
高娟 刘其军 蒋城露 樊代和 张淼 刘福生 唐斌

高娟, 刘其军, 蒋城露, 樊代和, 张淼, 刘福生, 唐斌. 7大晶系的力学稳定性判据及其应用:以SiO2为例[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220575
引用本文: 高娟, 刘其军, 蒋城露, 樊代和, 张淼, 刘福生, 唐斌. 7大晶系的力学稳定性判据及其应用:以SiO2为例[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220575
GAO Juan, LIU Qijun, JIANG Chenglu, FAN Daihe, ZHANG Miao, LIU Fusheng, TANG Bin. Criteria of Mechanical Stability of Seven Crystal Systems and Its Application: Taking Silica as an Example[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220575
Citation: GAO Juan, LIU Qijun, JIANG Chenglu, FAN Daihe, ZHANG Miao, LIU Fusheng, TANG Bin. Criteria of Mechanical Stability of Seven Crystal Systems and Its Application: Taking Silica as an Example[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220575


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220575
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12147208);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2682020ZT102)

    高 娟(1995-),女,博士研究生,主要从事材料高压结构与物性研究.E-mail:gao.juan.xnjd@my.swjtu.edu.cn


    刘其军(1985-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事计算材料科学、亚稳材料、相变动力学、冲击波与爆轰物理研究. E-mail:qijunliu@home.swjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2; O469

Criteria of Mechanical Stability of Seven Crystal Systems and Its Application: Taking Silica as an Example

  • 摘要: 根据二次型的正定性,在Mouhat和Coudert推导的力学稳定性判据的基础上补充了单斜和三斜晶系的力学稳定性判据,给出了7大晶系的力学稳定性判据。基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,计算了属于不同晶系的9种SiO2在0 GPa下的弹性常数。结合力学稳定性判据,对立方P213、六角P63/mmc、三角P3121和$R{\bar {3}}$、四方P41212和$I{\bar 4}$、正交Pbcn、单斜P21/c以及三斜$P\bar 1$晶系的SiO2进行了稳定性判定,结果显示这9种SiO2在0 GPa下都是力学稳定的。


  • 图  9种SiO2的晶体结构(红色为氧原子,蓝色为硅原子)

    Figure  1.  Nine kinds of SiO2 crystal structures (The oxygen atom is red and the silicon atom is blue.)

    表  1  7大晶系的点群个数及符号、空间群个数及编号以及独立弹性常数的个数

    Table  1.   Quantites and symbols of point groups and space groups, and the quantities of independent elastic constants for the seven crystal systems

    Crystal systemPoint groups quantity and symbolSpace groups quantity and symbol$n{_{C{_{ij} } }}$
    Triclinic2 (1,$\bar 1$)2 (1–2)21
    Monoclinic3 (2, m, 2/m)13 (3–15)13
    Orthorhombic3 (222, mm2, mmm)59 (16–74)9
    Tetragonal (Ⅱ)3 (4, $\bar 4$, 4/m)14 (75–88)7
    Tetragonal (Ⅰ)4 (422, 4mm, $\bar 42m$, 4/mmm)54 (89–142)6
    Trigonal (Ⅱ)2 (3, $\bar 3$)6 (143–148)7
    Trigonal (Ⅰ)3 (32, 3m, $\bar 3m$)19 (149–167)6
    Hexagonal7 (6, $\bar 6$, 6/m, 622, 6mm, $\bar 6m2$, 6/mmm)27 (168–194)5
    Cubic5 (23, $m\bar 3$, 432, $\bar 43m$, $m\bar 3m$)36 (195–230)3
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    表  2  计算得到的9种SiO2的弹性常数

    Table  2.   Calculated elastic constants of nine kinds of SiO2 GPa 

    Space group${C{_{11} } }$${C{_{12} } }$${C{_{13} } }$${C{_{14} } }$${C{_{15} } }$${C{_{16} } }$${C{_{22} } }$${C{_{23} } }$${C{_{24} } }$${C{_{25} } }$${C{_{26} } }$
    P213119.564.564.5000 119.564.5000
    P312199.815.324.7−9.50099.8 24.669.500
    $R\overline 3 $404.1198.4104.7−27.9−13.20404.1104.7 27.913.20
    $I\overline 4 $59.851.28.1008.259.8 8.100−8.2
    Pbcn525.9156.6151.3000559.7159.5 000
    P21/c117.930.431.304.5088.0 −0.8501.80
    $P\bar 1$
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    Space group ${C{_{33} } }$${C{_{34} } }$${C{_{35} } }$${C{_{36} } }$${C{_{44} } }$${C{_{45} } }$${C{_{46} } }$${C{_{55} } }$${C{_{56} } }$${C{_{66} } }$
    P63/mmc 148.400033.40033.4017.3
    P3121122.800067.40067.4 −9.542.3
    $R\overline 3 $348.300029.80 13.229.8−27.9 102.9
    P41212 55.300075.40075.4022.2
    $I\overline 4 $ 59.000032.70032.7032.0
    Pbcn623.7000194.7 00219.6 0237.8
    P21/c 75.90 −8.7023.00 6.137.3071.8
    $P\bar 1 $
    14.7 −3.9 4.4 2.815.1 −0.8 4.212.0 −4.745.0
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