。


  • 图  道砟冲击列车设备舱底板的有限元模型:(a) 道砟颗粒有限元模型;(b) 设备舱底板的几何模型;(c) 设备舱底板的有限元模型(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Finite element model of ballast impact at equipment cabin bottom plate: (a) finite element model of ballast particles; (b) geometric model of equipment cabin bottom plate; (c) finite element model of equipment cabin bottom plate (Unit: mm)

    图  t=1.95 ms时刻下设备舱前面板各向位移分布

    Figure  2.  Distributions of the displacement of front face sheet of equipment cabin at t=1.95 ms

    图  道砟和设备舱底板的接触力时程响应曲线

    Figure  3.  Contact force history response curves of ballast and equipment cabin bottom plate

    图  不同撞击时刻设备舱前面板横向和纵向中心线节点挠度分布

    Figure  4.  Distribution of nodal deflections in the transverse and longitudinal centerlines of equipment cabin front face sheet at different impact moments

    图  不同质量的圆球体道砟撞击设备舱底板时的变形响应时程曲线

    Figure  5.  Deformation response history curves of equipment cabin bottom plate impacted by spherical ballast with different masses

    图  设备舱底板冲击点最大位移和凹坑深度与冲击速度的关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between maximum displacement at impact point as well as pit depth of equipment cabin bottom plate and impact velocity

    图  不同冲击速度下设备舱前面板的破坏形貌(单位:mm)

    Figure  7.  Damage morphologies of front face sheet at different impact velocities (Unit: mm)

    图  道砟斜碰设备舱底板的y-z平面示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of ballast oblique impact equipment cabin bottom plate in the y-z plane

    图  设备舱底板冲击点最大位移及凹坑深度与冲击角度的关系

    Figure  9.  Relationship between maximum displacement at impact point as well as pit depth of equipment cabin bottom plate and impact angle

    图  10  不同冲击角度下设备舱前面板挠度的横向和纵向分布

    Figure  10.  Transverse and longitudinal distributions of deflection of front face sheet of equipment cabin under different impact angles

    图  11  不同冲击角度下设备舱前面板破坏形貌(单位:mm)

    Figure  11.  Damage morphologies of front face sheet of equipment cabin under different impact angles (Unit: mm)

    图  12  不同形状道砟冲击下设备舱底板的变形响应时程曲线及其冲击点最大位移和凹坑深度

    Figure  12.  Deformation response history curves of equipment cabin bottom plate as well as its maximum displacement at impact point and pit depth under different ballast shapes

    图  13  不同形状的道砟冲击时设备舱前面板破坏形貌(单位:mm)

    Figure  13.  Damage morphologies of front face sheet of equipment cabin impacted by ballast with different shapes (Unit: mm)

    表  1  花岗岩型道砟的HJC本构参数[17]

    Table  1.   Parameters of HJC modeling for granite ballast material[17]

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    表  2  6061-T6铝合金的Johnson-Cook本构模型和失效模型参数[19]

    Table  2.   Johnson-Cook constitutive model parameters and failure model parameters of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy[19]

    ρ/(kg·m−3)E/GPaμ${\dot \varepsilon {_0}}$/s−1AJ/MPaBJ/MPa
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    表  3  不同道砟质量下冲击点最大位移及凹坑深度与冲击速度间的拟合参数

    Table  3.   Fitted correlation parameters between maximum displacement at the impact point as well as pit depth and impact velocity for different ballast masses

    Ballast mass kv1/(m2·h–1)bv1/mm$ R_{v1}^2 $kv2/(m2·h–1)bv2/mm$ R_{v2}^2 $
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