Energy and Damage Evolution Characteristics of Rock Materials under Different Water Contents
摘要: 为研究含水率对硬岩材料的力学性质和能量损伤的影响规律,对不同含水状态的砂岩开展了单轴压缩试验。结果表明:砂岩试样的峰值应力、弹性模量和脆性指数随着含水率的增大而减小,峰值应变随着含水率的增大而增大;在干燥状态下,砂岩试样在破坏之前未发生明显的塑性变形,表现出显著的脆性破坏,而在饱水状态下,砂岩试样在峰前阶段出现显著的塑性变形,破坏前出现屈服平台;砂岩试样的含水率越大,吸能能力越强,能量吸收率越小,但是能量耗散越显著;砂岩试样的含水率越小,破坏时其损伤变量越大,在干燥状态下砂岩试样的破坏具有较强的冲击倾向性。研究结果可为深部地下工程围岩的稳定性控制提供理论参考。Abstract: To study the effect of water content on mechanical properties and energy damage of hard rock materials, the uniaxial compression tests were carried out on sandstone samples under different water contents. The test results show that with the increase of water content, the peak stress, brittleness index and elastic modulus of sandstone samples decrease, and the peak strain of sandstone increases. In the dry state, there is no obvious plastic deformation before failure, showing a significant brittle failure, while in the saturated state, there is a significant plastic deformation in the pre-peak stage, and a yield plateau before failure. The larger the water content of sandstone samples is, the stronger the energy absorption capacity is, the smaller the energy absorption rate is, but the more significant the energy dissipation phenomenon is. The smaller the water content of sandstone samples is, the larger the damage variable is at the time of failure, and the sandstone samples have a strong impact tendency at the time of failure in the dry state. The conclusions provide a theoretical reference for the stability control of surrounding rock in deep underground engineering.
Key words:
- sandstone /
- uniaxial compression /
- water content /
- energy evolution /
- damage characteristics
表 1 不同含水率下砂岩试样的
$\sigma_{\rm{c}} $ 、$\sigma_{\rm r}$ 和$U_{{\rm{dmax}}} $ Table 1.
$\sigma_{\rm{c}} $ ,$\sigma_{\rm{r}} $ and$U_{{\rm{dmax}}} $ of sandstone samples under different water contentswc/% σc/MPa σr/MPa Udmax/(MJ·m−3) 0 72.12 32.99 0.18 0.090 58.08 14.27 0.25 0.204 49.27 25.29 0.22 0.281 39.87 25.62 0.23 表 2 不同含水率下砂岩试样的脆性指数和能量冲击指数
Table 2. Brittleness index and energy impact index of sandstone under different water contents
wc/% B ACF wc/% B ACF 0 13.16 4.27 0.204 6.03 2.58 0.090 7.91 3.09 0.281 4.32 1.76 表 3 不同含水率下砂岩试样的力学和能量参数
Table 3. Mechanical and energy parameters of sandstone samples under different water contents
wc/% E/MPa σc/MPa εp B ACF Et/(MJ·m−3) Ee/(MJ·m−3) Ed/(MJ·m−3) 0 16.37 72.05 0.52 13.16 13.16 0.1736 0.1584 0.0147 0.090 11.15 58.24 0.74 7.91 7.91 0.1883 0.1494 0.0387 0.204 9.08 49.64 0.84 6.03 6.03 0.1886 0.1342 0.0547 0.281 6.48 40.17 0.92 4.32 4.32 0.1817 0.0959 0.0850 -
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