Effect of Constraints on the Penetration Resistance of Ceramic/Steel Composite Target Plate
摘要: 为探究施加约束对陶瓷破碎位移规律和陶瓷复合装甲抗侵彻性能的影响,采用光滑粒子流体动力学-有限元法(SPH-FEM)对柱状弹侵彻陶瓷/钢复合靶板进行了数值模拟,根据陶瓷复合装甲的破坏响应特性和弹体运动、受力变化,对侵彻过程进行了阶段划分,并在此基础上分析了自约束、侧向约束、面板约束3种约束方式对陶瓷破碎位移的影响,并对靶板防护性能进行了改进。结果表明:通过施加约束限制陶瓷锥的位移是充分发挥陶瓷复合装甲防护能力的关键,施加3种约束方式均能够减小破碎陶瓷的横向位移或纵向位移,从而在一定范围内有效提升陶瓷复合靶板的抗侵彻能力。Abstract: In order to explore the effect of constraints on the displacement law of broken ceramics and the penetration resistance of ceramic composite armor, the SPH-FEM (smoothed particle hydrodynamics-finite element method) coupling method was used to simulate the penetration of cylindrical bullets into ceramic/steel composite target plates. According to the failure response characteristics of the ceramic composite armor, the movement of the bullet and the change of the force on the bullet, the penetration process was divided into stages. Based on this, the influence of self-restraint, circumferential restraint and panel restraint on the displacement law of broken ceramics was analyzed. The influence of different constraint forms on the improvement of target protection performance was also studied. In addition, the results show that limiting the displacement of ceramic cone by imposing constraints is the key to give full play to the protective ability of ceramic composite armor. The application of the three restraint forms can reduce the lateral or longitudinal displacement of the broken ceramics, thus the penetration resistance of the ceramic composite target can be improved in a certain range.
Key words:
- ceramic lightweight composite armor /
- breaking process /
- restraint /
- cylindrical bullet
Material ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa ν σ0/MPa Et/MPa C/s−1 P 45 steel 7850 210 0.3 335 525 40.4 5 Q235 steel 7800 210 0.3 235 250 40.4 5 表 2 T12A钢、6061铝合金和304钢的相关材料参数
Table 2. Mechanical parameters of T12A steel,6061 Al alloy and 304 steel
Material ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) A/MPa B/MPa m n C1 T12A steel 7830 77.0 477 1300 510 0.94 0.26 0.014 6061 Al alloy 2700 27.6 885 290 125 1.00 0.34 0.100 304 steel 7900 77.0 423 340 730 1.03 0.35 0.014 Material ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa T/GPa A1 B1 C1 M N $S{_{\rm{F} }^{\rm{max} } }$/GPa SiC 3163 183 0.37 0.96 0.35 0 1.00 0.65 0.8 Al2O3 3700 90 0.20 0.93 0.31 0 0.60 0.60 1.3 Material σHEL/GPa pHEL/GPa THEL/GPa K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa D1 D2 SiC 14.567 5.90 13.0 204.785 0 0 0.480 0.48 Al2O3 2.790 1.46 2.0 130.950 0 0 0.005 1.00 表 4 实验与数值模拟结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of numerical simulation and test results
No. v0/(m·s−1) vr K/σ Test/(m·s−1) SPH-FEM/(m·s−1) Error/% Test/(J·m2·kg−1) SPH-FEM/(J·m2·kg−1) Error/% 1 995.1 483.5 445 −8.0 119.8 125.5 4.7 2 986.3 468.6 417 −8.9 119.3 125.2 4.9 3 962.5 455.0 448 −1.5 113.9 115.0 8.7 No. v0/(m·s−1) Condition Structure form DOP Test/mm SPH-FEM/mm Error/% 4 758 Blank 70 mm Al alloy 26.92 26.11 −3.0 5 764 Unconfined 10 mm Al2O3 ceramics+30 mm Al alloy 8.37 8.54 1.6 6 756 Laterally confined 10 mm Al2O3 ceramics+30 mm Al alloy 6.83 6.51 −5.4 -
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