Numerical Investigation on Effect of Interface Modelling of Rock-Rubble Shielding Overlays on the Anti-Penetration Capability
摘要: 基于三维细观建模方法和Kong-Fang混凝土材料模型,开展了某弹体侵彻块石混凝土遮弹层的数值模拟研究。采用块石与基体混凝土共节点建模和面面接触建模两种方式,探讨了界面对弹体过载、侵彻深度以及混凝土与块石损伤破坏的影响。数值模拟结果表明:块石与混凝土共节点建模方式强化了块石与混凝土间的界面效应,高估了靶体的整体性,而面面接触建模方式弱化了界面效应,故采用共节点建模方式时,弹体过载(加速度)偏大,侵彻深度偏小;采用共节点建模方式时,损伤区域沿C100混凝土和块石交界面发展,损伤区域连续,而采用面面接触建模方式时,损伤区域在弹道近区连续,近区与远区损伤不连续。基于数值模拟结果,进一步对块石混凝土遮弹层的工程设计计算提出了实用性建议。Abstract: Based on the Kong-Fang concrete material model proposed recently and the three-dimensional mesoscopic model, the penetration of a typical warhead into rock-rubble overlays was numerically simulated. The influence of interface modelling of rock-rubble overlays on the projectile overload (or acceleration), penetration depth and failure in concrete and rock was discussed by considering two well-known methods, i.e., the conode method and surface-to-surface contact method. Numerical results demonstrated that the interface between concrete and rock is overestimated when using the conode method, leading to a larger projectile acceleration and a smaller penetration depth. While the surface-to-surface contact method underestimates the interface effect, resulting in a smaller projectile acceleration and a larger penetration depth. Furthermore, the damage evolutions are different: it is continuous and develops along the interface of concrete and rock using the conode method, while it is only continuous in the area near the projectile and becomes discontinuous beyond this area. Finally, based on the numerical simulations, the practical suggestions for engineering design of rock-rubble overlays are given.
Key words:
- 3D mesoscale model /
- rock-rubble overlays /
- penetration /
- interface effect
表 1 C100混凝土模型参数
Table 1. Model parameters of C100 concrete
a1 a2 εfrac d1 d2 d3 α 0.587 6 0.025/fc 0.01 0.04 1.5 0.000 1 1.0 表 2 HJC材料模型参数
Table 2. HJC material model parameters
Basic mechanical parameters Damage parameters Strain-rate parameter ρ/(kg·m−3) fc/MPa G/GPa T/MPa D1 D2 εmin C 2 600 120 28.7 8 0.04 1 0.01 0.007 Strength surface parameters Pressure parameters A B N Smax pcrush/MPa μcrush K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa 0.3 2.5 0.007 7 40 0.002 16 12 25 42 表 3 计算工况
Table 3. Calculation cases
Cases Projectile property Contact mode Number 1 Rigid Conede R-1 2 Surface-to-surface R-2 3 Deformation Conede D-1 4 Surface-to-surface D-2 -
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