A Numerical Study on the Effect of Ignition Pattern on Wavelet Features in Rotating Detonation Waves
doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220593
摘要: 采用欧拉方程和两步诱导反应模型,详细研究了点火源参数对旋转爆轰波特征的影响规律,详细考虑了点火源尺寸、数量和间距的影响。利用提前计算得到的C-J爆轰波作为点火源,改变C-J爆轰波的大小便可得到不同尺寸的点火源。数值模拟结果表明:旋转爆轰波特征与点火源参数密切相关;仅可观察到双波和三波模式;旋转爆轰波数量与点火源尺寸之间呈现非线性关系。对于一个点火源,在相同的点火源宽度下,双波模式出现的概率超过80%,而三波模式的出现是一个随机现象。旋转爆轰波的形成机理可总结如下:第一个旋转爆轰波来源于入射C-J爆轰波的直接起爆,后续的旋转爆轰波则起源于压缩波与可燃气体射流之间的相互作用。旋转爆轰波特征与点火源数量及间距密切相关,它们之间的关系也都呈现非线性。Abstract: In this study, the effect of ignition pattern on the wavelet features of rotating detonation waves (RDWs) is numerically investigated with Euler equations and two-step induction-reaction model. The influences of the size, the number and the spacing of the ignition zone were considered. The theoretical Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) detonation wave was used as the ignition zone, and different ignition patterns were obtained by changing the size of the C-J detonation wave. The numerical results indicate that the wavelet features of rotating detonation waves closely depend on the ignition zone size. Only the two-wave and the three-wave modes are observed for the single ignition zone with various sizes, and the relation between the quantity of RDWs and the ignition size is non-linear. For the single ignition zone with the same width, the occurrence probability of the two-wave mode is approximately greater than 80%, while the three-wave mode is a completely random phenomenon. The formation mechanisms of the multiple-wave modes can be summarized as follows: (1) the first RDW is directly produced from the initial C-J detonation wave near the top of the combustor; (2) the subsequent RDW is induced by the interaction between the compressed wave produced by the initial C-J detonation and the jet flow from the micro-nozzles. The quantity of RDWs increases with the quantity or the spacing of ignition zone, but their relations are both non-linear.
Key words:
- ignition patterns /
- rotating detonation waves /
- wavelet features /
- compressed wave /
- jet flow
Figure 1. Rayleigh lines and Hugoniot curve in p-V diagram[1]
Table 1. Stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture parameters and corresponding ZND C-J detonation properties
Q TS EI ER KI KR $ \gamma $ 25.3100 5.7353 6.5200 TS 1.0000 TS 1.0538 3.7400 1.3200 -
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