Construction Stability of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Shield Tunnel Crossing High-Speed Railway in Composite Stratum
摘要: 为保证矩形顶管盾构隧道下穿高铁近接施工的稳定性,以某火车站东侧地下通道工程为例,采用ABAQUS有限元分析软件建立了复合地层下穿高铁矩形顶管盾构隧道近接施工的精细化计算模型,分析了硬岩比、埋深因子和管节因子对复合地层顶管盾构隧道近接下穿施工时地表位移、轨道变形、管节收敛和安全系数的影响。结果表明:随着复合地层硬岩比的增加、埋深因子的减小和管节因子的增加,矩形顶管盾构隧道施工时的地层位移极值、地表沉降、上覆高铁轨道变形和管节收敛逐渐减小,管节安全系数逐渐增加,复合地层矩形顶管盾构隧道的施工稳定性提升。研究结果可为类似工程施工提供参考。Abstract: To ensure the construction stability of rectangular pipe jacking shield tunnel, taking the underground passage project on the east side of a railway station as the case study, the refined model of rectangular pipe jacking shield tunnel under high-speed railway in composite stratum was established using the finite element software ABAQUS. The effects of hard rock ratio, buried depth and pipe joint factors on surface displacement, track deformation, pipe joint convergence and safety factor were analyzed. The results show that with the increase of hard rock ratio in composite stratum, the decrease of buried depth factor and the increase of pipe joint factor, the extreme value of stratum displacement, surface settlement, the overlying high-speed rail track deformation and pipe joint convergence gradually decrease, the safety factor of pipe joint gradually increases, and the construction stability of rectangular pipe jacking shield in composite stratum becomes better and better. The research conclusion can provide reference for similar projects.
表 1 计算工况
Table 1. Calculation cases
Influence factor Value of influence factor Impact factor Value of impact factor Burial depth C0=4.2 m ζC= C/C0 1.00,1.50,2.00 Hard rock ratio h0=7.65 m n= h/h0 0,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00 Length of pipe joint d0=1.8 m ζd= d/d0 1.00,2.00,3.00 表 2 计算参数
Table 2. Calculation parameters
Structure Density/(kg·m−3) Elastic modulus/MPa Poisson’s ratio Internal friction angle/(°) Cohesion/MPa Soft rock 1860 210 0.37 18 0.0005 Hard rock 2500 6000 0.25 45 1 Track 7800 2.06×105 0.23 Ballast 2500 130 0.35 Segment 2500 3.45×104 0.25 Sleeper 2450 3.15×104 0.20 Foundation 2300 2.80×104 0.33 -
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