Numerical Simulation on Optimization of Extrusion Blasting Parameters for Residual Ore Recovery
摘要: 为减少回采过程中残留顶底柱资源浪费,以赤峰柴胡栏子金矿为研究对象,基于LS-DYNA有限元软件,建立挤压爆破崩落放矿回采底柱数值模型,根据0.7、0.8、1.0 m 3种最小抵抗线和0.8、0.9、1.0 m 3种孔距设计9种方案,通过分析炮孔爆破过程中爆炸裂纹扩展与压力演化、有效应力和有效塑性应变时程曲线以及矿石的损伤情况,获取各方案的评判指标。采用模糊层次分析法构建目标相对优属度矩阵和模糊判断矩阵,通过综合评判选出最佳的爆破方案。结果表明:最小抵抗线取0.7 m、孔间距取0.9 m为挤压爆破崩落放矿回采底柱的最佳爆破参数。现场试验结果表明,使用优化后的爆破参数获得的爆破效果更好。Abstract: In order to reduce the waste of residual top and bottom pillars resources in the recovery process of Chaihulanzi gold mine, a numerical model of extrusion blasting was established based on LS-DYNA finite element software. According to the three minimum burden of 0.7, 0.8 and 1.0 m, and the three hole spacings of 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 m, nine cases were designed. And the evaluation indicators of each case were obtained by analyzing the blasting crack propagation and pressure evolution, effective stress and effective plastic strain varying with time and ore damage during the blasting process. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (F-AHP) was used to construct the target relative superiority matrix and fuzzy judgment matrix, and the best blasting case was selected by a comprehensive evaluation. The results show that the minimum burden is 0.7 m and the hole spacing is 0.9 m, which is the optimal blasting parameter combination for extrusion blasting. The field test results show that the blasting effect is better with the optimized blasting parameters.
表 1 挤压爆破回采底柱模拟方案
Table 1. Simulation case of bottom pillar by extrusion blasting
Case No. Minimum
spacing/mCase No. Minimum
spacing/m1 0.7 0.8 1.0 6 0.8 1.0 1.0 2 0.7 0.9 1.0 7 1.0 0.8 1.0 3 0.7 1.0 1.0 8 1.0 0.9 1.0 4 0.8 0.8 1.0 9 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 0.8 0.9 1.0 表 2 岩石RHT模型的主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of RHT model for rock
(g·cm−3)Relative shear strength/GPa Relative tensile strength/GPa Elastic shear modulus/GPa Uniaxial compressive strength/MPa D1 D2 2.8 38 10 19.2 88 0.04 1 ρe0/(g·cm−3) Ee0/(J·cm−3) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 1.255×10–3 0.25 0 0 0 0 0.401 0.401 0 表 4 2号岩石乳化炸药的材料参数及JWL状态方程参数[10]
Table 4. Parameters of No.2 rock emulsion explosive and JWL equation of state[10]
Density/(g·cm−3) D/(km·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/MPa R1 R2 ω E0/GPa V 1.2 3.5 3.17 214.4 182 4.2 0.9 0.15 4.192 1.0 表 5 各方案的主要技术指标比较
Table 5. Comparison of the main technical indicators of each scheme
Case Effective stress/MPa Effective plastic strain Displacement/
(m·s−1)Effective damage rate/% 1 245.0 0.755 1.222 11.17 27.717 2 241.2 0.810 1.302 12.03 25.790 3 211.1 0.744 1.201 6.14 21.758 4 211.5 0.700 1.239 11.14 25.206 5 227.6 0.740 1.272 7.51 23.909 6 214.8 0.764 1.186 5.37 20.588 7 228.1 0.701 1.233 10.49 22.151 8 227.5 0.831 1.311 6.19 21.561 9 212.6 0.652 1.171 3.34 17.878 -
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