Physical Properties of Two-Dimensional Layered FePSe3 under High Pressure
摘要: FePSe3在高压下会出现半导体到金属的转变、超导电性以及高自旋到低自旋的转变等多种有趣的物理现象,但目前对其在高压下的晶体结构分析仍以理论研究为主,结构的不确定阻碍了对其物理性质的深入研究。为此,利用金刚石对顶砧结合高压拉曼光谱、高压同步辐射X射线衍射以及高压电输运测量,对FePSe3在高压下的行为进行了研究。结果表明,FePSe3在低于60.0 GPa的压力范围内经历了3次结构相变,完成了LP—HP1—HP2—HP3的转变。首次在实验上观测到FePSe3的高压新相HP2和HP3,并给出其可能的空间对称群。HP2相和HP3相具有超导电性,超导温度随压力的升高而降低,致使超导相图呈现“穹顶”状。研究结果为进一步厘清FePSe3的压致相变行为提供了重要的实验支撑。Abstract: A variety of interesting physical phenomena such as semiconductor-metal transition, superconductivity, and high spin-low spin transition in FePSe3 can be realized under high pressure. However, the current results of its crystal structures under high pressure are mainly based on theoretical research, and the uncertainty of its structure hinders the in-depth study of its physical properties. In this paper, the behavior of FePSe3 under high pressure was studied by using diamond anvil cell, Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electrical transport measurement. The results clearly show that FePSe3 undergoes three structural transitions in the pressure range of 0–60.0 GPa, completing a transition of LP–HP1–HP2–HP3. The two new high pressure phases, HP2 and HP3, were observed experimentally for the first time, and the possible space groups were discussed. The superconducting transition temperature measured in HP2 and HP3 typically decrease with increasing pressure, leading to a dome-shaped superconducting diagram. This paper provides important experimental support for further clarifying the pressure-induced phase transition behavior of FePSe3.
Key words:
- high pressure /
- FePSe3 /
- structural phase transition /
- superconductivity
图 6 (a) 1.3~10.3 GPa、(b) 14.6~31.0 GPa、(c) 37.2~67.7 GPa压力范围内FePSe3的电阻-温度曲线(插图显示了DAC内FePSe3样品形貌)
Figure 6. Evolution of the electrical resistance as a function of temperature for compressed FePSe3 at (a) 1.3–10.3 GPa, (b) 14.6–31.0 GPa, (c) 37.2–67.7 GPa (The inset shows the optical image of FePSe3 in the DAC)
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