Dynamic Response of Pipeline Subjected to Cylindrical SH Wave
摘要: 在地下空间开发建设过程中,钻爆法开挖诱发的爆破地震波对地下管道安全至关重要。当爆源距离管道较近时,波阵面的曲率会对管道的爆破动力响应特性产生显著影响。采用波函数展开法研究了柱面SH波爆破作用下管道的动应力集中问题,首先讨论了混凝土管道和PVC管道的动应力集中系数分布规律,进而探讨了一般情况下波源到管道轴线距离、入射波频率以及管道与土层剪切模量比η对管道内壁动应力集中系数的影响。结果表明:相较于PVC管道,混凝土管道内壁的动应力集中系数分布形状对柱面SH波频率较敏感;η是影响管道动应力集中系数的重要指标,当入射波频率一定时,随着η的增大,管道最大动应力集中系数也逐渐增大;η一定时,随着入射波频率增大,管道最大动应力集中系数逐渐减小;波源到管道轴线距离会因波阵面曲率对管道破坏位置产生影响,而其对最大动应力集中系数的影响较小。
- 柱面SH波 /
- 管道 /
- 频率 /
- 动应力集中系数 /
- 管道与土层剪切模量比
Abstract: In the process of underground space development and construction, the blasting seismic wave induced by drilling and blasting is very important to the safety of underground pipeline. When the explosion is close to the pipe, the curvature of the wave front will have a significant impact on the blasting dynamic response of the pipe. In this paper, the wave function expansion method was used to study the dynamic stress concentration of pipelines under the blasting effect of cylindrical SH wave. The distribution law of the dynamic stress concentration factor (DSCF) of concrete pipe and PVC pipe was discussed. Then the effects of the distance from the wave source to the pipe axis r0, the incident frequency of cylindrical SH waves, and the shear modulus ratio η of the pipe and soil layer on the DSCF of the pipe inner wall were also discussed. The results show that the distribution shape of DSCF of the inner wall of the concrete pipe is more sensitive to the frequency of cylindrical SH wave than that of PVC pipe. η is an important index affecting the concentration of dynamic stress in the pipeline. When the incident wave frequency is constant, the maximum DSCF of the pipeline increases with the increase of η. When η is constant, the maximum DSCF decreases with the increase of incident frequency. The distance from the wave source to the pipe axis influences the failure position of the pipeline due to the curvature of the wave front, but it has little effect on the maximum DSCF value. -
表 1 计算工况
Table 1. Calculation condition
f/Hz r0/m Parameters of soil Parameters of concrete pipe Parameters of PVC pipe ρs/(kg·m−3) μs/MPa ρp/(kg·m−3) μp/GPa ap/mm bp/mm ρpvc/(kg·m−3) μpvc/GPa apvc/mm bpvc/mm 10, 50, 100, 200 2, 5, 10 1 200 17 2 300 12.5 500 585 1 500 0.96 15.5 16.0 -
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