Protective Performance of Steel-CFRP Laminates under Sharped Charge Projectile
摘要: 碳纤维增强复合材料(carbon fiber-reinforced polymer,CFRP)具有优越的抗侵彻性能,正逐渐应用于舰船抗爆抗冲击防护设计。为了研究钢-CFRP层合板在聚能侵彻体作用下的防护性能,基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉方法建立聚能装药空中爆炸对钢-CFRP层合板破坏的数值模型,探究聚能装药的空中爆炸载荷特性及其对钢-CFRP层合板的毁伤机理。采用等面密度方法,设计了CFRP作为面板、背板和夹芯层时多种钢-CFRP层合板形式,通过侵彻后侵彻体头部降速以及层合板破口大小,讨论了CFRP敷设位置对层合板防护效果的影响,给出了较优的敷设形式。在此基础上,对层合板的厚度进行优化。结果表明:CFRP-钢-CFRP夹芯结构在聚能侵彻体作用下的防护效果最佳,较佳的厚度比为4.0∶1.4∶4.0。Abstract: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is gradually applied to the design of anti-explosion and anti-shock engineering of warships due to its excellent anti-penetration performance. In order to study the protective performance of steel-CFRP laminates under the action of shaped charge projectile, numerical models of the damage analyses of steel-CFRP laminates under air explosion of shaped charge were established based on the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method. The load characteristics and corresponding damage mechanism to steel-CFRP laminates were investigated. According to equal surface density method, various forms of steel-CFRP laminates with CFRP as face plate, back plate and sandwich core layer were designed. The anti-penetration performance of laminates with CFRP at different positions was compared and analyzed through the deceleration of the shaped charge projectile head and the size of the laminate crevasse, and a better laying form was obtained. On this basis, the thickness of the laminate was optimized. The results show that the three-layer sandwich structure of CFRP-steel-CFRP performs the best protective effect, and its better thickness ratio is 4.0∶1.4∶4.0.
ρ/(g·cm−3) AR/GPa BR/GPa R1 R2 ω DR/(km·s−1) E/(GJ·m−3) pCJ/GPa 1.69 850 18 4.6 1.3 0.38 8.31 10 30.15 表 2 紫铜的Johnson-Cook模型及Grüneisen状态方程参数[23]
Table 2. Parameters of Johnson-Cook model and Grüneisen equation of state for copper[23]
ρ/(g·cm−3) G/GPa AC/MPa BC/MPa CC m n Tm/K c/(km·s−1) S1 γ0 8.96 47.7 90.0 292 0.025 1.09 0.31 1360 3.94 1.49 1.99 ρ/(g·cm−3) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 E0/MPa 1.293 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0.25 ρ/(g·cm−3) EQ/GPa ν σ0/MPa ET/MPa C/s−1 P Fs 7.83 207 0.3 235 375.5 40.4 5 0.2 ρ/(g·cm−3) Ex/GPa Ey/GPa ν Gxy/GPa Gyz /GPa 1.53 53.81 53.81 0.04 5.8 2.9 Gxz/GPa Xc/MPa Xt/MPa Yc/MPa Yt/MPa 2.9 741 680 728 800 表 6 不同工况下的钢-CFRP层合板
Table 6. Steel-CFRP laminates in different cases
Case Laminate ρl/(g·cm−2) Case Laminate ρl/(g·cm−2) 1 Q235 3.0 mm 2.3490 6 CFRP 1.0 mm+Q235 2.6 mm+CFRP 1.0 mm 2.3418 2 CFRP 5.0 mm (face plate)+Q235 2.0 mm 2.3310 7 CFRP 2.0 mm+Q235 2.2 mm+CFRP 2.0 mm 2.3346 3 CFRP 5.0 mm (back plate)+Q235 2.0 mm 2.3310 8 CFRP 3.0 mm+Q235 1.8 mm+CFRP 3.0 mm 2.3274 4 Q235 1.0 mm+CFRP 5.0 mm+Q235 1.0 mm 2.3310 9 CFRP 4.0 mm+Q235 1.4 mm+CFRP 4.0 mm 2.3202 5 CFRP 2.5 mm+Q235 2.0 mm+CFRP 2.5 mm 2.3310 10 CFRP 5.0 mm+Q235 1.0 mm+CFRP 5.0 mm 2.3130 -
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