Inhibition Characteristics of Typical Solid Explosion Suppressors on Acetylene-Air Explosion
摘要: 为了揭示固体抑爆剂对乙炔-空气预混气体爆炸的抑爆效果,采用20 L球形爆炸测试系统,研究了典型固体抑爆剂SiO2、Al(OH)3和NaHCO3对乙炔-空气预混气体爆炸特性的影响。结果表明:低粉体浓度(300 g/m3以下)的SiO2对乙炔-空气的爆炸威力具有促进作用,而高粉体浓度的SiO2则具有显著的抑制作用;SiO2、Al(OH)3和NaHCO3 3种固体抑爆剂对乙炔-空气的抑爆效果依次增强;SiO2和Al(OH)3分别通过颗粒自身和分解吸热(生成Al2O3和H2O)来降低乙炔-空气的爆炸威力,而NaHCO3分解会产生Na2CO3、H2O和CO2,兼具气、固、液三相的抑爆特点,因而对乙炔-空气预混气体的抑爆效果最好。Abstract: In order to reveal the inhibition effect of solid explosion suppressors on acetylene-air premixed gas explosion, a 20 L spherical explosion test system was used to study the impact of typical solid explosion suppressors of SiO2, Al(OH)3 and NaHCO3 on the explosion characteristics of premixed acetylene-air gas. The results showed that the low-concentration SiO2 (less than 300 g/m3) can promote the explosion intensity of acetylene-air, while the high-concentration SiO2 has a significant explosion inhibition effect. The explosion inhibition effect of SiO2, Al(OH)3 and NaHCO3 on acetylene-air explosion increases in turn. The explosion inhibition effects of SiO2 and Al(OH)3 are dependent on the heat absorption and decomposition of particles (generating Al2O3 and H2O). By contrast, the explosion inhibition effect of NaHCO3 is dependent on the gas-solid-liquid three-phase suppression characteristics as the decomposition of NaHCO3 produced Na2CO3, H2O and CO2. Therefore, the NaHCO3 possessed the optimal effect of explosion inhibition.
Key words:
- explosion suppressor /
- acetylene /
- gas explosion /
- explosion pressure /
- pressure rise rate
表 1 影响爆炸压力的主要反应
Table 1. Main reactions affecting explosion pressure
No. Reaction No. Reaction R1 H+O2↔O+OH R158 C2H2+O↔HCCO+H R39 HCO+M↔CO+H+M R161 C2H2+OH↔C2H+H2O R41 HCO+O2↔CO+HO2 R166 C2H2+C2H↔C4H2+H R141 C2H+O2↔HCO+CO R194 C2H3+O2↔CH2CHO+O R155 C2H3(+M) ↔C2H2+H(+M) R195 C2H3+O2↔HCO+CH2O -
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