
严吉涛 陈文飞 张浩 尤建 史超铭 蒋昊成 朱珏

严吉涛, 陈文飞, 张浩, 尤建, 史超铭, 蒋昊成, 朱珏. 高温高应变率下G550冷弯钢的动态力学行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(2): 024101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220705
引用本文: 严吉涛, 陈文飞, 张浩, 尤建, 史超铭, 蒋昊成, 朱珏. 高温高应变率下G550冷弯钢的动态力学行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(2): 024101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220705
YAN Jitao, CHEN Wenfei, ZHANG Hao, YOU Jian, SHI Chaoming, JIANG Haocheng, ZHU Jue. Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of G550 Cold-Formed Steel under High Temperature and High Strain Rate[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(2): 024101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220705
Citation: YAN Jitao, CHEN Wenfei, ZHANG Hao, YOU Jian, SHI Chaoming, JIANG Haocheng, ZHU Jue. Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of G550 Cold-Formed Steel under High Temperature and High Strain Rate[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(2): 024101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220705


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220705
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11972203,11572162)

    严吉涛(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事冷弯钢结构研究. E-mail:1127503562@qq.com


    朱 珏(1979-),女,博士,教授,主要从事冷弯钢结构研究. E-mail:zhujue@nbu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347; TG142

Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of G550 Cold-Formed Steel under High Temperature and High Strain Rate

  • 摘要: 为研究G550冷弯钢在高温和高应变率下的动态力学性能,采用高温同步控制霍普金森拉杆装置,开展了不同温度下的高应变率拉伸试验,并在高速液压拉伸试验机上进行了室温下的中应变率拉伸试验。通过获得的应力-应变曲线,得到了材料的本构模型,结合微观形貌分析,探究了温度和应变率对流变应力的影响。结果表明:G550冷弯钢具有明显的应变率强化和温度软化效应。在特定的高应变率范围内(1000~1500 s−1),温度对流变应力的影响大于应变率。基于温度软化系数随温度变化的特征,提出了G550冷弯钢的修正Johnson-Cook本构模型。该模型可以较好地描述G550冷弯钢在高温和高应变率下的动态力学行为,从而为G550冷弯钢在高温、爆炸冲击相关的有限元仿真提供参考。


  • 图  试样尺寸及实物(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Dimension of specimen and physical drawing (Unit: mm)

    图  SHTB装置示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the SHTB device

    图  高温SHTB试验试样(单位:mm)

    Figure  3.  Specimen used in high-temperature SHTB test (Unit: mm)

    图  具有凹凸连接件形式的分离式夹具

    Figure  4.  Separate clamp of the concave-convex connector

    图  高温同步控制SHTB试验装置示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of the high-temperature synchronous control SHTB

    图  室温中应变率下G550冷弯钢的真应力-应变曲线

    Figure  6.  True stress-strain curves of G550 cold-formed steel at room temperature and medium strain rate

    图  室温高应变率下G550冷弯钢的真应力-应变曲线

    Figure  7.  True stress-strain curves of G550 cold-formed steel at room temperature and high strain rate

    图  高温高应变率下G550冷弯钢的真应力-应变曲线

    Figure  8.  True stress-strain curves of G550 cold-formed steel at high temperature and high strain rate

    图  25~500 ℃下G550冷弯钢的应变率敏感性因子

    Figure  9.  Strain rate sensitivity factor of G550 cold-formed steel at 25−500 ℃

    图  10  25~500 ℃下1000和1500 s−1对应的流变应力

    Figure  10.  Flow stress corresponding to 1000 and 1500 s−1 at 25−500 ℃

    图  11  200~500 ℃、1000和1500 s−1下温度敏感性因子与真应变的关系

    Figure  11.  Relationships between temperature sensitivity factor and true strain under 1000 and 1500 s−1 at 200−500 ℃

    图  12  1000和1500 s−1下平均温度敏感性因子与温度的关系

    Figure  12.  Relationships between the average temperature sensitivity factor and temperature under 1000 and 1500 s−1

    图  13  1500 s−1、不同温度下G550冷弯钢断口的微观形貌

    Figure  13.  Micromorphology of fracture of G550 cold-formed steel under 1500 s−1 at different temperatures

    图  14  25 ℃、不同应变率下G550冷弯钢断口的微观形貌

    Figure  14.  Micromorphology of fracture of G550 cold-formed steel under different strain rates at 25 ℃

    图  15  25 ℃、100 s−1下G550冷弯钢应力-应变曲线中的0.2%塑性应变

    Figure  15.  0.2% plastic strain of stress-strain curve for G550 cold-formed steel under 100 s−1 at 25 ℃

    图  16  25 ℃、100 s−1下G550冷弯钢应力-应变曲线强化段的拟合

    Figure  16.  Fitting of strengthening section of stress-strain curve for G550 cold-formed steel under 100 s−1 at 25 ℃

    图  17  25 ℃、不同应变率下G550冷弯钢应力-应变曲线强化段的拟合

    Figure  17.  Fitting of strengthening section of stress-strain curve for G550 cold-formed steel under different strain rates at 25 ℃

    图  18  m与温度的关系

    Figure  18.  Relationship between m and temperature

    图  19  1000~1500 s−1、200~500 ℃下修正本构模型与高温SHTB试验结果比较

    Figure  19.  Comparison of modified constitutive model and high-temperature SHTB test data under 1000−1500 s−1 and 200−500 ℃

    表  1  G550冷弯钢的化学组成

    Table  1.   Chemical element of G550 cold-formed steel %

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    表  2  1000~1500 s−1、200~500 ℃下修正本构模型的平均相对误差和相关系数

    Table  2.   Mean relative error and correlation coefficient of modified constitutive under 1000−1500 s−1 and 200−500 ℃

    $\dot{ { \varepsilon } }$/s−1${\eta {_{ {\text{MRE} } } }}$/% ${\eta {_{\text{R} } }}$
    200 ℃300 ℃400 ℃500 ℃200 ℃300 ℃400 ℃500 ℃
    10003. 0.97780.98270.98400.9639
    下载: 导出CSV
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