Mechanisms of Detonation Initiation under the Effect of Perturbation
摘要: 为详细研究扰动作用下爆轰触发机理,在内径为90 mm的圆管内用阻塞比为0.923的孔板使稳定爆轰完全失效,然后在孔板下游0.5 m处安装一个由直径为2 mm的圆柱杆构成的小型障碍物,用以研究人为添加的小扰动对不稳定爆轰触发的影响。通过改变小型圆柱杆的数量(1、2、3),得到了3种不同类型的小扰动,其阻塞比分别为0.03、0.04和0.07。采用PCB压力传感器记录爆轰波的到达时间,以获得爆轰平均传播速度,同时采用烟熏板技术记录爆轰胞格结构。实验结果表明:小扰动可显著促进爆轰起爆,爆轰触发临界压力从光滑管道内的37 kPa降低到25 kPa;小扰动还增强了波阵面的不稳定性,诱导形成局部爆炸点,这是导致爆轰触发的重要原因;在极限条件下,爆轰触发条件可近似量化为DH/λ>1(DH为水力直径,λ为爆轰胞格尺寸)。采用忽略黏性的二维欧拉方程作为控制方程,两步诱导反应速率模型描述化学反应过程,模拟研究了扰动波长和振幅对爆轰触发的影响。数值模拟结果表明,低振幅、高频率的扰动可诱导产生更多的横波增强波阵面的不稳定性,有助于爆轰触发。Abstract: This paper aims to experimentally and numerically investigate the effect of perturbation on the detonation initiation. In a round tube with 90 mm inner diameter, a stable detonation is firstly failed by an orifice plate with the blockage ratio of 0.923, and then the small-scale perturbation created by a cylindrical obstacle with a 2 mm diameter is introduced to a position 0.5 m downstream of the orifice plate to study the role of the perturbation on detonation re-initiation. Three different obstacles with blockage ratio of 0.03, 0.04 and 0.07 can be obtained by changing the number of the cylindrical obstacles equal to 1, 2 and 3. PCB gauges are used to record the time-of-arrival of the detonation, from which the detonation speed can be calculated. The smoked foil technique is used to record the cellular structures. The experimental results indicate that the small-scale perturbation can significantly facilitate the detonation initiation, and the critical pressure can be decreased from 37 kPa to 25 kPa in the smooth tube. By analyzing the cellular structures, it can be found that the perturbation can enhance the cellular instability inducing the local explosion centers, which is the main reason causing the detonation initiation. Near the limit, the detonation initiation mechanism can be approximately quantified as DH/λ>1, where DH is hydraulic diameter and λ represents the cell size. In the simulation, the reactive Euler equations are used as the governing equations and two-step induction-reaction rate law is considered. The numerical results indicate that the disturbance with lower wavelength and amplitude can induce more transverse waves and enhance the cellular instabilities, facilitating the detonation initiation.
Key words:
- perturbation /
- detonation initiation /
- instability /
- amplitude /
- wavelength
表 1 爆轰触发实验结果
Table 1. Experimental result of detonation initiation
Number of cylindrical obstacles Critical pressure/kPa Cell size/mm DH/mm DH/λ 0 37 4.42 90.00 20.36 1 28 4.90 53.42 13.70 2 28 4.90 46.83 9.56 3 25 5.20 33.81 6.50 -
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