
常利军 黄星源 袁圣林 蔡志华

常利军, 黄星源, 袁圣林, 蔡志华. 压缩载荷下UHMWPE纤维复合材料层合板的力学性能与失效分析[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(1): 014102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220633
引用本文: 常利军, 黄星源, 袁圣林, 蔡志华. 压缩载荷下UHMWPE纤维复合材料层合板的力学性能与失效分析[J]. 高压物理学报, 2023, 37(1): 014102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220633
CHANG Lijun, HUANG Xingyuan, YUAN Shenglin, CAI Zhihua. Mechanical Properties and Failure Analysis of UHMWPE Fiber Composite Laminates under Compressive Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(1): 014102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220633
Citation: CHANG Lijun, HUANG Xingyuan, YUAN Shenglin, CAI Zhihua. Mechanical Properties and Failure Analysis of UHMWPE Fiber Composite Laminates under Compressive Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2023, 37(1): 014102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220633


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220633
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11972158);军委科技委基础加强计划技术领域基金(2019-JCJQ-JJ-150,2020-JCJQ-JJ-356);湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX20221044)




  • 中图分类号: O347.1; TB332

Mechanical Properties and Failure Analysis of UHMWPE Fiber Composite Laminates under Compressive Loading

  • 摘要: 为获得超高分子量聚乙烯(ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene,UHMWPE)纤维复合材料层合板在静、动态压缩载荷下的力学性能与失效模式,采用万能材料试验机和分离式霍普金森压杆对材料进行面外方向的压缩实验,获得了不同应变率下材料的应力-应变关系。通过扫描电子显微镜观察材料微观失效形貌,分析了材料的失效模式。结果表明,UHMWPE纤维复合材料层合板在应变率较低(6.7×10−3~6.7×10−2 s−1)且相差较小时,无应变率效应;在高应变率(2.05×103~5.27×103 s−1)下,材料具有明显的应变率效应。压缩强度随应变率的增加而增大,动态增强因子逐渐增大,具有明显的应变率强化效应。静态压缩载荷下,材料的主要破坏模式为纤维的拉伸、断裂;动态压缩载荷下,材料的主要破坏模式为纵向位错分层。


  • 图  样品的加工过程:(a) 样本结构,(b) 切割样品,(c) 加工后的样品, (d) 实验样品

    Figure  1.  Sample processing: (a) sample structure, (b) cutting sample, (c) post-processing samples, (d) experimental samples

    图  实验装置:(a) 静态压缩实验装置,(b) SHPB实验装置

    Figure  2.  Experimental setup: (a) static compression experimental device, (b) SHPB experimental device

    图  扫描电子显微镜(SU3500)

    Figure  3.  Scanning electron microscope (SU3500)

    图  准静态实验结果

    Figure  4.  Quasi-static experimental results

    图  静态压缩下样品的变形

    Figure  5.  Deformation of samples under static compression

    图  动态实验结果: (a) 0.25 MPa,(b) 0.45 MPa,(c) 0.65 MPa,(d)真实应力-应变曲线,(e) 动态压缩下样品的变形

    Figure  6.  Dynamic experimental results: (a) 0.25 MPa, (b) 0.45 MPa, (c) 0.65 MPa, (d) true stress-strain curves, (e) deformation of sample under dynamic compression

    图  不同应变率下的压缩强度和峰值应变:(a) 压缩强度,(b) 峰值应变

    Figure  7.  Compressive strength and peak strain at different strain rates: (a) compressive strength, (b) peak strain

    图  静态加载后UHMWPE纤维复合材料层合板样品的微观形貌

    Figure  8.  Microstructure of UHMWPE fiber composite laminate samples after static loading

    图  动态加载后UHMWPE纤维复合材料层合板样品的微观形貌

    Figure  9.  Microstructure of UHMWPE fiber composite laminate samples after dynamic loading

    表  1  动态压缩实验结果

    Table  1.   Dynamic compression experimental results

    Static compressive
    Loading air
    Strain rate/s−1Dynamic compressive
    DIFDynamic peak
    Note: (1) Static compressive strength is the maximum stress at a loading speed of 2 mm/min;
    (2) Dynamic compressive strength is the peak stress achieved by the sample under dynamic compressive loading;
    (3) DIF is the dynamic compressive strength divided by the static compressive strength;
    (4) Dynamic peak strain is the strain value corresponding to the dynamic compressive strength.
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