Compressive Properties of Ice Containing Cotton at Low Strain Rates
摘要: 航空飞行器在飞行过程中不可避免地受到冰雹冲击的威胁,严重危害航空器的飞行安全。目前,天然冰材料的冲击特性尚不明确,为此,依据ASTM F320-21标准《航空与航天透明外壳冰撞测试》,研究了不同应变率下天然冰材料的力学性能。天然冰相对于人工冰雹具有密度低、强度高的特点,结合冰雹制备标准,制备了含棉纤维质量分数为0、3%、6%、12%的冰柱试样。利用万能试验机对冰试样进行应变率分别为10−4、10−3、10−2 s−1的压缩实验,分析了棉纤维质量分数与应变率对冰试样压缩力学性能的影响,以及破坏形式与临界应变能密度的关系。结果表明:透明冰在应变率约为10−3 s−1时由韧性向脆性转化,且添加棉纤维有助于提高冰的压缩屈服强度,在压缩过程中表现出“裂而不碎”的现象;在准静态压缩下,两种冰模型破坏时转化为裂纹表面能所需的能量均比转化为塑性能所需的能量更少。Abstract: Aviation aircraft inevitably encounter threat of hail impact during flight, which seriously endangers flight safety of aircraft. At present, impact characteristics of natural ice materials are still unclear, this paper studies mechanical properties of natural ice materials under different strain rates. However, natural ice has the characteristics of low density and high strength compared with artificial hail. According to the hail preparation standard ASTM F320-21 “Ice Impact Testing of Transparent Shells for Aviation and Aerospace”, icicle specimens containing cotton fiber with mass fractions of 0, 3%, 6% and 12% were prepared. The icicle specimens were subjected to compression experiments with strain rates of 10−4, 10−3, and 10−2 s−1 using a universal testing machine, and effects of cotton fiber mass fraction and strain rate on their compressive mechanical properties, as well as a relation between damage form and critical strain energy density change, were analyzed. The results show that the transparent icicles without cotton fiber transforms from ductility to brittleness at a strain rate of about 10−3 s−1, and that the addition of cotton fiber increases the compressive yield strength of ice, resulting a phenomenon of “cracking but not breaking” during the compression process. Under quasi-static compression, less energy is required to convert to crack surface energy than to plastic energy.
Key words:
- cotton contained ice materials /
- strain rate effect /
- compressive strength /
- failure mode
表 1 ASTM F320-21标准冰雹参数
Table 1. Standardization of hail in ASTM F320-21
Hail diameter/mm Hail mass/g Cotton fiber mass fraction/% Cotton fiber mass/g Error/% Temperature/℃ 13 1.0 12 0.14 ±30 −18 25 8.2 12 1.00 ±30 −18 50 66.4 12 8.00 ±30 −18 表 2 人工制备圆柱冰尺寸
Table 2. Parameters of artificial icicles
Icicle diameter/mm Icicle height/mm Icicle mass/g Cotton fiber mass fraction/% Error/% Temperature/℃ 18 8 2.0 0, 3, 6, 12 ±30 −18 16 7 1.4 0, 3, 6, 12 ±30 −18 表 3 试件在不同应变率下的压缩屈服强度
Table 3. Compressive yield strength of specimens at different strain rates
Cotton fiber mass fraction/% Strain rates/s−1 Compressive yield strength/MPa Change/% 0 10−4 3.744 10−3 1.563 −58.20 10−2 0.770 −50.75 3 10−4 8.920 10−3 12.150 36.21 10−2 12.495 2.84 6 10−4 8.920 10−3 14.050 57.51 10−2 15.425 9.79 12 10−4 11.200 10−3 13.673 22.08 10−2 21.670 58.49 表 4 试件尺寸及屈服强度
Table 4. Dimensions and compression strengths of specimens
Strain rates/s−1 Cotton fiber mass fraction/% Specimen size Mean yield strength/MPa Diameter/mm Height/mm 10−4 0 16 7 4.47 0 18 8 3.74 3 16 7 8.43 3 18 8 8.62 6 16 7 9.70 6 18 8 8.92 12 16 7 12.75 12 18 8 11.53 10−3 0 16 7 1.20 0 18 8 1.56 3 16 7 12.24 3 18 8 12.15 6 16 7 15.40 6 18 8 14.05 12 16 7 16.80 12 18 8 13.80 10−2 0 16 7 0.76 0 18 8 0.77 3 16 7 13.79 3 18 8 12.50 6 16 7 20.00 6 18 8 15.43 12 16 7 20.10 12 18 8 21.67 -
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