Similar Analysis of PELE Penetrating Metal Target Fragmentation Effect
摘要: 为了研究横向效应增强型侵彻体(penetrator with enhanced lateral effects, PELE)侵彻金属靶板破碎效应的相似规律,选取PELE的壳体破碎长度和靶后破片散布半径作为衡量PELE破碎效应的两个物理参量,基于量纲理论对PELE破碎效应问题进行相似分析,应用AUTODYN软件开展了4组相似模型数值模拟,并进行了两组相似模型验证试验。研究结果表明:通过相似理论分析,确定了PELE破碎效应满足严格的几何相似律。在800~2000 m/s撞击速度范围内,归一化处理的壳体破碎长度和靶后破片散布半径数值模拟结果及试验结果与几何尺寸无关,仅随撞击速度的提升呈线性增长,从而证明了PELE侵彻金属靶的破碎效应满足几何相似律。
- 横向效应增强型侵彻体 /
- 侵彻 /
- 破碎效应 /
- 量纲分析 /
- 相似律
Abstract: To study similar law of the fragmentation effect of penetrator with enhanced lateral effects (PELE) penetrating a metal target plate, breaking length of the PELE jacket and scattering radius of the fragments behind target are selected as two physical parameters to measure the fragmentation effect of PELE. A similar analysis on the fragmentation effect of PELE was conducted based on dimensional theory. Four groups of scaling model simulations were carried out using AUTODYN software, and two groups of scaling model verification tests were done. It is determined that the fragmentation effect of PELE satisfies geometric similar law through the similar theory analysis, and in the range of 800–2000 m/s impact velocity, the normalized breaking length of jacket and dispersion radius of fragments both increase linearly with the impact velocity in the simulation and test results, which proves that the fragmentation effect of PELE penetrating the metal target satisfies the geometric similarity law. -
表 1 PELE和靶板材料模型参数
Table 1. Material model parameters of PELE and metal target
Component ρ/(g·cm−3) Grüneisen coefficient C1/(km·s−1) S1 Shear modulus/GPa Yield
stress/GPaPlastic strain Jacket (D-180 K) 18.000 0 4.03 1.237 139.0 1.50 Filling (A-G3) 2.650 1.97 5.24 1.400 27.5 0.30 Steel target
(XC 48)7.823 0 4.57 1.490 77.0 0.80 1.2 Aluminum target (A-U4G) 2.800 2.0 5.20 1.360 26.7 0.40 1.2 Component Principal tensile
failure stress/GPaPrincipal tensile
failure strainCrack softening Fracture energy/(J·m−2) Stochastic failure Stochastic variance Erosion strain Jacket (D-180 K) 2.8 0.035 Yes 45 Yes 36.65 0.6 Filling (A-G3) 0.5 No No 0.8 Steel target
(XC 48)No No Aluminum target (A-U4G) No No 表 2 不同比例模型的几何参数
Table 2. Geometric parameters of different scale model
λ d1/mm d2/mm L/mm l/mm D/mm H/mm s/mm v/(m·s−1) 1 5 3 25 22.5 10 1.5 0.125 800–2000 2 10 6 50 45.0 20 3.0 0.250 3 15 9 75 67.5 30 4.5 0.500 4 20 12 100 90.0 40 6.0 0.750 表 3 PELE弹丸和靶板的几何尺寸
Table 3. Geometric dimension of PELE projectile and target plate
λ d1/mm d2/mm L/mm l/mm H/mm v/(m·s−1) 1 10 7 25 22.5 3 800–1600 2 20 14 50 90.0 6 -
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