
肖游 智小琦 王琦 于永利 范兴华

肖游, 智小琦, 王琦, 于永利, 范兴华. 火焰特征量对快速烤燃的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 055201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220557
引用本文: 肖游, 智小琦, 王琦, 于永利, 范兴华. 火焰特征量对快速烤燃的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 055201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220557
XIAO You, ZHI Xiaoqi, WANG Qi, YU Yongli, FAN Xinghua. Influence of Flame Characteristics on Fast Cook-off[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 055201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220557
Citation: XIAO You, ZHI Xiaoqi, WANG Qi, YU Yongli, FAN Xinghua. Influence of Flame Characteristics on Fast Cook-off[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 055201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220557


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220557

    肖 游(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事战斗部毁伤技术研究. E-mail:1466407414@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: TJ55

Influence of Flame Characteristics on Fast Cook-off

  • 摘要: 为研究快速烤燃下池火中火焰特征量对烤燃弹的影响,建立了池火的快速烤燃模型,得到了烤燃弹的传热特性,分析了烤燃过程中烤燃弹放置高度和油池尺寸对火焰特征量的影响。结果表明:随着烤燃弹放置高度的增加,烤燃弹表面最高温度区域由上表面转移到下表面,辐射热通量峰值由烤燃弹上方转移到烤燃弹下方;随着油池尺寸增加,烤燃弹各表面温度更加均匀,烤燃弹吸收的热通量增加,烤燃弹表面温度升高。因此,快速烤燃试验中烤燃弹的放置高度与油池尺寸均会对火焰特征量造成影响,进而影响烤燃弹的快速烤燃特性。


  • 图  快速烤燃试验现场布置

    Figure  1.  Layout of the fast cook-off test

    图  温度-时间曲线

    Figure  2.  Temperature-time curves

    图  响应后烤燃弹的破片残骸

    Figure  3.  Fragment debris of the cook-off bomb after response

    图  快速烤燃模型

    Figure  4.  Model of the fast cook-off

    图  计算时间与网格尺寸的关系

    Figure  5.  Relation between calculation time and mesh size

    图  计算精度与网格尺寸的关系

    Figure  6.  Relation between accuracy and mesh size

    图  池火快速烤燃模拟场景

    Figure  7.  Simulated scene of the fast cook-off in pool fire

    图  火焰中测点温度随时间变化曲线

    Figure  8.  Temperature-time curves of gauging points in flame

    图  烤燃弹中心截面温度和辐射热通量

    Figure  9.  Temperature and radiation heat flux of the central cross-section of cook-off bomb

    图  10  烤燃弹模型与测点示意图

    Figure  10.  Schematic diagram of the cook-off bomb model and gauging points

    图  11  壳体不同位置的温度随时间变化曲线

    Figure  11.  Temperature-time curves at different positions of shell

    图  12  测点设置示意图

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagram of gauging point setting

    图  13  药柱径向和轴向温度随距几何中心距离的变化曲线

    Figure  13.  Variations of temperature in radial and axial directions with distance to the geometric center of charge

    图  14  烤燃弹放置高度不同时各表面温度变化曲线

    Figure  14.  Variations of each surface temperature with different heights of the cook-off bomb

    图  15  烤燃弹各表面温度随油池面积的变化

    Figure  15.  Variations of surface temperature of the cook-off bomb with the area of oil pool

    表  1  炸药和壳体的物性参数

    Table  1.   Physical parameters of explosives and shell

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    表  2  炸药反应动力学参数

    Table  2.   Reaction kinetic parameters of explosives

    Explosive$ i $Ei /(J·mol−1)Zi /s−1Qi /(J·kg−1)
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    表  3  JP-8燃料的燃烧参数

    Table  3.   Combustion parameters of JP-8 fuel

    $\Delta H/\text{(J}\cdot {\text{kg} }{^{ {-1} }})$$ \alpha $$\dot{Q}/(\text{kW}\cdot{\text{m} }{^{ {-2} }})$ρ/(g·cm−3)
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    表  4  烤燃弹放置高度不同时各表面的温度

    Table  4.   Temperatures of each surfaces at different heights of the cook-off bomb

    Surface1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
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    表  5  烤燃弹放置高度不同时各表面的热通量

    Table  5.   Heat flux of each surface of the cook-off bomb with different heights

    Height/m${\dot q''_{\rm {tot} } }$/(kW·m−2)
    Surface 1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
    Height/m${\dot q''_{\rm {rad} } }$/(kW·m−2)
    Surface 1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
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    表  6  油池尺寸不同时烤燃弹各表面温度

    Table  6.   Each surface temperature of the bomb burned in the oil pool with different sizes

    Oil pool size/
    Area/m2Surface temperature/℃
    Surface 1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
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    表  7  油池尺寸不同时烤燃弹各表面热通量

    Table  7.   Heat flux of each surface of the bomb burned in the oil pool with different sizes

    Oil pool size/
    ${\dot q''_{\rm {tot} } }$/( kW·m−2)
    Surface 1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
    1500×1200 84.0 72.8 78.3 67.9 69.4 69.6
    Oil pool size/
    ${\dot q''_{\rm {rad}} }$/( kW·m−2)
    Surface 1Surface 2Surface 3Surface 4Surface 5Surface 6
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